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Return Journey

Posted on Fri Aug 23, 2019 @ 10:28pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

2,652 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Pangaea Portal Complex
Timeline: MD 11 1700


The best way to get this to go smoothly was to give no one any chance of arguing. Maritza touched her hands to her braids without thinking, waiting for her guests to join her. She didn't have to wait long for Sovok and his assistant and their security detail to step into the shuttle bay.

"Ah, Commander," Sovok began. "I assume we are to be sent home. Might I inquire as to the disposition of ch'Zath and his crew?"

Soran shook her head slightly. "You'll find out." She turned to the shuttle. "Shall we, Chief Inspector?"

"Before we depart, might I ask to say goodbye to your Dr Wells? I enjoyed her company, and would like to thank her for her time."

Maritza looked at his smile. It felt...oily. But then again, letting him flirt with Alanna may keep him biddable and off his guard.

He sensed her hesitation. "I have offered you information of value. It is a small payment."

Feeling somewhat unclean, like she was pimping her science officer, Maritza touched her combadge. 'Dr Wells, would you come to Shuttle Bay 114 please."

Alanna was on her way to her quarters when she got the message. "I'll be right there."

She walked into the shuttle bay, wondering why she wasn't going down with the Andorians as planned. She carefully schooled her expression as she walked into the shuttle bay. She politely bowed to the two Vulcans before addressing Soran. "You wanted to see me?"

"I'd like you to come with us down to the portals, see our guests off." Soran nodded at Sovok.

The Vulcan smiled at her. "I didn't want to leave without expressing my gratitude for your time and perseverance with such a different culture to your own."

She wasn't sure what to make of this change in plans. She didn't trust Sovok, but perhaps it would be best for her peace of mind to know that he was really gone--if he could truly be gone while the portals were still open. She smiled at the Vulcan, her manner warm and polite while still maintaining a professional distance. "On the contrary, I found our conversation--and your culture--fascinating. I would be delighted to accompany you down to the planet."

"Shall we?" Soran indicated the awaiting runabout.

Tarik stalked off to the Zambezi, but Sovok paused to offer Alanna his arm. "It's a shame our time together has to be so short."

She took his arm, inwardly hesitant. He was too pleased about something. She couldn't get a read on him to find out what. That made her more wary. "Commander Soran does not wish another confrontation between you and the Andorian."

When they entered the shuttle Alanna glanced around before taking her seat. There were several security officers already present. They were spread equally around the rear cabin area of the runabout, surrounding the Vulcans without being on top of them.

"Commander Soran is concerned for the safety of her people, as all good commanders should be. But I stand by my assessment that she is too squeamish to take the expedient solution."

"Expedient by your standards, not hers," Alanna said. Now that they were on the shuttle and had plenty of security, she was more comfortable about speaking her mind.

"Ch'zath lives by my standards too. that is why several of your security people are now injured. Apply your rules to this situation, and many more will be dead before this is done."

"And that is why you'll both be going home," she said. "Not at the same time, of course," she added, afraid she may have said too much.

One of Sovok's dark eyebrows quirked upwards for a moment. "Really. So she's solved the conundrum I put to her. I'm intrigued."

"Apparently." She didn't want to talk about what Maritza had or had not decided. "What will you do when you get home?" She still had concerns about letting the Vulcans back into the portals, but there was no other way to send them back where they belonged. Keeping them here was not an option.

"In all honesty? I suspect there will be an awful lot of paperwork."

Alanna laughed. "You know, I never thought that you would have to file the appropriate paperwork."

"I have not as yet managed to reach such dizzying heights as to be excused the need to file reports, and brief my superiors." He shrugged. "I'm sure there will be time enough for a glass of wine whilst I work. The conversation might not be as pleasant as that I've had here though."

"The joys of filing reports," she said, shaking her head. "One of these days, they'll find me buried under a stack of padds and notepads." Had they launched? Alanna was so focused on maintaining an air of light banter while hiding her inner thoughts that she hadn't paid attention.

"Bureaucracy is a silent killer," Sovok agreed as they broke through the outer atmosphere of Pangaea, and the horizon tilted sharply as the shuttle aligned itself to the planet and the artificial gravity cut out as they circled down towards the landing pad of the portal complex.

