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Submission or Subversion (part 6) (15+ Warning, Violent sexual content)

Posted on Thu Sep 26, 2019 @ 11:20pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,432 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it.
Timeline: MD11 2100


"Or do I bring them here, and let you tell them that you're not going back. Stop them from trying something pointlessly heroic."

She laughed harshly. "They won't believe me." Sovok might get them together by promising to take them to her, but none of them would believe she actually wanted to stay. Especially not Jason. He knew better. She relaxed a little at the thought that she might be left on the planet long enough to warn him and the others. Maybe, if he got closer, she could reach him telepathically.


She had another idea that might work. "Your best option is to get us all on your ship together. Then beam the others down to the portal site and watch them go through." It might give her a chance of going with them. Once back on Pangaea, she could keep Sovok from following her. "But if you did, you'd run the risk of them taking over your ship." She looked at him, careful not to show any sign of her pleasure in hearing that he was having more trouble than he anticipated. "You know, they would have gone back through the portal if you hadn't attacked." Except for Jason. He would have checked to make sure she wasn't here first.

"Ch'Zath is dead. Be grateful I gave the order to wait until your friends had cleared the target zone, rather than kill them with him." He spat.

"Trust me, I am. I don't want any of them to die." Especially not Jason.

He let the pip fall from his fingers into his palm. "One more than the others, I suspect. Sergeant!"

A moment later Tarik, put his head around the cabin door. He glanced at Alanna's naked body, and looked pleased. "Sir?"

Sovok handed over the transponder. "I think this is a tracking chip. If so, activate it and make sure the Federation people can hear it. I want it coming from right in front of the portal. And then set up a kill box around it." He hadn't taken his eyes of Alanna.

"No!" She cried out, verbally and telepathically. Then, using all her telepathic strength, she sent a sharp, tight message to Jason, praying he heard her. "Sovok has the pip. It's a trap! Stay away!" "If we don't return, Commander Soran will come after us."

Alanna's obvious distress made him smile. "Not through a dozen meters of radioactive slag. You'll be old long before that portal is dug out. Make it so sergeant. Don't be stingy with the charges. Let’s make sure there's a nice warm welcome for our guests."

Alanna had to do something to stop him. Once again, she went for a verbal attack. "Oh, and do make sure they don't manage to turn it back on you like they did before," she added smiling at Sovok with saccharine sweetness.

His retribution was swift. Like a striking cobra he had her by the throat, lifting her from her feet and slamming her down on the desk. He leaned over her, using his other hand to pin her wrists. "Once this is done, I'm going to enjoy filling that smart mouth of yours. Maybe I'll pull all your teeth out first. Tarik, go get me some pliers."

Her eyes widened in fear. “No!" She had to stay angry, it was her only defense against the panic that threatened to overwhelm her. "Or do you want to see my toothless, bloated face every time you rape me? No, I don't think so. Good thing you had me once, you're not likely to have me again."

He cut her off, crushing his fingers down on her wind pipe rather than her arteries, cutting off her air with casual ease. "When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you. And you need to remember that I can hurt you and heal you over and over until I get bored." He wasn't letting up his grip, it required no effort on his part. "And it will take me a long time to get bored of hurting you. By the time I'm done with you, you'll enjoy it too." And he squeezed a little tighter.

She tried to pull his fingers away from her throat, but he was too strong. She thrashed around on the desk, to get him to let up. The room began to fade and she knew that she was losing consciousness. Her last thought was of Jason. "I'm sorry." Nothing she'd tried so far had reached him. She doubted this would, either.

He watched her kick for a few moments more, the released her and waited for her to come round. By the time she did, Tarik had found him a pair of pliers and a few other toys.

Her throat hurt, and it hurt to swallow. Sadistic, narcissistic slug. "Go ahead," she said, glaring at him and trying again to hold her tongue.

He was reaching for her jaw when she said it, and he paused. "Feeling brave, are we? Let’s see?" And then he dug his fingers into the hinge of her jaw, forcing it open, got the pliers around a pre molar, and ripped it out.

Alanna cried out in pain, but refused to beg. She glared at him.

He just looked delighted. He dropped the pliers and the tooth, and wiped the blood trail away from her lips with a thumb. "Not enough for you? he smirked. He picked up something that looked a bit like a type 2 phaser. "We use these in interrogations. Its official name is a nociceptor and somatosensory hyperalgesic potentials generator."

He stroked it against her thigh. Pain like a thousand boiling filaments rushed across her skin like she was being tattooed with acid.

Alanna cried out; the pain almost unbearable. It was worse than anything she'd experienced before. Her muscles tightened. "No!"

In response, be brushed it against her other leg, the inner thigh this time.

She tried to not react, but the pain was too intense. She screamed again, crying and trembling in reaction. "Please, stop!"

He brushed a tear from the corner of her eye, and gave it a smug inspection. "Now, obviously nociceptor and somatosensory hyperalgesic potentials generator is a bit of a mouthful, so it got another name. "Agonizer." He touched it to her breast for a second.

He pulled away. "Are you sure you want me to stop?"

She knew that whatever she said would only get her in more trouble, but she couldn't stop her response. "Yes."

He leaned down to whisper into her ear. "What you want doesn't exist."

His response confused her pain-befuddled mind. "What do you mean?"

He drew back. He was looking more pleased than shed seen him so far. "Another fun fact. Whilst it was developed for pain, it’s not actually limited to pain." He adjusted a few settings. "Quite the opposite."

All her pleasure centres went off at once, flooding down every nerve and filling her with sweet aches and cravings that took her breath away, drowning out the pain of her bruised neck and back. drowning out everything.

The feelings were so intense after the pain it was euphoric. This time when she cried out it was for a very different reason.

It was his turn to laugh, and he let her go for a moment. "What a sound! Do you think your friends will rush in to rescue you if they hear that instead of screams?"

Now that she was no longer under the influence of the Agonizer, she was appalled by her reaction. "Yes." Jason would still come, and he would kill Sovok. And Alanna would help him.

"I doubt it." He picked her up and threw her back onto the bed. "Shall we see if we can't get you to make that noise again? Without the agonizer this time."

She fought not to respond in any way, but he played her like a master violinist did its instrument. Her nerves, still recovering from the effects of the Agonizer, were too sensitive, too quick to respond. At one point, she tried to grab her knife, but he pinned her down and continued his clinical seduction. In the end, her body betrayed her and gave him everything he wanted.

She wasn't sure who she hated more, Sovok for doing this to her, or herself for not being able to stop him.

To Be Continued

Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five


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