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Tough question

Posted on Sat Apr 20, 2019 @ 2:38am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,106 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD 6, 1400


Jason waited until after the lunch rush was done before going to the Box. His team had found some information and the only person on the station who might have a clue about it was Yolanthe. It could be a touch subject, so he wanted to tread carefully.

He went to the bar and ordered a Icoberry juice and asked the bar tender, "Is the boss lady around?"

The barman on duty was impish looking young girl, probably human. "She's just got in. Want me to get her?"

"That would be great", Jason said. "Thank you very much."

The bartender reached under the bar, and pressed a button there. Yolanthe came out a few minutes later and walked over to the bar, dressed in her usual black clothes. Leila nodded towards Jason, and then moved away. The taller woman gave Jason a look. "What can I do for you, sugar-plum?"

"Well beautiful", Jason said with a playful smile, which turned a bit more serious. "I wish I could say this was a fun visit. Do you have somewhere we can talk in private. It's about Raddon."

She gave him a suspicious look, then beckoned him through the employees only door and into her office. It was decorated in black and white, with a definite rococo feel, the furniture all slender legged, and sumptuously upholstered. At the back was a wall that displayed a number of weapons - phasers, disruptors, and an assortments of blades. In the middle of this sat incongruously a man's gold lame posing pouch, and a small leather bag.

Her violet skin was not the only colour in the room - a bowl of fruit and several bottles stood on the sideboard. She picked one up, a viscous dark red liquor and showed it to him, "Drink?"

Jason nodded with a smiled and said, "That would be great."

After she poured it Jason said, "The reason I came to talk to you is that I recently gained access to some Raddon files. In it, there are some entries about a planet Cherulan five. There aren't many Federation scans of the planet. In some of the files, there are some brief mention of the Orion's and a description of someone that comes very close to a description of you. Does that planet name mean anything to you?"

The bokkai turned a dark gold, her hair only slightly more yellow. "And why are you interested in a planet that's tens of thousands of light years from Federation space?"

"We'll, between you, me, and the man in the moon", Jason replied taking a sip of his drink. "Even a blind man can see they are up to no good here and I want to nail their ass to the wall. The only way I can do that is to follow up on the leads I find, and that planet is a lead."

She raised an eyebrow. Then stared at her glass for a moment. "It's my homeworld."

"The files I have reference some sort of project for them there", Jason said. Any thoughts as to why they would want something there besides the obscurity?"

Yolanthe looked at her drink again, "I suspect he was doing a background check. There's no love lost between us. Maybe he thought he'd learn something."

"So, you don't think there is anything on your home world that would be of value to them?", Jason asked. "I wouldn't think a company like Raddon would be interested in your planet for a vacation spot."

Yolanthe shook her head. "I think we've probably got some mineral deposits that anyone would be interested in. Maybe even dilithium. But my people aren't warp capable yet. And I don't know what the boffins use to power our existing space ships. We only got to our moon fifty years ago. We've got some interesting stuff going on with crystals in general - we can actually pick up subspace transmissions, though don't ask me how. And even if we did. We're 35 years at warp nine from the nearest Federation world. Hardly cost effective."

"So, how long ago did your parents arrive in the area?" Jason asked. "because maybe my gauge is off, but you don't look 35 and no ship can sustain warp nine for 35 years."

He smiled and took a drink.

"Are you digging for my life story, honey buns? All the pathos and cruelty and drama?" Yolanthe gave him a withering look. "Because I don't see how knowing it will help you any. They've got no starring role in my past. Not even bit players."

"Definitely not sweet cheeks", Jason replied with a sympathetic smile. "I am only trying to see where your path and theirs intersect, beyond what they have done here, even if just minutely. So even knowing how you got here might give me a clue as to where to go next with my investigation."

"Their path crossed mine when they decided to set up their racist little gin shop over the way. I'd never heard of them before then and I seriously doubt they'd heard of me." She looked at him. "I know you mean well. but where you're digging, you've got no ore." She considered that. "Have you considered checking their closets for skeletons?"

"Oh, I am indeed looking into that closet", Jason said. "but given how big it is, I need to proceed cautiously. Anyway, thanks for your time and I apologize if I dredged up anything you wanted to forget."

The violet became smoky, infused with grey. "The past is gone it can't be changed, no point in crying over it. And whilst I'm not doing that, you might want to examine the storage bay on deck 250."

"Well, I thank you for that suggestion", Jason said with a smile. "Well, I've kept you too long. I promise you, the next time I come here it will be to lose some money at your tables or to buy a meal."

"You do that." He had tried so hard. Yolanthe felt she should give him a bit more help. "And when you check out Raddon's closet. Go with a translator for Dominion."

Jason nodded to her and said, "Now I am very curious. I am glad I am not a cat or I could be in big trouble."

The boy had no idea. Chances were there was nothing left to find, and she really doubted there would be any more explosive security measures. "Good luck."

Jason gave her a bow and smile and then left.


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delight

Lieutenant (jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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