Now that they were landing, Alanna felt her stomach tighten. Sovok was clever, and she still had misgivings about Soran's plan. "Sometimes not so silent," she said. "Especially if you don't always agree with the bureaucracy."

The shuttle touched down. Alanna noticed that security became more attentive as if they, too, suspected something. But what could two Vulcans do? Take on everyone? Not likely.

"In this I find your system somewhat less fearsome. Disagreeing with my bureaucracy is to be done entirely at your own peril. I doubt you could say the same without turning it to metaphor or hyperbole."

"No, I can't. I've had my disagreements with Commander Soran, but there was no real peril. Either I showed her why there was a better way to do something, or she stuck with what she originally planned. Once she did, I let it go." She shrugged. "I admit, I do prefer my world to yours."

"I can understand why you would," he allowed, as everyone stood and the door opened to reveal a group of marines ready to escort them to the portal. "But when you've known nothing else, you learn how to thrive in even the most dangerous environment. Or you die."

She almost felt sorry for him. If it hadn't been for the emotions he was exuding, she would. "I guess we all make the most of our environment."

They walked into the portal cave, Commander Soran at the rear, guided by the marines, crossing a number of orange and yellow marking lines until they reached the original portal ch'Zath and Sovok had arrived through.

To find the Andorian and his people, surrounded by their own group of security, waiting with the rest of Soran's senior staff, Caleb Ryan, and Annora. Annora and her security team bristled with weapons, and carried heavy backpacks of equipment.

Sovok pulled up short, biting down on whatever comment he was about to make. Ch'zath took a step forward, but was blocked by a security guard.

Maritza stepped forward. "This is how this is going to work. Tarik will go through the portal to order any forces there to stand down. A minute later, the main group will go through. Sovok will remain here as hostage against good behaviour. My people will escort ch'Zath and his people to a suitable head start. Once my security team are back, alive and well, Chief Inspector Sovok will be allowed through."

Alanna, too, came up short. She didn't expect them to be here, waiting. She thought Soran would explain things to the Vulcans, then Tarik would go through the portal and Sovok would be taken somewhere to wait, then the other group would arrive, maybe fifteen minutes later. At least that's how she envisioned it. This was going to go badly.

Jason was glad this day was here. He would have sent them back the night of the fight, but that had not been his call. Although there was security, Jason was paranoid about these individuals, so he had brought his own gear in addition to a phaser and tricorder. He had his wrist knife and had gotten his team to make his rank pips into locators just like the one he had given Alanna last night.

He looked up when Sovok came in with Alanna. He scowled and briefly glanced at Commander Soran, but nothing too overt lest he be accused of looking in an insubordinate manner. Alanna was supposed to be in the same shuttle as he had been. That was what she had said last night anyways. The question was, who had suggested the change?

He didn't like the plan one bit. There was no guarantee that the Vulcans would behave as the Commander thought they would. There was no guarantee that the Vulcans would value the life of Sovok more than being able to put these wanted criminals up for public execution in the grandest of fashions. They were supposed to have made fools of the Vulcans, so being able to re-demonstrate their strength might be worth more than an inspector, even a ranking one.

He sighed inwardly.

Then there was no guarantee the Andorian's group would behave either. They might simply go for broke. He doubted it, given the condition of the Betazoid woman in the group. She was better, and could use very basic sentences right now, but still was in peril.

Either way, the first time was going into what could easily be an ambush situation. Then they were making a big assumption that the portal on the other side worked just like this one and wouldn't close on them when they got over there. Then they would be stuck. He did not like this plan one, tiny, little bit.

Pulling out his tricorder, he said,"Sorry folks, one last scan to make sure you have no unauthorized souvenirs."

Thomas glared at Jason. They had been barely able to go to the bathroom without escort the past twenty-four hours. He didn't see how the man thought they could have taken anything.

His group showed nothing, so steeling himself, he made his way to Sovok and Alanna. He wanted to show only cool, calm, and professional, as he didn't want to give any indication to Sovok that there was anything between him and Alanna. Of all the guests, he trusted him the least, and he figured the man would pick up on little things if they were revealed.

