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We're Not In Kansas Anymore - Part 4

Posted on Sat Jul 20, 2019 @ 11:01am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Not Kansas
Timeline: MD8, 2130 Hours

The old man spoke up. "I respect that this is your friend. I would recommend you cremate him. The Prophet has a morbid fascination with the dead. We used to bury our dead or entomb them. The Prophet changed that."

Jason was much more than a friend, and she didn't want to be the one to make the decision, but it had to be made. "You're right. Cremation is better than letting the Prophet get him." She ran a hand across Jason's cheek, saying a silent goodbye.

…Now The Continuation

At that point, Asin returned with another individual who looked slightly older than Asin. He had dark hair and yellowish eyes and was dressed similar to Asin. Looking between you all, he said, "You summoned me, elder?"

"Yes, Marisel," the old man said. "They have wounded, and the relic will help them."

Marisel nodded and pulled out what looked like a tricorder from the time between 2330-2350.

"Who is hurt?" he asked

"River," Alanna nodded to the doctor. "Her hand needs to be tended to."

Jessica nodded. Alanna was the ranking officer, so it was right that she make the decision about Jason. “Do you have something we can collect the ashes in?” she asked the elder. “I’m sure his family would appreciate something.”

The elder looked at Jessica curiously and then said, "We bury the ashes of the pyre, including the fallen, so that they can become one with the land again. After the period of mourning, we plant the seeds for three trees, one to celebrate the day they came into this world, one to celebrate who they were and what they did while here, and one to give them comfort in the next life. We could try to find something, I suppose."

“Thank you,” Jessica said. “Our people often prefer to have the remains before they decide what to do with them. I am sure his family would appreciate it.”

"I like that tradition," Alanna said quietly. She would plant the three trees on Pangaea for Jason and add some of the ashes. His father might want to have the rest.

River was still a bit woozy, and she did hurt. She was sure from her symptoms that she had a mild concussion, but she knew it wasn't serious, so she just let them concentrate on her hand for now. She also left things as they were in the setup of the team. She was in no fit state to do much herself so she stood back, metaphorically speaking, and saved her strength so she wouldn't be more of a problem than she could help.

Marisel ran the tricorder over River's hand, tapping it a couple of times as it made a couple of quirky sounds, and then said, "Ah." He took River's hand and said, "This is going to hurt a moment." With that he pushed on two of her fingers and River felt the movement of them sliding back into joint. Taking some linen bandages, he secured her fingers with a couple of small sticks he took from a woodpile that was indoors.

"Along with the dislocation, you have a slight fracture in your hand," he said, pointing along an area. "I believe that is where it is. The relic is starting to fail, I believe. It won't be long before I will have to do things the old-fashioned way. I will try to find you some meza tea. It will help with the pain."

River did her best to be a good patient. It mattered if you were a doctor yourself. She approved of the splint, and whilst the relocation had really hurt, she was grateful that the pain of it being out of place was subsiding, so for one con she got two pros.

"Thank you," she said, biting her lip.

Putting the tricorder back in the box, he took it from Marisel moved off into another room, which Freila was coming from carrying a tray. She put the tray down, which had what looked to be some fruit or vegetables and a pinkish bread.

"Please, eat," she said. "I am sorry we do not have enough for a proper meal for a group of this size. Tomorrow we will make sure there is."

Tomorrow? River thought. How long are we going to be here? Will we ever get back? It was a silent thought, but a dark one. She tried to shrug it off as being due to the pain she was in. Her head thumped on, beating out its own bass drum. She supported it with her hands and did her best to stay conscious. It wouldn't do to fall asleep with a concussion. But maybe it wasn't that. She accepted water and drank well. Maybe it was a dehydration headache. That wouldn't be such an issue, would it?

Jessica sat down beside River and put an arm around her. “It’ll be okay, doc,” she said. She looked over where Marisel had taken the tricorder. “You might have to tell us what you need. I have some field medicine training. I’ll see if they have any painkillers. I’ll get you some food. You should try and eat.”

"You're right and I will, thank you." River replied taking a small bite of an exotic looking fruit and holding it in her good hand to eat more in a minute.

Alanna joined the other two at the table. "Thank you," she said to their host.

What they were doing with a tricorder was a mystery. Nothing seemed to add up correctly, which was puzzling. "I'm curious, where did you get the scanning device?" Annora hoped the answer would help shed some light on the whole conundrum.

The old man looked to Annora and with a grin said, “I am surprised you didn’t ask sooner. I saw the recognition in your eyes when you looked at my grandmother’s stitching. My great-aunt said that it was called the IDIC. Infinite diversity in infinite combinations is what I think she said the Voolcans said what it meant.”

He sat down. “Now, mind you, I might ramble a bit,” he said. “I am a lore keeper, but it has been a long time since I told the story of the falling. Now, about three hundred of your Huemen years, most of you are Huemen, yes? Well, except for your colorful friend. Even with my failing eyes I can see she is as bright as a morning sunbird.”

“I am.” Jessica nodded.

"Me too," Avis echoed.

Alanna's eyes sparkled. She was eager to hear his tale and how it was different from their own history.

Yolanthe turned pale blue for a brief minute then settled back to a grey violet.

“So, three hundred years ago, two, what we would later learn were called starships, fell from the sky burning,” he continued. “One was a black block as square as a child’s toy. With that shape, I do not know how it could fly as it looked nothing like a bird; unlike the other ship, which did somewhat. I cannot describe that one well.”

With that, he took a small stick and drew what looked to be an overhead view of an Excelsior class starship.

To Be Continued...



Various Aliens
Played By Lt.(jg) Jason Haines

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Ensign Tizo Criteser
Security Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca
Deep Space Five


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