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Sins of the Father- Part 3

Posted on Tue Jun 4, 2019 @ 2:03am by Civilian Jason Haines

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Nightwing, a.k.a. The Duck
Timeline: 2 Weeks Ago


Nightwing, a.k.a. The Duck – 2 weeks ago

Rob sat in the mess hall of The Duck, away from the crew. He was studying all the information there was on Xi’Cadia and its people while he ate. He was currently on physiology. Knowing a species body let you combat them more effectively. He looked up as the Bajoran known as Kitch, a Klingon, and a Nausican came to the table.

“Hey old-man”, Kitch said. “Whatcha readin?”

“I am reading the physiology of Xi’Cadians”, Rob replied. “So, who are your friends?”

“Ah, how rude of me”, Kitch replied. “The good Klingon here is K’ahl and my Nausican compatriot is Hiss. So why you readin the physiology of Xi’Cadians?”

“To kill them easier”, Rob replied. “Know your enemy and all that happy crap.”

Kitch chuckled and then said, “So, if you want to take a break from all that readin, the good Major thinks the three of us can’t beat you even being as old as you are.”

Rob looked them over, nodded, and said, “You probably want to listen to the Major.”

Kitch placed a knee on the bench and got pretty close to Rob’s face, “5 slips of latinum, each says you can’t.”

“Make it strips and as long as the Major is cool with it, I am game”, Rob said.

“Ok, strips it is”, Kitch said. “That’s fifteen total.”

Rob nodded and called out, “Major, your boys want to wager 5 strips against me. Permission to teach them a lesson. I won’t hurt them too bad.”

“Hell, as long as I can get in on it”, Gerry said. “I’ll take our guest, sorry fellas.”

Kitch snickered and didn’t move out of Rob’s face and said, “Anyone else.”

There were a number of the crew who took the bet and after the last bet was cast, Kitch started to say, “Ok, how we are…”

At that moment Rob quickly grabbed Kitch by the back of his head and slammed his face into the table, knocking the man unconscious. Some cheers, jeers and clapping erupted. K’ahl and Hiss were taken off guard and as Kitch slid down to the deck unceremoniously, Rob jumped from the bench and got ready for what the Klingon and Nausican had to throw at him.

K’ahl was the first to recover and let out and hearty growl that was filled with battle lust. Drawing his d'ktahg, he said, “I think you may be a worthy opponent. But I am not some weak Bajoran.”

The Klingon then slashed at Rob a couple of times. Rob watched his motions as he did, looking for weak spots. The last slash of the blade caught Rob in the left forearm creating a long gash, but it gave Rob the opportunity to throw the Klingon to the floor. Before K’ahl could move, Rob smashed his boot down on the Klingons face, breaking his nose and causing him to pass out, to which the clapping got louder.

Rob cursed himself as he felt something pierce his right shoulder area. Rob had carelessly lost track of Hiss in his fight with K’ahl. Looking at his shoulder he could see Hiss had bit him and now wrapped his arm all the way around his waist so he could keep hold of him.

Rob punched Hiss in the face a couple of times. The Nausican just growled at him. Rob then did the ‘three stooges routine”, i.e. poked him in the eyes. He only used his knuckles as he didn’t want to permanently blind the man. Hiss let go of Rob who then was able to twist his shoulder. In doing so, one of Hiss’ fangs broke so he stopped biting. Rob took the opportunity to rather forcefully introduce Hiss’ face to the bulkhead, which send the Nausican to the floor.

There was a lot of clapping and as Rob pulled Hiss’ fang from his shoulder he said to Kayhill, “Tell them to bring my money by in the morning.”

He winced, as the adrenaline was wearing off, picked up his padd and headed back to his room to patch himself up. When he got there, the ship’s second in command, a rather attractive, un-joined Trill, was waiting at the door by his quarters.

“That was quite the show”, she said.

“Not too bad for an artifact”, Rob replied with a smile.

“Indeed, would you like some help with those wounds?” she asked.

“I’ll have to take my shirt off”, he said. "You'll see me half-naked."

“I won’t tell if you don’t”, she replied with a sly grin.

‘Ah, what the hell’, Rob thought and then opened the door.

“After you”, he said with a mischievous smile.


Lcdr. Robert Haines
semi-retired rabble rouser
NPC played by Lt.(jg) Jason Haines


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