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A Damsel In Distress, Part 2

Posted on Mon Sep 30, 2019 @ 10:28pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,111 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it.
Timeline: MD11 2115

Previously, in A Damsel In Distress, Part 1

Given the distraction, the smoke and given that the size of the hole in the structure was as big as his fist, which was bigger than a grenade, he shoved a flash bang grenade through the hole. He counted to two before grabbing his meat shield's hand, he slapped it on the palm reader and closed his eyes. The flash bang went off and then Jason opened his eyes and darted in just as his Vulcan shield was vaporized by friendly fire.

A little wobbly, Jason could at least see, even though he could hear crap. He looked around quickly for targets to shoot. If it wasn't shorter than 5'4" and it moved, it would get a heavy dose of stun.

And Now The Continuation

Sovok looked up from where he was putting his armour back on, head cocked as if he'd heard something, "Here we go," he muttered, entering the key to his storage locker where he'd left his weapon.

He had the storage locker open when the phaser buzz and burning smell reached them. A hole the size of Sovok's hand appeared in the cabin door.

Then there was a bang, and a flash illuminated the thin cabin walls. Sovok had just enough time to grab his own phaser when another grenade was shoved in. He saw it and threw himself away from it, shutting his eyes and covering his ears just as the bang went off and filled the room with light

Alanna rolled off the bed to get her knife and combadge, so missed most of the flash. She waited there for a chance to grab the Agonizer from the desk and for her ears to stop ringing. While she waited, she set her combadge to cause a feedback loop when activated, in case Jason needed another distraction. At least until the circuits burned out and turned to slag.

Jason saw Sovok dive and brought his phaser to bear on him. There were so many horrible things he wanted to do to this man before letting him die. So many ways to make this man beg for death, but with at least three other Vulcans heading their way, there was no time, so he simply pulled the trigger on his phaser.

"I'm going to kill you", Jason growled.

The first shot hit the Vulcan squarely on the armour. It was obviously different to the technology of his own reality, as the stun didn't take.

Sovok staggered up, ears ringing, but snapping out a phaser shot that passed Jason wildly, and burnt through the cabin wall just below the roofline, safely over the human man's head. Then he lunged for Alanna, meaning to use her as a shield.

He didn't expect Alanna to have a knife. She stabbed at him, then tapped the combadge, emitting a high-pitched tone. It wasn't as loud as the flash-bang, but it was piercing.

Jason smiled seeing Alanna pulling out a knife. Even so, with the armor, he didn't know just how much damage it would do. He analyzed things, right now his phasers were useless, unless he could get a head shot. That would be hard in the current quarters. He knew he couldn't let him get Alanna in front of him as he knew Sovok would do to her, what he had done to the soldier outside. He had one shot, hit him from behind at the knees.

Dropping his phaser, Jason went in with a jumping kick, trying to time it just right to hit him in a very weak spot on most humanoids.

The knife caught on the armour, and then slipped, managing to stab through a less protected point at the knee. Sovok snarled in anger, went hit her, and then recoiled in shock as the piercing scream of the overloaded commbadge stabbed at his ears.

Jason's kick caught him in the legs, knocking him back hard. The back wall of the cabin shook, and then tore at the phaser damage points, giving way and spilling both men out into the evening.

Sovok came to his feet, eyes wide and furious. He shot at Jason. This time he managed to hit. Not the center mass he'd been aiming for, but clipping across his shoulder. "You can try." he was backing fast towards another cabin, looking for cover.

Alanna ran to the desk and grabbed the Agonizer. With both weapons in hand, she went after Sovok. She couldn't let him kill Jason. She knew the Agonizer was still on the pleasure setting, but it would be enough if she could get to Sovok in time. Her focus was not on killing Sovok, but on keeping him from hurting Jason. She saw her boots and paused just long enough to grab them, too.

Jason rolled and winced in pain as the phaser hit him in the shoulder. There was a sizzling and burning smell. He pushed it out of his mind he had to get and stay close to Sovok. He knew he would have to switch how he fought and not wearing armor made the style he was best at good to use.

When he was young, Jason's father started teaching him karate as it was one of the more straight forward martial arts. For some reason, Jason just couldn't master it. A friend of his dad's started showing him kung-fu and somehow the more intricate and spiritual art spoke to Jason, especially the animal styles, and particularly monkey style. It would help him stay on the move and help minimize the chance Sovok and his guards got a shot off at him.

"Tarik told Soran that you would try to run once the plan was set in motion", Jason called out. "I'm a bit shocked. Of the two of you, you seemed to have the stronger spine. Looks are deceiving I guess. I'll have to thank Tarik for the information after I'm done with you. After all, I wouldn't think you would be scared of an ape like me. I was sweating bullets for a while, but I give it to him, Tarik made a good plan."

With that, Jason rolled just at the right time as a guard's shot whizzed over his head. Jason really hoped the psy-ops would throw Sovok off enough to give him an advantage. After all people in positions of power didn't like challenges to it. Especially from underlings.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Chief Inspector Sovok
The Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by Soran]


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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