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A Night On The Town - Part II

Posted on Wed Apr 17, 2019 @ 5:47pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Civilian Jason Haines

3,000 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Dilithium Chamber
Timeline: MD 5 - 2030



"Well, all that makes me so glad I never did consider joining the service. I love my job, don't get me wrong but I do like to have a good time also. And right now I think that would mean we eat this delicious meal. Then head over to the Chamber. This could turn out to be quite an adventure, you never know," Avis grinned. Or a total disaster but she didn't utter that possibility aloud.

"Adventure sounds good to me", Jason replied, raising his glass.

...Now, the Conclusion

Approaching the Dilithium Chamber, Jason saw a bouncer trying to discretely prevent a man from entering the club. Jason could see why; the slight ridge on the nose of the man indicated he was part Bajoran. The man took his cue as another bouncer showed up. The bouncer shook his head slightly as if he had seen this a thousand times.

Looking at Jason and Avis, the Bajoran said with a snort, "You go in there, you are no better than trash."

Avis blinked as she paused then smiled, "Excuse me? Have we met before because I don't think so. So you obviously do not know me."

"Lady", the man replied. "I don't care if you are the great prophet Amara, if you do business with these racist scum, you are no better than they are."

With that, he stormed off. Jason out his hand briefly on her forearm and said quietly, "You can't give him more thought to work this. People are watching."

Avis glared at the man's back as he retreated, "Oh like I care what he thinks of me. We came here to have a good time so that's what we're going to do."

Yes, if they were being watched, the two of them had to present the pretense of a couple out on a date.

Jason led them to the entrance and after a brief moment or two, the security at the door let them in. Jason smiled and looked around, trying to note all the exits.

"So, what do you want to do first?" he asked with a smile. He seemed to have relaxed a little bit.

"Well, look around, see what it's like in here. Oh, and maybe get a drink. Sound good to you?" Avis asked.

"Sounds great", Jason answered with a smile. "What can I get you?"

"Hmmm, well nothing too strong, want to keep my head clear. See if they have port? Thanks," she decided.

Jason looked and saw where the bar was. He walked up to the bar. Seeing the bartender he motioned to him

"Can I get a glass of port wine and a whiskey straight up double ice?", he asked.

[Balcony Level]

Raymond Raddon stood over the rail as he listened to the music as it pulsated through the speakers and reverberated throughout the club. The Dilithium Chamber was the crown achievement of the Raddon Corporation's Entertainment Division. It relied on state-of-the-art audio amplification technology to disperse the variety of music to different sections of the club. Whether they preferred to dance to a lively beat or relax while listening to a live musical performance by one of the roster of award-winning performers that were on the Raddon Corporation's payroll, the Dilithium Chamber provided separate "chambers" to meet the various tastes of their guests.

From Raymond's vantage point he could see the various guests as they entered the club and made their way towards the chamber of their choice. Whether they had come for the great music or maybe the authentic Terran cuisine, Raymond was able to view who was being admitted into his facility. His attention was focused on a dazzling pair of twins that were dancing rather suggestively when he was approached by a Security Consultant. Raymond turned to look at the younger woman. . .Tasha. . .he believed her name was.

"Sir, you wanted to be updated once the meeting concluded." She said as she gestured towards the far side of the club where Security was leading a trio of individuals away from the main conference room and towards the VIP lounge area. Raymond smiled as he watched the "trade representatives" from Farius Prime being led.

"Thank you, Tasha. Make sure that our guests are made comfortable. I'll be there shortly." He said with an obvious smile.

"Here is the information you wanted, we're transmitting funds as we speak. Once it is processed we'll have someone collect the goods from Docking Bay 16." Tasha said as she handed the padd to Raymond for his acknowledgement.

[Floor Level]

Jason looked about as he waited for their drinks. He noted the balcony level and how it looked down on the floor. A good vantage point. He wondered who the people were up there as usually a spot like that was reserved for 'the beautiful people'.

Jason knelt down to adjust his boot and then casually remove one of the bugs disguised as a button. Standing up, he pressed it up under the bar before paying for the drinks. He walked over to where Avis was.

"One port for the lovely lady", he said with a smile, handing it to her.

"Thank you, how kind of you," Avis took the glass.

"So after we are seen chatting a bit and finish our drinks, should we wander about and check out the various sections. Maybe mingle and see who we might meet, they might have something interesting to say?" she suggested then sipped her drink, it was a top notch replication or this place had an impressive collection of real drinks.

"That does sound fun", Jason said. "just so you know, about three o'clock high I think might be someone of interest for you. I believe that is one of the Raddons. Has himself a nice little perch to look down on the little people."

Avis glanced upward. Big shots up there no doubt. Interesting.

"So, when I said wander...hmmm, what do you say to us wandering on up there and see what we might stir up? I've been reading up on these Raddons," Avis suddenly suggested.


Raymond had made his way down from the balcony level and went over to the area where the delegates had gathered to enjoy themselves. "Gentlemen, I hope you are prepared for the experience of your life!" He said jovially to the gathered group. "I wanted to come down and personally thank you for making this project a possibility." He said.

"Well, we don't plan on celebrating any time soon, at least not until we're certain that the research can be conducted in peace." The lead delegate, Branet, said with a glass in one hand and a particularly attractive woman in the other.

