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The first run part one

Posted on Sun Apr 19, 2015 @ 5:40am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III

1,094 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Planet Hypeeria Farengi aliance space
Timeline: MD 3

SS Gemini

Captain William Hellman sat in his small ready room just off the bridge looking over the cargo that was being loaded onboard for this most unusual run. The Gemini was a brand new ship only having been in service with the company for about 6 months and it was slated to be the last ship he would command. Hellman had close to 30 years with the company and had served under three generation of the Bradshaw family. He was basicly their go to man if they needed something done. Now they were having him make the first run for the farengi contracts, something that he was assured would be a fairly easy run by the main office. (Oh how wrong they were). The cargo which included all manner of things from basic trade goods to civilian grade weapons as well as dilithium, ternium, and other constuction materials. It would be a cargo that would totally fill all the holds on his ship and honestly he was more then a little shaken by it. Not the cargo so much as what else was coming along for the run. The ships fighter compliment was being increased from 4 to 8 fighters, extra security from the PMC was being employed and about three times the amount of torpedoes had been loaded into the ship.

In all his years he had never commanded a ship of war but that was what this was shaping up to be and he did not like it one little bit. Other parts of this contract that were of concern to him was that there were 4 large cases that had been loaded onboard which were not part of the standard cargo. All in all nothing on this run was shaping up like a standard cargo contract. What was the company thinking and what were these blasted farengi trying to do to his ship.

It had taken almost 3 days to load and secure the entire cargo and now the ship was finally heading out on it's run. Away from the prying eyes of the farengi and away from at least some of the concern that they would try and sabotage the cargo or the ship. That still did not make things any easier for him nor he suspected for his crew.

==Cardasian DMZ==

The Gemini was silently running the small strip of space between the federation and the cardasian Empire. The DMZ was not an area of space to be taken lightly and 95 percent of the time no self respecting captain would be cought dead run his ship threw the zone. However it was one of the few areas of space where a ship could run and not be bothered by either party. Something that considering what he had found out recently was definately something he was thankful for. Though that still did not ease his worry about what was happening. He had found out what was in the crates and the very thought was enough to almost make his skin crawl. The blasted farengi were using his ship not as a respected cargo vessal but as a gods damned weapons runner. The catch being that the weapons were biological in nature as well as thermal nueclear. Not outlawed but definately not a civilized mans weapon.

On the surprise side though things were looking up. While navigating the DMZ, the Gemini happened across an old battleground. Three deadilous class cruisers and a discovery class scout ship were adrift in space. According to the battlefield the squadron had been ambushed by what could only be cardasian ships of the same era. all ships 12 total were holed several times but appeared to be structurally sound. He had called for the ship yard to come and determine if the old ships were salvageable or not and if they were well the company might just have grown again and so might have his career.

==DS9 wormhole==

Normally the arrival at DS9 or indeed any other starbase would be a welcome relief of stress and a chance to relax a little. that was the last thing that the captain wanted this time though. Since the company had a colony world in the gamma quadrant it could be understood why his ship would want to push right on through and considering the time of night it was on the station it was likely that they would have no problems making it to the wormhole and out the side putting the federation behind them and only the Dominion and the gamma quadrant ahead of them.

They made it through the wormhole without a problem and watched it disappear on the gamma quadrant side. "Alright people look sharp from here on out we are in hostile territory."Said Captain Hellman firmly "Activate yellow alert weapons and shields to standby fighter pilots to their birds and DC teams to their stations. I do not want any surprises between here and Gaia got it." He added coolly. He looked around the bridge and people were carrying out his orders as fast as they could. This was no warship and so it was a little slow but still it only took 5 minutes and everyone was at their station.

===One week later===

The crew was beginning to get a little strained being at a near continous yellow alert for the last 7 days but it had paid off. They had fought their way past 5 pirate ships and even a jem hadar attack ship. They had also managed to find a huge surprise the Defiant NX 12 was drifting in space totally abandoned. It had taken a couple days of delay but they had managed to get the ship moving again and now had a second ship on the trip. true it was not much but even something as old and outdated as an NX was better then nothing given the current situation.

=== Planet Gaia edge of dominion space===

Gaia looked like a jewel from orbit several small ship yards a couple of small orbital stations and if the sensors were right around 50 million people. There was not really time right now though to do more then look around quickly as they had a cargo that in all honesty they were tired of carrying. it took 3 days to unload everything and another week to load up a return cargo before the Gemini and the defiant were able to leave gaia and start the return trip. their cargo was tame compared to what they had brought out but still apparently highly saught after as the crew were going to find out.


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