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Submission or Subversion (part 5) (15+ Explicit sexual content)

Posted on Tue Sep 24, 2019 @ 5:27pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it
Timeline: MD11 2030


"I was planning on having them thrown through whilst entirely in my control so there were no..." he paused to consider his words. "unpleasant delays that might result in casualties on either side. Your commander maybe naive, but she was a civil host. I've got what I want. I see no reason not to be magnanimous in victory and return her people."


"Then tell them you're going to escort them back to the portal." She wasn't sure she believed him, though. She wouldn't put it past Sovok to kill them and send their bodies through the portal before sealing it. Nor was she going to tell him she doubted Commander Ryan or Lieutenant Tessaro would believe the Vulcans if they said the sun would come up tomorrow. She knew Jason wouldn't believe anything they told him. And then she realized why the security team was fighting. "You killed them, didn't you? The Andorian and his team. That's what you wanted."

He gave her a pitying look. "Of course I killed them. I realise that you were expecting the plucky little guerilla fighters to escape the evil empire, but this is my reality, and when the terrorists run into a dead end, and give the full weight of the law time to prepare for their return, they can and will be eradicated with a precision based strike from an orbital battleship. They never had a chance, and your commander was hopelessly romantic to think they would."

"One should always hope." And now Alanna knew exactly how they had been killed. She gently probed his mood again, her mind running through a number of possible reasons for his anger. "So why so angry about the escort team? Afraid they won't leave without me?"

There was a flash of something territorial in his mood, but also hatred, and even a little grief. "They killed my men in their escape attempt. That actually means something to me. And they will be leaving without you. Since you have no further information of use, I'll have you beamed up to the T'Pau in a moment."

No. Jason wouldn't be able to find her on a ship. Unless she took her boots with her... "Can I at least put my boots on first? And maybe some clothes?" She was pleased that Sovok thought the escort team would rescue her if she stayed here. She wondered if she could get her combadge, too.

She could feel his conflict, torn between naked lust and the need to do his job. He looked at her quite frankly, "And what would you do for such a privilege as leaving this room clothed?"

For clothes, she wouldn't do much. But for the transponder, and a chance that Jason could find her... That was worth debasing herself. But could she? She took a deep breath and stood, walking over to stand in front of Sovok. She put her hands on his shoulders. For England, she thought. No. For Jason. For the hope of a future together. "What do you want me to do? I want my boots, and I would like some sort of covering."

He smiled. "You're offering me what I already possess?"

He wouldn't possess her, not for long, anyway. But she wasn't going to say that. "Basically. But if I get clothes, I won't fight you." This time. "If not, send me and my boots to the ship. There is nothing else I have to give--and you did let me keep my boots."

He ran a hand over her chest, savouring the touch of her skin. "You didn't fight me last time. In fact, you asked me for it."

"Rather than be raped outside, in front of your men, yes." She was tired, stressed, and hungry. She wasn't as careful about her words as she would normally be.

"Details." He dismissed her words with a shrug and tangled his fingers into her hair. Then he used that grip to push her down onto her knees. "You won't enjoy the consequences if I feel teeth."

She looked at him, her eyes widening in shock and repugnance. Did he really mean for her to... There was little doubt. She was on her knees in front of him. She pulled back, unable to do what he wanted.

He sighed. "I guess you dont want this enough." He let go of her hair, shoving her aside to grab her boots. "I'll burn these now too."

"No, wait!" She should have made sure it couldn't fall out of her boot. She had to keep that transceiver with her. If she was sent to the ship and taken somewhere else, Jason would never find her. "If that's what it takes, then okay."

He frowned. "You're terribly keen to keep these." He looked at them suspiciously, and topped them up over the little desk. The tiny transponder pip bounced out. "Ah."

She watched the pip in horror. Jason would look for the transceiver and find Sovok instead. She couldn't let that happen.

She lunged for the pip. "It's the only thing I have from Starfleet," she lied.

He slammed his hand down on the pip before she could reach it. "Why don't I believe you?" He backhanded her away and this time he didn't hold back, the crack of his hand loud in the cramped cabin. "Someone was expecting me to try something. Surely not that child who runs your station?"

Alanna hit the ground hard. Dazed, she scrambled to the camp bed where she still had her knife, trying to think of how she could use it to get the pip back. "Why not Commander Soran?"

He rolled the pip between his fingers, thinking. "Because she lacks the imagination. As demonstrated by her inability to stop me coming here with you. I would have seen that coming. Just as I saw Ch'zath trying to rescue his pet Betazoid, and then trying to escape by going for his shuttle. But this is an order of paranoia and preparedness beyond her I think. And i don't think it was you either. Who was it? One of the officers who went through?

She said nothing.

"I'm going to take that as a yes. What to do?" Sovok watched her, "I should just flick this back through and send you to the T'pau." He stopped deliberately, wanting to see her reaction.

She looked away, afraid to let him see her reaction. She wasn't going to give him one if she could help it. She'd already caused too much harm.

In spite of her best efforts, she tensed. The thought of being sent to the ship with nothing terrified her.

She still had a knife and a combadge, she reminded herself. She could still try something. She wasn't sure what. She pulled her knees to her chest and glanced at Sovok. Could she send a message through the combadge to warn the others before she was transferred to the ship? If she could only make sure Jason was safe...

"Or do I bring them here, and let you tell them that you're not going back. Stop them from trying something pointlessly heroic."

She laughed harshly. "They won't believe me." Sovok might get them together by promising to take them to her, but none of them would believe she actually wanted to stay. Especially not Jason. He knew better. She relaxed a little at the thought that she might be left on the planet long enough to warn him and the others. Maybe, if he got closer, she could reach him telepathically.

(To be continued...)

Chief Inspector Sovok
The Vulcan Commonwealth


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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