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A New Arrival

Posted on Thu Apr 25, 2019 @ 4:37pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Miral Annhwi

993 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 09 1100 hours


Miral Annhwi was dressed in a long purple dress that hugged her curves and looked formal at the same time. It suited the statement she wished to make for her first meeting with the commander of the station.

She walked in to the outer office and bowed to the yeoman. "I am Ambassador Miral Annhwi. I wish to speak with Commander Soran. Your computer said she was in her office."

The young human stood, "We're expecting you, Madam Ambassador. If you would follow me. Would you like refreshments brought in?"

"No, thank you. That will not be necessary." She nodded for the yeoman to show her in.

He walked her across OPS, and up the stairs to the spartan office that Soran occupied. "Commander Soran?" he said as the doors opened for him. "The Romulan Ambassador."

Commander Maritza Soran stood and came around her desk, offering a hand to shake. "Welcome to DS5, your excellency."

Miral hesitated for a fraction of a second, then shook her hand. "Ambassador is fine. I am Miral Annhwi, your new Ambassador from Romulus."

Not that she was going to miss Maekhav D'Aerrol, but Soran did wonder why they'd chosen now to replace him. He had saved her crew by voting against finding them guilty as Turvan had expected. Maybe the Praetor did not approve of such cosying up and this Romulan was here to give her a harder time. "A pleasure to meet you. I trust your journey here was uneventful?"

"It was," Miral acknowledged. It gave her time to review some of the massive amounts of data she'd been given on the station. The more she read, the more she wondered if this was more punishment than promotion.

Well that was chatty. Soran decided to get straight down to business. "So, Ambassador. how can I help you and the other Romulans on my station?"

Good. Miral preferred to get down to business. There was a time for social discord, and a time for business. Right now, she wanted to deal with the business first. "I have been sent with two objectives. First, to be a more active presence on this station. There have been too many decisions made by Cardassians, Ferengi, and Klingons with little to no involvement on our part. We want an equal say in foreign affairs here. Second, I am to work with your science department as a liaison between Romulan scientists and those of the Federation. We have agreed to be part of a joint venture to explore the archaeology and anthropology of Pangaea. I believe a team of humans, Vulcans and Romulans will begin their work shortly."

An equal say on anything on her station. Oh boy, this would need some tact. "We always welcome the advice of our allies, Ambassador, and I'm sure Dr Wells will appreciate your government's contribution. She's mentioned a lot of potential possibilities for exploration. Are you appraised of the conditions of a physical presence on the colony?" Given the hassle the Raddons had caused, she wanted to double check her new tenant knew the rules.

"As in taking up residence in the colony?" Miral asked. "I was sent information, yes. But it might be best to hear from you what you expect. Although I will most likely stay on the station myself. The scientists will be staying in your colony."

"Until we deem it safe, all facilities must be within the bounds of the colony, and we purposely have no entertainment facilities planet side. For the mean time, all researchers are to return to the station for R&R. We believe this will change in the future, but right now, we're still learning about the planet. Once we are sure its safe, we can relax the rules."

Miral waved that off. "They are scientists. They came here for research, not recreation. Those conditions are acceptable."

"Beyond that, there are a number of restricted areas, planet side as well as on the station. I'm sure the embassy staff can brief you. Unless you have any specific questions?"

"Not at the moment. I'm sure I will have more as I familiarize myself with this place." She raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Do you have any questions?"

Why now? Why you? What did D'Aerrol do to get recalled? Or not do? What is Romulus hoping to get out of this? Are you just a smoke screen for another aggressive move? "Have you got any immediate hoped for the research on Pangaea? The community there is rather open, there aren't really secrets." Yet. Give it time.

"No. I have it under good authority that this sort of research takes time," Miral said. "The research will progress as it progresses."

Parried and reflected, Maritza thought. "And on the station? Do you have any hopes for your own time here?"

Miral considered that for a moment. The truth was she had no expectations and many expectations at the same time. "I hope the Romulan Embassy will not be ignored and that the Romulans who will live and work here will not be ostracized," she said bluntly. It was her basic wish for her stay here.

That was something she couldn't deliver, not with Ray Raddon and his cronies stirring the pot. "Romulans are very welcome, Isha T'vaurek was a good captain, and she is missed. She was a great example of what Romulan and Federation cooperation could achieve."

"I am glad to hear you think well of her. I hope to continue the joint cooperation. If there is nothing else, I will take up no more of your time."

"Thank You. It was a pleasure to meet you." She stood and walked round her desk to show the Romulan to the door, "Please, contact my yeoman if there's anything you need."

"I will. Thank you again, commander," Miral said. She bowed again and walked out the door.


Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador

Commander Maritza Soran


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