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Submission or Subversion (part 4)

Posted on Sun Sep 22, 2019 @ 10:27pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Alanna Wells

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Risa, but not as we know it.
Timeline: MD11 2015


At some point Alanna retreated mentally from his brutality, hiding as much as she could behind her mental shields. When Sovok was done with her, she could only roll onto her side, wrap her arms around her knees, and cry.


Sovok finished adjusting his clothes, and paused to stroke her hair gently. "Its always a shock the first time. But you should realise that you wanted it far more than you think, you barely put up a fight after all. I didn't have to lay a hand on you in anger. Next time it will be easier."

She jerked away from his touch, anger and shame lending fire to her words. "Don't think that because I didn't put up a fight I liked it. I don't enjoy being raped by a demi-human who isn't man enough to know how to make love to a woman. Nor do I want to beg for the privilege like an abused dog seeking any kind of attention from its master." She wiped the tears from her face and then pushed her hair back. "You got what you want, now leave me alone."

He chuckled, and went to reclaim his weapons. "I think the lady protests too much. But I have work to do, so you've got some time to think about the next time, since you want it." He retrieved her clothes from where she had put them, not noticing the fallen comm badge. He left her the boots. "I'm going to have these burnt. You don't need them any more."

She wanted to throw something at him, but he was already out the door. As she calmed down, she realized he hadn't handcuffed her to the trunk. Was it because he didn't think she'd leave the room naked? Well, he was right, but she was still grateful she could move around. She checked the door. It was locked.

Alanna went over to where her clothes had been and felt around. Thank goodness, her combadge was still there. She had that, Jason's transponder, and her knife. And she had time. Not a lot, but it was something.

She first took the combadge to the camp bed so the blanket would muffle the sound and tapped it. "Wells to Haines," she whispered. "Can you read me?" She needed something that wouldn't be recognized if picked up. "I need an Indiana Jones."

When there was no response, she carefully hid the combadge, then began to explore the room to see if there was anything she could use. She searched the desk, the trunks, the walls, everything that may be of help, or give her information. She looked for tools to pick the lock of the trunk to take some of Sovok's weapons, or any electronics she could re-purpose.

She looked under the bed. It hadn't been cleaned recently. Nor had the bed been changed. She cut a small slit in the mattress and hid her knife and combadge there. She left the transceiver in her boot in case she was taken somewhere else.

She made sure that laying on the camp bed would not disclose her hiding place. She wished she could electrify the trunk, or the door, but she found nothing with enough power.

Finally, she found a small piece of metal that was poking out of a frame and slowly worked it loose. It was the right size an strength to act as a lock pick. She wasn't sure when Sovok would return, so she reached out telepathically to sense him coming and went to his trunk to pick the lock.

Inside there wasn't much: another knife, with the sinuous twin blades common in Romulus designs; an empty water canteen, what looked like a spare power pack for a disruptor, but no disruptor itself; the handcuffs he had used earlier; some ration packs; a box with a kal-toh set; a book, an actual physical book, well thumbed. Its title was Far Beyond the Stars.

She took the blade, the rations, and the battery pack, then closed and locked the trunk, disappointed there wasn't more. She hid her lock pick and confiscated items in the bed and sat back, hungry and scared about what would happen when Sovok returned. She didn't dare eat one of the rations now, but would keep it for tomorrow.

The sun was finally going down, darkening the room. Alanna wondered how long Sovok planned to leave her here. After a moment she pulled her thoughts away from that and focused on the door. It had two locks. Only one could be unlocked from the inside, which meant she couldn't get out that way. Besides, there were still too many soldiers between her and freedom. She could feel their emotions and some of the thoughts as they went about their business. At least right now. Maybe later, if Sovok left her here alone, she could try to find another way out.

His return was announced with a sense of anger and frustration pressing against her mind like a weight. Then the external locked cycled and Sovok stepped inside, looking grim.

He looked her over wolfishly and some of the anger turned to wolfish hunger. "Still in one piece. Good to see."

Why wouldn't she be in one piece? Not a question she would ask, though. Alanna was secretly pleased that he was upset and hoped it was caused by the security team. Where were they now? Another question she didn't dare ask. Not while he was so angry. She watched him warily. "There's really nowhere I can go." Not yet, anyway.

"You might have been tedious and tried to kill yourself." He picked up the camp chair and moved it to sit in front of her. "Tell me about the officers your commander sent through with Ch'Zath. What is their background?"

She had no desire to kill herself. She was going to live. And she was going to get away. Jason would find her. And if not, she'd eventually get away from Sovok somehow. "Why do you want to know?" She asked, pleased to hear that the security team was giving him trouble.

He slapped her, only lightly for a Vulcan, still strong enough to make her see stars. "Pay attention. I said their background. What experience do they have in tactical combat? What might they do to get back to the portal?"

She was paying attention. Far more than she wanted him to realize. "They're all trained fighters. Some through Security, some through Marines. I have no idea what they'll do to get back to the portal. Whatever they need to, I suppose."

"I find that hard to believe, from what I've seen. They don't seem the type to sacrifice the one for the good of the many."

"Not usually." The Marines prided themselves on leaving no one behind. "Why are you concerned about them getting back to the portal? Didn't you tell me you were going to let them go and bury the portal after?"

"I was planning on having them thrown through whilst entirely in my control so there were no..." he paused to consider his words. "unpleasant delays that might result in casualties on either side. Your commander maybe naive, but she was a civil host. I've got what I want. I see no reason not to be magnanimous in victory and return her people."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Chief Inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by Soran]


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