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Sins of the Father - Part II

Posted on Sun Jun 2, 2019 @ 4:09pm by Civilian Jason Haines

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Nightwing, a.k.a. Duck
Timeline: 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago, Nightwing, a.k.a. The Duck

Rob looked around as he materialized on the transporter padd of an old Klingon warbird. Old was being generous; ancient was a better term.

At the transporter controls stood two men, one a rather tall human and a shorter Bajoran. The human walked over and extended his hand and said, “Major Gerry Kayhill the gentleman over there is Kitch.”

Rob shook Gerry’s hand, nodded to Kitch and said, “I would tell you mine, but I have some strict orders to keep my mouth rather shut, so just call me Bob.”

“It’s ok Bob, I know who you are”, Gerry replied with a smile. “But welcome to the Nightwing, or as the crew and I like to call her, the Duck.”

“Why is that?” Rob asked.

“Long story, maybe I’ll get a moment to tell you on our little trip”, Gerry replied.

“So, who did you piss off to get on board this little rust-bucket?” Rob asked.

“Slept with an Admiral’s daughter and he came home early”, Gerry said.

Rob smiled and said, “Well, I can say from experience it is much worse when it’s their wife.”

“No way”, Gerry said.

Rob nodded and then asked, “Where are my quarters?”

“Two decks down, reddish door on the left”, Gerry replied as Rob handed him a data-padd.

“Get you get me this stuff?” Rob asked.

Gerry looked at the list and a ‘hrrm escaped him’

“I should be able to although I am not sure on the last one”, Gerry replied.

“Ok, I’ll be in my quarters”, Rob said, taking the padd back and leaving the room.

“Who the hell is the old man boss?”, Kitch asked.

“A passenger and no-one to be trifled with”, Gerry replied.

“So, we are a transport service for the old-folk’s homes now?” the Bajoran asked. “Looks like he should be playing shuffleboard somewhere.”

“Well Kitch”, Gerry replied. “He might be pushing fifty, but given that he is here, I imagine he could still take a shuffleboard pole, shove it up your ass, wipe the floor with you, and not break a sweat. There are five skirmishes, shall we call them with various entities where victory was attributed to the fleeters and or Marine regulars. In reality, it was either him alone or him and his team that got the job done.”

“Sounds like you have a new boy-crush boss”, Kitch snickered.

“Hardly”, Gerry replied. “But, you, K’ahl, and Hiss could go up against him and I would still bet on him.”

“That hurts boss”, Kitch said in a tone of mock indignation.

“The truth often does my man”, Gerry said clapping him on the shoulder. “Go tell Mara to get us underway. I’ll be up in a few.”


Lcdr. Robert Haines
Semi-retired rabble rouser

Major Gerry Kayhill
'The Renegades'

Weapons Specialist
'The Renegades'

APB Lt.(jg) Jason Haines


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