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SHovel Talk (Part II of III)

Posted on Sun Jun 23, 2019 @ 7:46pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

1,614 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Anatoles, Main Promenade
Timeline: MD11 2030

Previously, in Shovel Talk

Geral was about to begin his explanation of how it all came about when a familiar Klingon pushed passed the host, locked on and headed straight for him.

Not even bothering to see who he was with Charg took the Bajoran by the collar, lifting him to his feet. "THERE ARE ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AND YOU ARE WINING AND DINING SOME HARLOT. HAVE YOU EVEN SPOKEN WITH THE COMMANDER?!"

And now the continuation...

Geral calmly motioned to his date. "I was...yes."

Turning his head sharply he looked down at the woman he had originally ignored and his surprise was complete. After a glance back and forth between each he released the Bajoran and smooth out the man's garment. "My apologies...I had no idea..."

"vjIjatlh, Charghwl'IH. 'ach jIHvaD pong waQmeH jatlhqa' 'ej SoH qabna'Daj jIH."* Maritza kept the smile on her face as she said it.

Bowing his head with a smirk of his own. "Please allow me to cover your expenses is a matter of Honor and the least I can do for my interruption."

"majQa', yIDIl, Qo' 'e' maQupqu' 'e' SoH. wej tup"** Maritza said. "Why are you interrupting?"

Glancing from Maritza to Geral and back again he replied. "It would take up too much time and this is obviously not the time or place. How about a briefing for you and your senior staff?"

"A briefing on what?" She was curious now on why he had been storming around with his usual Klingon subtlety.

A puzzled look crossed his face. "On the details concerning the new dilithium supply..." Looking to Geral, "Did you not explain things?"

He pursed his lips to one side before a clicking his tongue off the roof of his mouth. "I was about to."

The Ambassador let out a deep frustrated breath. "I will just excuse myself before I mess anything else up." He bowed his head slow and as he lifted his head he took in the full details before him. Maritza's dress and perfume, the single rose, Geral's attire.

"Mr. Lasuma, a word please." Taking a few steps aside he waited.

Geral smiled to Maritza as he pushed his chair back. "I won't be long."

Martiza looked at the both with slight suspicion. "Okay. And Charg, Qo' ghaH Sop!"***

The pair stood out of earshot and even though they could not be heard by her, Charg spoke in a hushed tone for the first time since entering the establishment. "What is going on?'

"Going on?"

Tilting his head slightly. "Between the two of you?"

Geral knew where this was going and he also knew that he had to stand his ground or lose respect with the Klingon. "With all due respect Mister Ambassador, that is between Maritza and myself."

His chin lifted slightly, think to himself as he stared at the merchant, ~Whatever this Bajoran was he was no coward. "Granted...But...she is a long time friend and former shipmate. If you hurt her...if you dishonor or betray will answer to me."

Reach over, and up, to the Klingon he put a hand on his shoulder. "It is good to see that she had such friends here on the station. We will speak soon." With that he returned to the table and to Maritza who was looking at him curiously.

"What was that about?" she asked as Charg headed towards the maitre d' and the exit. "Did he threaten you?"

"Nothing he hasn't done before. Klingons do like their threats but he does seem a bit protective.

"Charg and I served together. More than that." She fell silent for a moment, recalling unhappy times. "I was taken as a POW during the kzinti war a few years ago. Charg rescued me before I was literally eaten alive."

Geral knew that the Kzinti had done unspeakable things to their prisoners, eating them had been one of the least. Especially to the female prisoners.

"Well it's no wonder you were given command of this station. To have fought the Kzinti and to have survived their captivity only proves you have what it takes to persevere.

"However tonight is not about the past, but the future."

For a moment Maritza stared at her plate. She had been forced to watch her shipmates die, once after the other, in horrific, cruel, torturous pain. Vivisected. She had been the senior officer. She should have saved them. That was her job. Instead she'd been the only survivor. They wouldn't get a future.

