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A friend in need (part II)

Posted on Tue Sep 17, 2019 @ 2:07am by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Captain Maritza Soran

2,095 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD 10 - 0830


Ambassador Turvan entered Sick Bay by himself and made his way towards the main reception desk or at least whatever passed for one within the Federation facility. It had always struck Hydel as odd and inefficient how the Federation and Starfleet in particular developed their medical capabilities. They spent so much time performing non-invasive tests or minimizing particular side-effects that it took years if not decades for a break thru to occur.

Cardassians on the other hand did not allow such feeble-minded concepts as "bio-ethics" stand in the way of progress. Countless scientific and medical discoveries had been made as a result of Cardassia's partnership with pre-warp civilizations. In exchange for minor technological advancements, Cardassia's Ministry of Medicine had discovered treatments for immeasurable diseases and afflictions, with only a small portion of native populations being affected.

But Hydel realized that he could lecture Starfleet on their inefficiencies at another time. For the time being he was here on more important matters. Matters involving a certain extra-dimensional Vulcan and the trouble he had brought with him.

The Vulcan in question had just finished an examination and was in the process on dressing, pulling on a black shirt as a young doctor moving away from him, padd in hand, looking disturbed. He saw Turvan looking at him as he fastened the buttons. He reached for his belt. "Yes, Cardassian?"

The Ambassador bit down on his lip to hold back his honest and initial reaction to the Vulcan's choice of words. "You meant to say, Yes, Ambassador Hydel Turvan of the Cardassian Empire," Turvan replied. "I will attribute your lapse in manners to the fact that you are recovering from a daring assassination attempt." He said as he stepped further into the medical pod.

"I'm here to extend and invitation." Turvan said. "I've heard a great deal about your adventures onboard this station and I would love the opportunity to sit and have a discussion with you about certain matters." He offered.

Sovok raised an eyebrow. Then made a near imperceptible tip of his head towards several individuals in Security yellow. "I'm sure you would. But here is hardly the place. Perhaps you would take tea in my quarters? Its only a short walk, and we'll have guides to ensure we don't get lost."

Turvan smiled. "I would enjoy tea, I'm anxious to learn just how different tea tastes from the other side of the portal." He said. "However. . ." The Ambassador said while observing the cadre of Security personnel. "Perhaps, we would be more. . .free to talk within the Cardassian Embassy. . .sovereign soil and whatnot." He said easily.

He spoke louder and gestured towards the escorts. "Gul Denat is fully capable of providing sufficient security within our walls." He said as he waited for the Vulcan to finish dressing. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Whilst I have no doubt you are that your consulate is entirely secure, Commander Soran was most specific about my wandering about her station, and I see no reason to vex her futher." Sovok brushed his hair back and retied the simple tail his hair was caught in. "It does not serve my purpose."

Turvan chuckled. "Far be it from me to stand in the way of your grand pursuits," He replied. "Very well, I will accept your original offer of tea within your quarters then." He added as he began to follow the man from the room towards the exit.

Security fell in beside them, and the whole group walked silence to the turbo lift, endured the silence for the ride to Deck 24, and were quick to get Sovok into his quarters, whilst they remained outside.

Another vulcan was waiting in the room, reading an LCARS terminal intently. He stood when Sovok entered, and looked past him to the ambassador, a question in his eyes. Socok waived a hand to calm the concern. "Tarik, this the Cardassian Ambassador to this station, Hydel Turvan." Tarik raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Quite," Sovok said, "Turvan, this is my adjutant, Detective Sargent Tarik."

Tarik gave a short bow, little more than an inclining of the head. "I shall fetch refreshments."

Sovok took a seat, and indicated that the Cardassian should do the same. "Please, what would you like to speak about."

"I'm intrigued by your people's arrival." Turvan said as they walked. "Surely the decision to step through the portal sight unseen was not an easy one to make. You couldn't have known whether the inhabitants on our side were friendly other otherwise." He said as the continued to walk.

Sovok raised a shoulder in the hint of a shrug. "I have chase ch'Zath for fifteen years. I will see him dead. There is no greater danger than that creature continuing to exist. And I admit, curiosity won out over caution."

Hydel accepted the offer to sit. "Then forgive me for stating the obvious when I say that there is no way Starfleet will allow you to get within 10 feet of the rebels." The Ambassador said.

"Several decades ago, my people dealt with a similar problem with murderous criminals who were engaged in terrorist attacks against my people." Hydel began. "Much like here, the Federation stood by and did nothing as more and more innocent Cardassians lost their lives to these remorseless fanatics." Hydel said with obvious emotion in his voice.

"Until finally. . .we sought out the assistance of others to help us solve our problem." Hydel said as his eyes raised from the ground back up towards the Vulcan. "Similarly, you are now in a situation where the Federation is simply allowing criminals to walk free and plan their next attack." Ambassador Turvan said.

He leaned back and spoke in a very deliberate tone. "And so I propose you allow us to help you solve your problem." He said.

Tarik put glasses of gently steaming tea in front of both men. "You'd execute them yourself?"

Ambassador Turvan glared slightly at the adjutant, taken aback by his audacity to inject himself into a conversation between his superior and himself. He shifted his gaze from the Detective back towards the lead Vulcan.

