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We're Off To See The Wizard...err Prophet

Posted on Thu Sep 12, 2019 @ 11:17pm by Civilian Jason Haines & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,398 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Not Kansas
Timeline: MD 8, 2130 Hrs


Previously From We're Not in Kansas…

Alanna let the others go first, then turned to the pyre. "I love you," she whispered. "I will never forget you." She hoped that wherever he was, he would hear her. Then she turned and headed back.

...Now The Continuing Story

When they'd all assembled back in the house, Alanna turned to the others. "I want to go after the prophet. If we can find the ingredients, we can make gunpowder. If not, we'll take what we can."

"I'm in," Yolanthe offered. "I don't know about gunpowder. But I can follow instructions."

"Good." Yolanthe could be helpful. "I'm pretty sure we can make Molotov cocktails."

"What are those?" Brianthe asked. "I can shoot with a bow and arrows, if they have any."

"Glass bottles of alcohol and a rag stuffed in the top. You light them on fire and throw them," Alanna replied.

“Pretty easy to make, and effective for what they are,” Jessica added. “We need some scouting, though. We don’t know anything about what kind of defenses or fortifications this prophet might have, beyond the Borg disruptor tech, which is already way out of our league.”

"The people here do," Alanna said. "We need to ask them for advice."

"I have my Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, so I can't blow people up or throw fire bombs, but I can be there to assist anyone who may need medical help, and I can help with scouting, being a look out, facilitating escape routes, and all that I can do without failing that Oath," River offered, a little sheepishly. "I know it's not much, but I'll watch for ways to help within those parameters,” she explained.

"Agreed. We need to find a way to even the odds. At least somewhat. Don't worry, Doc. we're grateful for whatever you can do to help. I still think we should see if there's any tech worth recovering from the crashed ship. Just a few of us traveling light while the rest work on things here."

What would still be salvageable from the ship, Annora didn't know, but considering their opponent, she was willing to take the risk.

"I'll help with scouting. Wouldn't do much good to send a lone, unarmed scout."

Meanwhile, Tizo was trying to remember the tales told by his grandparents about the occupation. Surely some of their tactics would be useful in the current situation.

Alanna found Freila and asked her about a map to the town where the prophet's followers lived, and then to the ship of the prophet.

"Yes," Freila said. "We have a map to get you to where the border trails are into town. We don't venture any further than there. As far as the ship, I have been told that what is left of it is embedded in the mountain the town was made at, and you can easily see it from the center of the town."

"If we could get a copy of the map. and some help getting what we need, we'd like to go there. Maybe we can do something to stop this prophet." At least, Alanna hoped they could stop him.

"I'm very good at scouting about, and I'd be more than happy to take that on. Of course, if anyone were available to accompany, then I wouldn't say no to some help, but I can try to go either up to the mountain town for a look at the map -- I could sketch what I see, I'm pretty good at drawing -- or i'll help try to scout out this Prophet and see what movements go in and out of his... whatever that ship turns out to really be on closer look?" River enthused, so happy to have a useful role to offer. Two possibilities, in fact. She lit up with energy at the thought of finally being an active part instead of the invalid in the group.

"I think we should all go together," Alanna said. "At least until we get close to the town. From there we can determine how to proceed. We might very well need a scout to find the best way to the ship." Alanna smiled at the doctor, pleased that she was looking better.

"What about weapons?" Yolanthe said. "Things that go bang are fun and all, but if we end up with opposition, something a little bigger than my cat-claw would be useful." She swung the curved knife around the end of her finger using the loop that made up the pommel.

“I agree,” Jessica said. “Whatever the villagers can offer. And when we split up, Tizo and I should go in different groups, so you have a security officer in each. The more people, the easier we will be spotted, though. And let’s hope they don’t have tricorders or other sensors to go with those disruptors.”

"I can use a bow and arrow," Brianthe said. "And both Alanna and I are good with knives."

"Okay." Yolanthe stood up. She was turning a surprisingly bright blue. "You get cooking, I'll round up weapons and supplies." She turned to the villagers, "Show me what you can spare."

It took about an hour, but enough spare weapons had been gathered so there where hunting knives for all, two spare bows, a basic slug thrower, and enough food for the trip. A map was made and brought to the group by Freila's grandfather.

"I know what you are doing must be done," he said. "But please try to use restraint. Regardless of the life they chose, or are forced into right now, those people are of our kind. Some do break free of the Prophet and return to us. Maybe if you are careful and successful they all can return to us."

She was impressed by the compassion of the Grandfather. Annora did her best to reassure the man. "We'll do what we can to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. The Prophet is our main target. Hopefully when we take him out, many of his followers will fall away."

Alanna nodded in agreement. "I'm not a fighter, I'm a scientist. If we can destroy the prophet's tech, it might be enough to allow most of the rest to return to you. At least that is our hope."

River nodded her agreement with what both the Grandfather and her colleagues had said. They were all her with the same intention in mind.

Jessica frowned and remained quiet. Such things were all well and good when you had a phaser with a stun setting, but she was a security officer, and she knew that such things were far from easy. She shoved one of the hunting knives into her belt, unwilling to let anyone of these officers be harmed.

Alanna took a knife and tucked it into her belt. Then she carefully spread out the map. "I'm good at reading maps and getting into computers. Stealth is not something I'm trained in. I think if we all have a good look at this, and stick together as long as possible, we can split into groups based on our abilities.”

"I know my way around the woods," Brianthe said. "And I'm good with a bow." She made sure the bow was well-made and she had a quiver of arrows.

Alanna grinned. "So, we have an archer-ranger, a healer-scout, a techno-mage, and two fighters. Yolanthe, how do you want to help?"

The bokkai went electric blue, hair only slightly darker. "The technology of my homeworld is a lot closer to this one than yours, and this won't be my first cattle raid. Just put me where the action is. I'll be fine."

Alanna grinned. "Another fighter...or would that be barbarian? Well, we've got our party. Let's head out and see what we find." She grabbed the second bow and arrows, as no one else had.

She hugged Freila. "Thank you for everything. I hope we'll be back, but if not, tell the tree thanks, too."

Freila returned the hug and said, "Good luck."


Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca

Alien Villagers
APB Lieutenant JG Jason Haines

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Lieutenant Commander River Morgan
Acting Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief of Security

Ensign Tizo Criteser
Security Officer


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