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The Who What When Where? (part III)

Posted on Tue Sep 17, 2019 @ 2:05am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian Melvyn Raddon

683 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Raddon Corporation Executive Office - The Matthias
Timeline: MD 10 - 0900

"I'm so sorry my dear" Melvyn said as on tried to comfort the sobbing woman. "He meant so much to all of us, you know that you all are considered family in my eyes." He said as he embraced the woman. She continued to ask more questions, but her words only came out as gasps and incomprehensible sobs.

Dorian stopped at the entryway of Melvyn's office and watched for several moments. Although the woman appeared familiar to him he was not exactly sure who she was or what it was that had caused her to fall into such a distraught state. He waited for several more moments until Melvyn's assistant came and gathered the woman and helped escort her out of the office.

Dorian waited until the two women had walked past him before he turned his gaze towards Melvyn. "What happened to her?" he asked as he entered the office, walked towards the replicator and ordered a drink.

"That is the wife of Marcel King." Melvyn said as he wiped the woman's tears from his hands onto a nearby towel.

Dorian paused as he went to take a sip from his glass. "I would figure she would be elated to know that Marcel is able to communicate with us?" He asked as he turned to face the elder gentleman.

"That would be the case. . .if we knew where he was located." Melvyn said as he walked back to his chair and sat down with a heavy sigh. "Tis a shame actually, Marcel was one of the most astute sub-space physics scientists we had. Decades of knowledge and experience simply. . .gone." Melvyn said.

"But we just turn over that data rod to Station Security several hours ago. How were you able to transmit the data if you don't know where he is?" Dorian asked with great interest. "Now that we've given them this video, station security is going to be all over us to tell them where he is so they can bring him in for questioning." Dorian said as he leaned against the panel.

Melvyn stared at the younger man for several moments. His usual calming smile had faded away and was replaced by a more serious and dour expression. "You are going to prevent that from happening." Melvyn said as he leaned back in his chair. "You are going to find Marcel and bring him back to our loving embrace before your form comrades in arms do." Melvyn said.

"Find him? How? Starfleet has the entire planet locked down tight. Only those with special permission are allowed to go down onto the surface. Considering what has already happened, who knows what kind of scrutiny I'll face when I try to go down there." He said, trying to rationalize the instruction he had been given.

"Dorian, I'm not paying you for your good looks. I'm paying you for your resourcefulness. I don't care how it gets done, it just needs to be done quickly and discretely." The elder CEO said in response.

Dorian finished his glass and placed it back on the replicator before turning and beginning to walk out towards the exit of the office. He stopped and looked over his shoulder towards the man who had begun to focus on a padd that was on his desk.

"So I guess that means you'll be dismantling his research into the portals?" Dorian asked. It seemed only natural since the entire experiment was unauthorized and had led to a legally questionable raid by station security.

Melvyn stopped and looked up at Dorian and contemplated the question for several moments. ". . . .we'll see. . ." He said as he turned back to the padd before him and continued to read as if the answer had not been fully explored.

A quizzical expression played across Dorian's face for several seconds as he processed the answer. He figured now was not the time to push it any further. He merely nodded and began to make preparations for his newest mission.

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corporation

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation


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