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Let's Play Operation - Part 1

Posted on Tue Jan 28, 2020 @ 11:35pm by Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Deep Space Five Sickbay
Timeline: MD12 Mid-day?

Although Commander Morgan was operating on Lieutenant Haines, where he had brought him in, Terry thought of the man as his patient as well. He stayed to assist in the operation. Although he had done it before, practice was always good.

River was appreciative of the assistance from such a competent and personable medic as although there were good staff and nurses in the Sickbay here, she had taken a liking to the bright, charming young Marine Sergeant and this was a perfectly reasonable request for him to continue with the care of his patient, since he had begun the treatment at the point of first care.

"I've never dealt with a broken rib that close to organs before", Terry said. "I really wasn't willing to risk it given that I had him stable and being this close to the station."

"You did exactly the right thing Terry" River's voice was lightly muffled by the mask across her nose and mouth but it was made of a light fabric-like compound and her words were still clear if not loud. "Messing with something this dangerously perilous without all this finery" her hand scooped around in the air a little as she indicated the Operating Theatre they were inside. "... would have posed unnecessary extra risk and when this was so close and available, it would not have been appropriate to circumvent the greater options." she explained. "I'm sure you already know that but sometimes it helps to hear someone else confirm it, just to make us completely sure we didn't miss a beat that might have been important in the big picture." She smiled at him but it wasn't really visible to him with the mask in the way, however her eyes wrinkled with the movement so he could at least have got the idea.

"Are you scrubbed up? If so, could you hand me that larger regenerator from the trolley please, this one is great for finer fixes but I need a wider reach......" she held out the hand she had just waved to indicate her meaning over the equipment and without removing her other hand from the LCARS panel on which she was re-setting with great dexterity and summoning up a new scanning angle, she waited for him to retrieve the piece she had requested.

"I am scrubbed doctor", Terry said and grabbed the regenerator. "Regenerator doctor."

He watched closely as to what River was doing. He had done a lot of field work, but any time he could be in an actual operating room with a doctor, he paid extra close attention.

"Thanks" River gave him one of her smiles. Not with any agenda but just her normal wide, warm smile. Her eyes sparkled which was one of the few ways it could be discerned for sure that she was smiling broadly behind the light fabric mask. She took the regenerator and went back to work again.

Terry looked at the Lieutenant's vitals to make sure everything was going ok. All was good. He noticed the smile and chuckled. He watched what she was working on and tried to anticipate what she would need next. Not only did it make sure the operation went smoothly, it helped him learn more about the job.

River was impressed with Terry's work and the way he was such a good student and great back up. "I should have you in Theatre more often doctor, you're pretty good at this. How would working more in the main Sickbay suit you?" she asked as she continued to work on.

"Well, although I am looking to spend more time in sickbay", Terry said. "I am just a combat medic, not a doctor. I've been doing it for a while though. I am looking to take the Warrant Officer exam so I can become a pathologist, but I need more time in an actual sickbay."

"Then you're a gift. I have need of someone in scrubs to help out and I'm more than happy to exchange some teaching for that help if you're up for a deal like that? You're a promising medic and I wouldn't be wasting my efforts, I feel sure." she smiled.

"Works for me", Terry replied.

Looking at the status of the operation, Terry handed River a more 'heavy-duty' dermal regenerator she would need for the bone repair.

"So, how long have you been here, doctor?", he asked with a bit of mirth in his voice when he said doctor.

"Cheeky" River snorted good naturedly. "You could always do your training with Amia you know!" she warned, smirking as she offered him something that she made sound really harsh. She made a silent mental apology to her friend and boss for making her out to be a "bad guy" but it suited the banter and Amia wouldn't really mind much, she was sure.


A JP between :

Lt Cmdr River Morgan


Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Paramedic/Trainee Master Surgeon!!


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