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Sins of the Father - Part 4

Posted on Sat Jun 8, 2019 @ 4:16am by Civilian Jason Haines

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Xi'Cadia
Timeline: MD 12, 2000

Rob came onto the bridge of the Duck as he knew they were getting really close to Xi’Cadian space. He was glad. He had read just about every damn bit of information he could on the Xi’Cadians twice. Kitch had also approached him during the past week and had asked Rob to give him some pointers on fighting which he had happily done to break up the monotony of the trip. There was only so much he could train him on in the short time, but the Bajoran was an eager study.

Swiveling the command chair towards Rob, Major Kayhill said, “Well, we are almost to Xi’Cadian space, but we have two problems.”

“What are those?”, Rob asked.

“Well, this old Bird of Prey’s cloak isn’t going to get us through the Cardassian’s sensor grid”, Kayhill replied. “It is too advanced. Second, if we do get to the planet, transporting you down is probably going to give off an energy surge that can be detected. The Duck is good against criminals and not so advanced ships, but not this stuff.”

“Let’s hit the easy one first”, Rob said. “You aren’t going to beam me down; I am going to space drop.”

“That’s nuts”, Kitch said.

“Yup, but it makes it so the chances of getting detected are slimmer”, Rob said. “Now the other problem, show me the sensor grid and the system.”

Kayhill brought the system map and sensor overlay and Rob studied it for about five minutes before saying, “Well, isn’t that convenient?”

“What’s that?”, Kayhill asked.

“Well, the area around the meteor and asteroid belt of the furthest planet out has limited sensor coverage”, Rob said. “Probably because the belt makes it so you would be replacing sensors left and right. Not only that, these meteors and asteroids have some drift to them. The makeup of them should disrupt sensor readings of the Duck.”

“Well, that’s all well and good”, Kayhill remarked. “But it isn’t like we can actually tractor beam a meteor all the way to Xi’Cadia. It sort of cancels out the affects of the meteor’s composition.”

“Ah, time to learn some new tricks Major”, Rob said. “Our own gravity will tow it along. If we come in at the right angle, our gravity distortion will grab it and the momentum will keep it going. We will have to be about a thousand meters from it and puttering along about one-sixteenth impulse, but it should work. Then after I drop, you just keep puttering out the system with the meteor in tow.”

Kayhill was the one this time to say, “That’s nuts! Even if it does work, it will take us about a day to get there.”

“Yeah, it’s a bitch”, Rob said with a nod. “but I am all ears if you have something better to try.”

Kayhill shook his head.

“Alright, let’s get the party started”, Rob said with a smile.

It took twenty-three stressful hours to get to where the drop would happen. They had almost been discovered by a Cardassian cruiser. They had to slow down to not be detected which almost resulted in the large boulder sized meteor they were using for a ‘sensor cloak’ findings its way into the engines and ending the trip real fast.

Rob stood near the rear door of the Duck, which when opened would pull him out into space and he would use the micro thrusters he had in the special suit he had for the drop.

“Thanks for the ride Major”, Rob said with a bit of a salute.

Kayhill returned it and said, “Good luck.”

With that Kayhill got out of the cargo bay and Rob was sent on his drop.

“That’s one crazy bastard Major”, Kitch said to him.

“Indeed”, Gerry replied.

“He’d make a good Renegade”, Kitch said.

Gerry laughed and headed back to the bridge to start the long exit out of the system. For better or worse, the Commander was on his own now.

Lcdr. Robert Haines
semi-retired rabble rouser
Played By Lt.(jg) Jason Haines


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