She forced herself to look up at him and smile. "The future?"

He immediately realized. The setting, attire, a gift, the phrasing... She may be younger than he was but she was no wided eyed innocent so he turned it back on her.

Feigning his own surprise with a hand to his chest. "Maritza, I..I don't know what to say it's all so sudden."

She looked at him, confused for the moment. Then realised the joke, and rolled her eyes. "You are incorrigable." The waiter arrived with their entree, and after a moments pause she continued. "Can i assume there's more Dilithium in my future? More than that chunk there?" Which was admittedly enough to power a heavily used runabout for about two years.

Lifting his glass he took a sip to prolong her anticipation. Setting it down he grinned. He didn't want prying ears to ear so he reach into his coat with tha tablet that held the initial cursory scans. Needless to say there was enough dithium float around in that system to supply the Federation for the foreseeable future.

Handing it over he leaned back in his chair to wait. No doubt this would change the future of the entire sector.

Maritza started to read, eating with one hand, half way down the pad her eyebrow started to rise. A little further down and she couldn't help a smile. This was going to take the edge off the Xi'cadian problem. "Well, that's certainly substantial. I'm not sure about the Raddon clause. I know they got stiffed on Xi'cadia, but given they don't seem to think rules apply to them, this kind of feels like rewarding them for getting people killed."

"Killed? Did something happen while I was gone?"

Martiza sighed an exasperated sigh. "Raddon decided that rules are for other people and set up a research post out of the designated area. And we only realised it was there when it exploded. Dr Wells is investigating, but it look like they were working on something too interesting for proper oversight. We've seized what we could, but we're still trying to determine what actually happened. At least one of his staff was killed, others were injured. His son was his usual pleasant self. We've kicked him off the colony, but I don't know if we'll have enough to kick them and their rabble rousing friends off the station as well."

Geral simply shook his head. "Idiot." ~If you are going to do something behind the scenes at least make sure it can be done~ he thought to himself. "Is there any other option, immediately available to process the ore? At least until the station is operational?"

"Not really. Raddon does have us stitched up there. His bar isn't called the Dilithium Chamber for nothing."

"Well I guess the Federation is stuck with him; for the time being anyway. But enough of business. I took the liberty and reserved a holodeck off the Promenade for after dinner...or would you rather take a stroll through the stations park?"

She thought about it. The holodecks would give them more privacy, but it was rare she got to enjoy the station as a civilian. "Maybe we should start with the arboretum, and then see what happens?"

He lifted his glass, "As you wish."

The entree had been excellent and a busboy came by to clear the table, even pulling out an old school crumb scraper to give the area a quick touch up. After he had disappeared their waiter appreared. "And how was everything?"

"Excellent, thank you."


"Delicious, as always."

"Thank you very much. Any desert tonight? Coffees?"

Maritza shook her head. She was suddenly eager to be away and less on display as she felt in the formal dining room. "I'm fine." She looked to Geral, to see his thoughts.

Cocking his head as he pushed his chair back, "guess that's it."

Handing the waiter 2 slips of latinum, "Have the bill sent to my shop."

"Yes, Mr. Lasuma...and you two have a wonderful evening."

Moving around to Maritza her pulled her chair back and offered her his hand.

"Very gallant." she smiled. "Shall we?"

Taking her arm in his they left the restaurant.

They headed out and took the lifts down to the bottom of the promenade with its small park. Late in the evening, it was lit by tiny lights weaved into lower branches. Few people were about - the Bajoran temples had held their last services some time ago, and most of the stores were shut, and tonight there were no musical groups or actors in the small bandstand to draw a crowd. They were pretty much alone.

To be continued ...

* "Talk, Charghwl'IH. But call me a harlot again and I will end you."

** "Oh, you'll pay, don't doubt that. Not for a minute."

*** "Don't eat him!"

Commander Maritza Soran

Geral Lasuma
Owner of Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard/Henchman for Geral Lasuma

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space Five


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