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Strange Seeing You Here

Posted on Wed Jan 15, 2020 @ 1:33am by Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Wed Jan 15, 2020 @ 2:43pm

1,365 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deep Space 5, Promenade
Timeline: MD 62


Natalie had expected this assignment to start off differently, or at least not to get tossed into the deep end right off the bat. But, now that she was here there was a job to do. Other items had to wait. Finding Jason Haines was a priority. Robert Haines, she thought for a moment sitting behind her new desk. She remembered that name from somewhere.

There was a Haines. Robert Haines who once held a workshop at the Academy. An interesting individual. Fairly intelligent. She frowned at the idea that he was MIA but she also knew what that meant in the Intelligence community. There was a 50/50 percent chance that he was hiding somewhere.

Call it a hunch but if he was still around somewhere there was a good chance that he knew his son was missing, and might even be drawn out of his hiding to come and look for him. At least that's what most parents would do.

It was a long shot, but she instructed the computer to scan for a man resembling Jason and/or Robert Haines and to alert her as soon as there was a match. Not matter how low the probability of a match it was she wanted to be alerted.

She wondered over to the replicator, and ordered a coffee. As she coffee appeared, and she went to take a sip the computer voiced echoed through new office alerting her that it had found a match. She was surprised. A false positive she thought wondering over to a rather large monitor on the wall.

"Computer, display the image on the wall monitor." Natalie instructed.

The dim monitor light up and an image of a man that looked very much like Robert Haines appeared on the screen. Bottom of the screen read 99% match.

She placed the warm cup of coffee on the desk and approached the monitor. "You've got to be kidding's him." She said with a surprised tone. Her hunch might have paid off.

Natalie thought about telling the Commander, but what if she was wrong? She thought about it and decided that she'd instead investigate first. Collect all the facts then present them to the Commander.

She rushed out of her office and into the turbolift. He was seen in the area of the Main Promenade. The ride was a tad longer then what she was use to on a starship, but as the lift came to a stop she jumped out. Following the instructions of the Computer to point her to the location of the man.

Natalie approached a shop. She noticed Mr. Haines standing there speaking with another man. The shop owner she assumed. She kept her distance. Watching until their discussion ended and Robert turned to leave.

She stepped out from around the corner, and approached him. "Excuse me, sir." She said as she stopped in front of him. "I apologies for the intrusion but you look very familiar....did you ever teach at the Academy?" She asked.


Rob had been doing some 'window shopping'. There were a number of items he was considering getting, given that he would be, re-retiring soon and wouldn't have as much access to some tech. Although most of the stores here didn't sell items that would be considered restricted, there were quite a few places that were obviously fronts. He wasn't sure how long he would be here, but until he found the truth about his son, he would need to find all the fronts and all those who had a certain degree of 'moral flexibility'.

Rob turned and looked at the woman speaking to him. He had meant to stop by the woman's office after his shopping trip, but apparently he had gotten onto her radar somehow. It was either luck on her part of someone had been looking out for him. Given his recent work on Xi'Cadia and Jansen's involvement, either were reasonable explanations.

"Indeed I have Lieutenant Cross", Rob said, looking her over. "Let me guess, class of '79 or '80?"

"80." Natalie responded. For a man that was listed as MIA in the official Starfleet records he was out and about moving freely and without a care it seems. He didn't even try to deflect or hide his identity to her. In a way it was as if he wanted to be found.

"It's been a while, sir. Your workshop was definitely one of the more memorable ones at the Academy." Natalie complimented, and then added. "I take it you are here looking for your son."

It was forward. She knew that but there was no point beating around the bush. It has already been number of weeks. Unfortunately stations investigation has gotten nowhere. They needed information and they needed it was. So the pleasantries would have to wait for the time being.

"Remember what is said about assumptions Lieutenant", Rob replied. "I wouldn't necessarily say I am looking for my son, but a bit more information on him. It's been a while since he and I have talked and I've heard some rumors about his breathing capabilities."

"Not necessarily an assumption but rather an educated guess." Natalie replied and frowned. "Unfortunately, his breathing capabilities are a mystery to us as well. The on going investigation into his disappearing has yet to yield any results. But, maybe you can provide some light in this desperate time. What can you tell me about Captain Daniels?" She asked.

Rob didn't say anything at first. That was a name he hadn't heard in some time, but he didn't want to make assumptions.

"Starfleet is a large organization Lieutenant", Rob said. "You will have to be more specific. First name, male, female, other. What ship or command is this Captain Daniels in charge of?"

"Fair enough. Captain Aaron Daniels of USS Marseilles." Natalie stated watching the man for any tells on his face.

There was definite recognition in Rob's eyes along with anger and concern.

"Unless you want problems for this station", Rob said with grim determination, "You leave him to me. He's out of your league. And I'm talking the station blows up sort of problems."

There was no missing his reaction to the name. It was obvious that he had heard of or knew this man. She wondered why Captain Daniels came after Jason Haines. There was nothing obvious in Jason's history that would indicate why. Their service history didn't lapse. Then it hit her, what if he wasn't after Jason but instead after Robert. She didn't say anything on the matter at that moment.

"I appreciate the warning, but you obviously know that it's not that simple. A member of this crew was taken, and from my brief dealing with the CO I highly doubt she is just going to drop it just because you say so." Natalie simply said. She looked around for wondering eyes or anyone listening in before making eye contact with him again.

"Why don't you tell me about Captain Aaron Daniels of the Marseilles?" She was going to find out about him one way or another. She just hoped Rob would tell her so she wouldn't have to cash in some of her favors.

"Lieutenant, right now I am not going to tell you a a damn thing", Rob replied. "If you want to have your CO request my presence so we can talk fine, but I am not going to be the one responsible for getting you, your loved ones, and those around you killed, or worse. Walk away or you are putting this station in extreme danger."

His reaction was very telling. Her "what if" was beginning to look more like the reality of the situation. She wasn't going to push questioning him any further, but do exactly what he suggested. "In that case, if you'll accompany me to the COs ready room." She said stepping aside, a lift behind her coming into view.

Rob smiled briefly and stepped in beside her. He just hoped her CO wasn't as stubborn as her.


Lieutenant Commander (mostly-retired) Robert Haines
Intelligence Officer
(NPC'ed by Ensign Jason Haines)

Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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