"All clear," he said to Commanders Soran and Ryan, giving a thumbs up as he went back to his team.

Alanna could feel anger both from Jason and from Sovok, but for different reasons. From their conversation the night before, she figured Jason was angry because she was with Sovok. It wasn't by choice, even though she understood Soran's reasons. Was Sovok also why Jason was jealous the night before? She brushed aside the notion. Sovok was an interesting intellectual study, but morally repugnant. Jason had her heart.

Right now, Alanna’s focus was more on thinking of things she could do if the situation went horribly pear-shaped. The growing feeling of anger and betrayal in the group concerned her.

Between the two to one ratio of security escorts to guests, an SRU team, and a contingent of Marines, Annora hoped there was enough deterrents to any foul play from either side. If not, she was confident there were enough personnel to deal with any surprises that cropped up. Along with Strategic Response Team, Annora stood off to the side, rifle at the low ready position. This was the Commander's show; they were to back it up with force.

As Jason stood at the ready, there was a ringing in his ear. The same bell he heard earlier in the holo-deck. He looked around, trying to be nonchalant about it. Maybe he hadn't closed his tricorder fully. He took it out of his side pocket. It was closed.

He opened it anyway and acted like he was calibrating it. He actually took a scan to make sure he could detect the tracking chips he had out. He had to make some adjustments due to the cave. He then shut it, still wondering if he was going crazy with that damn bell.

Ch’Zath crossed his arms, staring hard at Sovok. He wasn’t pleased with this ruse. He hadn’t expected it of these soft Starfleet types. But it was, perhaps, his best chance to get his people home safely -- if the life they lived could be called a home.

He felt the soft hand of the Betazoid in his and looked over at her, pained to see the nearly blank expression. At least she was speaking again. The doctors here had done wonders for her, but he doubted she would ever recover fully. Sovok had made sure of that. He gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance.

“Don’t worry, Sovok. As soon as my people are safe, we’ll meet again,” the Andorian promised with a predatory smile. Keep up appearances.

Caleb stepped up, putting his hand on the Andorian’s shoulder and gave him a warning look not to start anything. Caleb returned his hands to his phaser rifle, just to be ready..

Tarik and Sovok were in deep conversation. After a moment, they looked over. "Not that we have a choice, but we agree. We can begin whenever you'd like," Sovok announced.

Alanna stood with her arms around her waist. This was not starting out well. She only hoped it would end well. She looked around the room, her gaze pausing on Jason for a moment longer than the others.

No, Jason thought. You don't have a choice, none of you.

He wondered why this was taking so long to start. What was the Commander going to do if the Andorian objected? Call a peace conference?

Caleb moved away to let the security team form around ch’Zath and his people. “Eyes open, ears sharp,” he whispered to Annora as he passed.

"Very good. Mr Tarik," Soran said, "you have five minutes to arrange things. Then my people will come through."

"I understand," the Vulcan said sourly. Then he walked around the stone statue and between the two pillars and vanished.

Jason wished they were sending them all back at once. That wasn't his call though. He folded his arms on his chest and waited.

Alanna projected an outward air of calm while she waited beside Sovok. She wanted to go over to Jason, but she knew it would be a bad move right now. She couldn't show any signs that she was worried. Inside, however, her mind kept cycling through all the ways this could go wrong. She wanted this to be over. She wanted them gone and this particular portal blocked with a force field in case they tried to come back.

The five uncomfortable minutes finished. "Very good. Mr Ryan, carry on."

While she had no doubts Commander Ryan could handle himself in a sticky situation, Annora still felt compelled to follow right behind him. The ten security escorts formed a ring around the visitors, while the four person SRU team took up the rear.

Jason loosened his phaser in its holster. He wanted to have it ready, but not seem like a threat if there were any Vulcans observing. All he wanted was the Andorians to get their butts out of their hair.

The away team stepped forward, and vanished.

To Be Continued...

Lieutenant (jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant (jg) Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant (jg) Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Commanda Maritza Soran


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