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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't

Posted on Thu Aug 15, 2019 @ 9:09pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan

1,112 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: XOs office
Timeline: MD10 1000


After meeting with Sovok and the unexpected run in Turvan, Maritza went to Caleb, needing different surroundings and a different perspective.

"Mr. Ryan, I need a word," she announced. "About our visitors. Do you have a minute?"

Caleb put down the padd he was reading. He had a lot to catch up on after his suspension. “For you, always, Commander,” he said, gesturing to one of the seats in the room. “Can Ah get ya’ll somethin’?” he offered, getting up and going to the replicator, ordering himself a coffee.

"No, thank you." Maritza sat down on one of the armchairs to the side of his office. "I need your opinion on what to do with our guests."

“Ah,” Caleb said. “The Andorians and Vulcans from the other timeline.” He came over to sit in the other chair with the padd containing the latest report. “I just read they were acting up.”

"That's an understatement. Two security officers assaulted, and an emergency resuscitation, in the space of thirty odd minutes. I’ve been informed that there is a group of peace officers waiting to shoot the Andorians and their friends on sight. Assuming they didn't just try and bury or destroy the portal on that end.

“Has anyone been down there to check it since they came through?” Caleb asked.

"Our side? There's Marines in the cavern now as well. But no one’s gone through," Soran replied "I’m not sure I want to risk scouts now. Sounds like they’d be walking into an ambush."

“What about a probe?” Caleb suggested. “We’d need ta make sure we’re not introducin’ any new tech, but somethin’ simple should work. At least get some telemetry.”

"Good idea. But before you get on that, what would you do, assuming that there is an ambush?" She frowned slightly. "What would you do then."

Caleb considered. “Probably double the size of the away team,” he said. “Arm with rifles, not just sidearms. Security first, set up a perimeter ta control the portal zone. Be well armed, stun grenades an’ such. Maybe plasma, dependin’ on how lethal Ah’d wanna be. Prob’ly wanna talk ta the ones we got an’ find out if there’s some universal sign o’ peace or somethin’ on their side, like a white flag, or maybe get a recorded greeting from one. Hell, take one with is, even.” He gave Soren a look. “You thinkin’ of actually crossin’ over?” he asked skeptically.

"I wasn't, but the more I talk to people, the more I think it can't be avoided." She pinched the bridge of her nose. It was only 10 AM; it was too early for this. "I can't in good conscience send the Andorians back unprotected. But then I’m skirting the fuzzy edges of the non-interference directives. This could be seen as a purely internal matter. I’m waiting on guidance from JAG, but our new star is more likely to grow old and go dwarf before that happens."

Caleb frowned. “We’re already treadin’ on thin ice with Temporal Investigations after the stunt Ah pulled with the Cardassian boy. You’re right. Regs state we send the whole kit an’ caboodle back an’ let them sort it all out.”

"Except I'd be all but executing them myself. Even if they did try to kill the Vulcans last night. I could keep them here on that basis, a trial probably would find them guilty, and there'd be extensive rehabilitation if so. But if Sovok goes back, and buries the portal, then they're stuck here for life, guilty or not." Maritza wanted to throw things. There was only bad choices.

“There’s one other option,” Caleb said. “They could claim asylum.”

"That would have to come from them. And I'm not sure it would swing after an attempted murder. And not one in self-defense. Premeditated. I'll suggest it." She pinched the bridge of her nose, as if it could make the problem unravel itself. "Would you give the order to send them back?"

Caleb sighed. “Probably not,” he admitted. “Rock an’ a hard place, eh? Why don’t we just leave a shuttle conveniently unguarded an’ let the situation sort itself out?” he said with a wry chuckle.

She sighed. "I thought of that. It's still the same problem. You can't drive a shuttle through those portals. And the marines would have a pink fit if I suggested they leave the complex unguarded. So would TA and JAG and anyone else who could be summed up with an acronym."

“Wasn’t thinkin’ lettin’ them escape through the portal,” Caleb admitted. “More just lose ‘em in the universe.” He gave a wry smile. “Then they’re someone else’s problem.”

It could well come to that. But something about it also felt...unfair. She had been fighting against the excessive devotion given to symbiotes most of her life. She had a sympathy for the Andorians seeking their own freedom from an oppressive regime. "That admitting defeat?" it felt like it to her, regardless of what Ryan’s actual intentions were.

“There’s some wars ya can’t fight if ya wanna keep standin’,” Ryan said with a shrug. “But Ah get ya.” He paused, then spoke quietly. “If ya need someone ta take the bullet, Ah’m already screwed with TI anyway,” he told Soran. “Ah’m sure they’re just lookin’ for an excuse ta bury me. No need for ya’ll ta go down, too.”

"I don't throw people to the wolves for my decisions," she said tartly. "The buck stops here. Isn't that the Human proverb?"

Caleb smiled. “It’s often a very slippery buck where Humans are concerned,” he said with amusement. “But Ah respect that. We could always just stick ‘em all in an airlock an’ let ‘em fight it out.”

"Tempting, but no," Maritza replied, trying not to smile. "I think we're going to have to try something a little more complicated." She sighed. "If only we had some of those Jem'hadar personal cloaks. That would be something."

“Well, they ain’t impossible ta get,” Caleb reminded. “Ah could make some inquiries. Ah mean, someone on this station’s got somethin’ like that.”

"Do." And a plan was forming. "And any weapons you can find that isn't Federation tech. Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Breen. Anything you can lay your hands on in the next twenty-four hours. I think I've got an idea."

“Ah’ll give mah contact a call,” Caleb said. Looked like he had a date with a Caitian tonight.


Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Commander Maritza Soran


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