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Three as One

Posted on Thu Jan 16, 2020 @ 5:55pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Miral Annhwi

1,403 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: OPS meeting room
Timeline: MD 16, 1130


The pair of ambassadors walking the corridor together was sure to raise a few eyebrows and was definitely going to cause a stir. They could have made the short trip to the diplomatic meeting rooms but there was a purpose for the public display.

Entering the stations command area they were met by an young officer who challenged their presence, summoned the rather anxious yeoman, and then escorted them into the small conference room, where Commander Soran was waiting for them.

She stood as they entered. "Madam Ambassador, Ambassador Charghwl'IH. How can I help?"

He looked to his counterpart, motioning her to a chair, then back to Maritza, having served with her in the past he took the lead. Smiling he waved her to sit, "No need for formalities with me." There was something about Maritza, she seemed...more relaxed than before.

Miral nodded to the commander and sat down, content to let Charghwl'IH take the lead.

Taking a seat himself he got right to it. "To start, we heard about the loss of the Atlantic. We both wanted to formally express our condolences and support not just here but with a public statement as well."

Miral nodded in agreement.

"Thank you. On behalf of the federation, we thank you for your your kind words. And for your offers of support." Whoever is running the Cardassian angle is going to go spare. Good. "It is a most unfortunate incident. Especially at such a sensitive time."

Miral glanced at the Klingon before directing her attention to Maritza. "We wish to offer more than mere platitudes."

"Indeed. Even as we stand together publicly against those who seek to destabilize the area, unless you object, I plan to dispatch several cloaked ships to keep an eye on Xi'cadia and the Cardassians there." When he finished he looked to his fellow Ambassador for her planned contribution.

Well, that was unexpected, Maritza thought. And the Cardassian's would not like it at all. Would it make things worse? or get them to back off. Hard to tell. Maritza loojed to the Romulan to see her reaction.

"I believe the Klingons will have Xi'cadia well-covered. Therefore, the Romulans intend to have a greater scientific presence on Pangaea. We already have an agreement for joint scientific ventures with your science department. With your approval, we would also like a place in the colony, along with the Klingons. It is time we take a visible part not only in research an exploration, but colonization as well. I believe greater diversity will be good for the research colony."

Nodding in agreement. He knew there were scientists in the Empire that would be anxious to work on the curiosities of the planet below, but he would see to that later. "Perhaps the planet below could be jointly developed and colonized? Romulans, Klingons, and the Federation all working together to in a true example of the cooperation between our peoples."

It was amazing how the Cardassians brought people together, Maritza thought. The Romulans had sniffed disdainfully at further cooperation when T'vaurek had left, and the Klingons had said their equivalent of a polite no thank you. But now...

"The original offer for joint development still stands, if you wish to take it up. I'd be happy to make room for you."

"Yes," Miral said. "We definitely want to be a part of the research colony." She glanced at Charghwl'IH. "I will talk to Lieutenant Wells about adding Klingon scientists to the planetary exploration teams."

He nodded appreciatively. "My thanks. However before we get ahead of ourselves we should focus on the Cardassians and thier activities."

Looking to his former shipmate. "What do you need from us?"

That was a very good question. And whilst she trusted Charg with her life, she trusted Anwhi as far as she could shotput a shuttlecraft. What she could ask of the former was very different to what she could ask of the latter.

"Xi'Cadia, more likely the Cardassian's puppeting them, are blocking access to the Atlantic. Anything you can do to help us get what bodies remain, and the wreckage would be very much appreciated."

Miral glanced at Soran before addressing Charg. "I will let you deal with this, unless you would like Romulan assistance."

"I think I manage." Nodding to Miral with a grin. "I will dispatch several birds of prey under cloak to do a little snatch and grab on the area and..." A devilish grin spread over his face as he trailed off.

"I know that look," Maritza warned her former crew mate. "No."

"I just had a thought of having one of the ships weaken their cloak and modify the engines to leave a foreign warp trail."

"i'm not sure that won't make things worse, Charg." Soran shook her head. "I'm trying to prevent a war, not start one."

"Not even if it's Ferengi?"

"No." Tempting as it was after Ambassador quinees little coup in Xicadia a few weeks ago, "That won't help. I just want our people home so their families can mourn."

Miral listened to the two talk, watching both of them carefully so she could learn more about the commander and the Klingon.

Discouraged that he couldn't stir the pot a little bit by lighting a fire under the Ferengi, he grinned. "Oh very well, a snatch-and-grab it is . Aside from remains I assume you want the ships key components...memory cores et cetera? That is if they haven't already been taken."

"We are willing to send out a second ship, if they notice the Klingons, they may not expect a Romulan ship as well," Miral offered.

"Thank you. I sincerely hope it wouldn't be necessary, and our own people can make the needed arrangements, but I fear it may come to one of you doing what is needful." Soran said

"I know that Starfleet won't take any direct action to influence the Xi'cadian government; but has any action been taken to get operatives in place to monitor the Cardassians?"

Soran shook her head at the Romulan's question. "I can't answer that, one way or the other." Even if I knew she added to herself. She certainly hoped so.

Miral inclined her head in acknowledgement.

While his trust in her was without question and was certain of the same from her; his eyes moved to his Romulan counterpart briefly then back to Maritza. Thinking to himself he wondered if her response was just due to mixed company or if there were other factors. Technically they were, officially, on the opposing side things so her response was understandable regardless of the circumstances. "I see. Well if aid is needed on that battlefield I stand ready to assist you their as well.

"As to the ship deployments. Perhaps a three pronged approach. First I can have my forces move in a locate what is to be recovered; whether in be in the debris field or on the service. The Federation can then move in with a ship or ships to the system to demand they be able to recover remains and or other items. If allowed we provide covert cover in case the Xi'Cadia or Cardassians try anything. If denied, it would be natural to assume that the Xi'Cadian will move all or a part of any ships in the area to intercept. If or when this happens my people will beam everything aboard and be on their way out of the system before their ships can even come about."

"I do not believe the Romulan Star Empire would agree to sending in more than a cloaked ship or two. Not yet, anyway. But I do have one smaller vessel at my disposal. I should be able to call on another." Miral wanted to have a solid Romulan presence on the starbase and planet. The best way to get approval was to give assistance. She also had a strong dislike for the Cardassians in the area.

"Thank you." Maritza said again I have a ship en route, and Commander Ryan is in charge of our mission. He'll be able to give you more details on the situation, let you know the what, if any, action needs to be taken."

The Romulan Ambassador nodded. "Then I shall wait to hear from him."


Commander Maritza Soran

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador


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