"I'd never use such a term," Hydel said as he took his glass. "You execute criminals who have been properly tried and found guilty by the State." He said as he took a sip. "What you have are lawless terrorists who need to be terminated quickly and discretely." He said as he savored the particular flavor of the tea.

"This station has recently had a spate of violent attacks; therefore, security will naturally be on high alert for any sort of brute force attack against the Andorian and his crew." The Cardassian said. "Moreover, the location of the Rebels' quarters is undoubtedly being hidden from the public. So it would be oddly suspicious for a civilian to just randomly appear with a 'gift'" Hydel said.

"They have been tried and found guilty,"Tarik said sharply. "It didn't take long."

Sovok held up a hand to quiet his companion. "You have something particular in mind?"

"Let's say that I know of a particular Engineering Crewman who is particularly motivated to remain in my good graces." Hydel said with a knowing smirk. "And that motivation could include modifying the Andorian's replicator so that it will create menu items that will prove to be fatal to him." The Cardassian said. "I assume the Andorian's of your universe or deathly allergic to Argelian Chocolate the same as ours?" He inquired.

"It is. But even so, what would you want for such largesse? I hardly have access to the resources of The Commonwealth from here."

Hydel leaned closer as he spoke. "As you've already witnessed for yourself, the Federation of our universe is not an ally that you can rely upon. However Cardassia can prove to be much more reliable to you on this side of the portal." He said. "Cardassia recognizes that Pangea possesses a wealth of opportunity; however, the Federation has chosen to enforce its will through inequitable blockades and ridiculous policies." He said with obvious disgust in his voice. "It is my belief that the Federation would become much more reasonable if they knew that we had the support of your Commonwealth on the other side of the portal." Ambassador Turvan said carefully. "You of course would enjoy the reciprocal friendship of a galactic power on this side." He said as he leaned back.

Sovok eyed him, "You want me to take an offer of Alliance to the High Council? Thats it?"

Hydel smiled. "I would like for you to take not just an offer, but also the corpse of the Andorian terrorist to your High Council." He said as he reached for his glass of tea and took a sip.

"Done." Sovok said, "it would be the least I could do. How soon could you do it? I'm not sure I will have a long stay here."

"I figured that time was of the essence, so I already took the liberty of putting certain plans in motion." Hydel said as he took another sip. "In fact, by the time you and I finish our casual meeting here, the task should be complete and this universe will have one less Andorian to worry about." He said with a smile.

Sovok sipped his tea. "I'm impressed. I will look forward to the accusations and suspicions thrown my way." He was smiling when he said it."

"With that, I will be taking my leave. I look forward to hearing from your people in the future." Ambassador Turvan said with a smile as he rose to leave.

The door opened, leaving him face to face with Commander Soran and a security detail. For a moment his presence surprised her, and then she said, "What are you doing here, Ambassador?"

Ambassador Turvan looked down at the Trill and locked eyes with her for several moments before carefully responding.

"Orchestrating a murder. . ."

". . ."

Suddenly he erupted as he threw his head back in laughter, revealing in the expression on the Trill's face. "Oh, you Federation-types have absolutely no sense of humor!" He said as he patted her shoulder and made his way through her armed escort. "Please have a good day." He said with a slight nod to the Sovok as he turned and made his way down the hall.

Soran had had enough. She'd banned him from the station and not only had he flagrantly ignored her, now he was laughing at her. "Lieutenant G'hael. Arrest the Ambassador."

"Ma'am." The K'tarian jogged down the hall and got in front of the Cardassian. "Would you like to come quietly, sir?"

Ambassador Turvan stopped and looked at the Officer quizzically. After further contemplation, the Cardassian began to laugh again. "Oh, well I stand quite corrected, it appears that Commander Soran does have a sense of humor." Ambassador Turvan laughed as he turned and walked back to the Woman while holding his hands up in a mocking fashion.

"Let me guess, you're going to have be apprehended for. . .violating a profanity ordinance, or how about littering?" He asked sarcastically. "I'm certain your government will be eager to read your report justifying the arrest and detention of a diplomatic official." He continued.

"But let's not dither around, I'd prefer to be booked in before . . .what do Humans call it. . .Chow Time?" He added.

Thanks to the Ferengi incident during the Pangaea Emergence, Maritza was well versed on the benefits, and the limits, of diplomatic immunity. "You've been banned from the station, so you're trespassing. And the VIP deck is a restricted area. So I'm charging you with espionage. Take him to the brig, Mr G'hael."

"Ohhhh.....Espionage, you really are pulling out all of the stops for this little stunt aren't you, Maritza?" He said as he stared intently into the Trill's eyes. "Enjoy this, I really mean that,I want you to enjoy this moment of exhilaration you are feeling, because it will soon be replaced by the very heavy and very sudden realization of what you have set in motion." He said carefully as if each word was measured.

"You're not capable of making me feel anything, Turvan." She said coldly, "Except possibly bored. Neither are your toothless threats. Take him away."


Commander Maritza Soran

Chief inspector Sovok
Vulcan Commonwealth
[NPC by Soran]

Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire


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