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Xi'Cadian Defensive Operations (part II)

Posted on Wed Nov 20, 2019 @ 3:30am by Civilian Hydel Turvan

250 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Throughout Sector Space
Timeline: Day 14 2200
Tags: Xi'Cadian, FNN, News


The burning hulk of the USS Atlantis spun lifelessly on the screen for several silent moments. Sporadic explosions could be seen in various compartments as the ship continued to turn aimlessly.

[voice-over while the image continues to play]

"I am Eche Fuliar, correspondent for the Federation News Network for Deep Space 5. With breaking news: Initial reports coming in from our external affiliates are reporting the destruction of the USS Atlantis on the out-skirts of Xi'Cadian space. Any hopes that this situation would end with a peaceful resolution have been shattered. We're confirming a loss of all 340 crewmembers on board the vessel." The woman said in a grave and sorrowful voice.

"Reports are still coming in, but our sources tell us that this tragic episode began during a border dispute between the Atlantis and a Xi'Cadian HomeGuard patrol vessel." She said as the screen displayed additional information. "Xi'Cadian officials have not provided a fully briefed response beyond a statement indicating that they are still performing a thorough investigation." The reporter said as she turned back to face the camera.

"As before, many questions still remain following this potentially provoking event: What provoked this armed conflict? Was Cardassian involved in any fashion? But more importantly, how will the Federation respond to the loss of an entire crew to hostile action?" She asked.

"Stay tuned to this feed for more late breaking news. I'm Eche Fuljar, and this is the Federation News Network." She concluded.



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