Raymond looked at the man, but maintained his smile. "The Matthias is home to a state-of-the-art xenobiology research. The Federation has no jurisdiction on our vessel and they're not dumb enough to go snooping around either." Raymond said confidently. "I can assure you that the Raddon Corporation will be the best and the only research partner you will ever need." He said.

"Now, with that being said, I will depart and let you all enjoy our amenities!" He said as he nodded to Tasha to follow him as he left the secluded area. Raddon waited until the two had passed by the nearby bar and were out of earshot of the VIP lounge.

"Keep them happy, and keep them drunk. The deal is complete, I don't need them having second thoughts and trying to change the terms of the agreement." Raymond said in a more serious tone. "We've worked with the Syndicate before and they have a knack for going off the reservation and causing more problems than they are worth." He said as he leaned against the bar and ordered himself a drink.

Jason sipped on his drink, looking disinterested in Raddon and the rest of those assembled. However, he was paying attention, he was definitely going to have to talk to the Commander afterwards. Jason reached out and held Avis' hands to maintain their 'cover'.

Needless to say, Avis was well aware of his action and silently approved. He was not only playing his role perfectly but he was a very handsome man.

"How is your drink?" he asked her.

"It's good. How bout yours? Say the man who just made his way to the bar...he's ordering a drink now. He looks important or at least puts on a good act of it. Maybe we should get closer and ...who knows? See what happens? A chance conversation perhaps or we overhear something he says?" she suggested.

"Quite good", Jason said with a smile. "The man is Raymond Raddon, son of Melvyn Raddon, CEO of Raddon corp. Loved by many, hated by the rest. I think he might keep speaking if just a certain pretty reporter caught his eye. And if you could keep him talking by the bar, that would be nice."

[Further down the bar]

Raymond finished his conversation with Tasha and continued to focus on the remainder of his drink. Raymond was not overly excited to once again deal with the Syndicate, considering the last transaction with them resulted in The Box of Delights being burnt to the ground. However, a part of him did rejoice in seeing Yolanthe suffer in misery and her not being able to do a thing about it.

"I can give it my best, let's go," Avis nodded then rather nonchalantly closed the distance between them and their target. By the time she drew up next to him she had her ploy figured out.

"Excuse me....but if you don't mind what is that drink you are having? I am always on the lookout for trying new things and that doesn't look familiar," Avis addressed the man.

Raymond turned to the younger woman and smiled. He took several moments to admire her figure before taking a step towards her and speaking in a lower tone. "This. . .is a custom blend of Terran and Rigelian bourbon." He said. "We're the only place on the promanade that keeps a fully stocked bar ever since that fire over at The Box of Delights." He said. He suppressed the urge to add how ironic the name of the bar was considering the gruesome and violent incident that occurred.

"Ah yes, that fire was such a tragedy," Avis nodded emphatically but added, "It sounds like an intriguing blend."

"Roger! Please, pour a glass of our finest for my guest here." Raymond said to the bartender. He turned back around and returned his attention to the woman. "And your name would be?" He asked.

"Avis....or just A if you really like it short and me!" she batted her eyelashes at him, "And you are ?"

Jason kept one eye slightly on Avis, but continued to nurse his drink and watch the rest of the bar. With only humans here, he found it a touch boring. He was used to places that had a variety of races. The Box of Delights was definitely more his style.

Raymond was slightly offended that the young girl did not know who he was. "I take it you are new to the station."

"You take it correctly, sir," she nodded then took the newly poured glass from the bartender, "And thank you for this."

He said. "I'm Raymond Raddon, owner of this fine dining and entertainment facility."

"Ooooh, impressive!" she cooed, mostly an act of course but she could be convincing at it.

He said with a smile. "So A. . .what has brought you to this station? You have a sense of fashion, so I can assume you aren't with Starfleet." He laughed.

Avis laughed, "I like that, clever. But you're correct, I could never work for Starfleet. I don't take orders all that well and I like to have a good time when and where I want to. Like tonight, my date and I are just here looking for fun."

'Smoothie', Jason thought as he sipped his drink eyeing the various people. He wasn't ready to get up and check other areas just yet.

"Date?" Raymond said excitedly, hoping that she was referring to an equally attractive female companion. "And just where is this date of yours?" He smiled.

Given that Avis had the attention of Mr. Raymond and decided to get up and head to the bathroom. Heading to the lavatory made it easy to check an area out without seeming like one was checking out the area.

"Well, he is..........." Avis turned to find Jason and he wasn't where he had been? That threw her.

"Umm, he was right over there...I don't know. Maybe he saw an old friend in the crowd or is going to the rest room?" she shrugged.

He better not have just left her!

Raymond laughed aloud. Obviously the "date" felt too intimidated compared to Raymond and decided it was best to simply leave rather than try to compete. "Oh don't worry about him" Raymond said as he moved closer to her. "I'm sure he's fine. . .wherever he is." he said in a low tone.

Avis nodded, "I'ms sure he is."

"So tell me, A, just what kind of fun are you looking to have tonight?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

"Great question actually," she smiled, paused for dramatic effect, than continued, "Dancing or maybe something involving holograms. Something with some physical activity, you know?"

And yes, she knew that could be taken more than one way. In fact, it was all part of her dumb blonde act.

Jason took his 'bathroom' stroll at a slower pace, giving Avis time to speak with Raddon one on one. He took in the sights, which were a typical human club. Somewhat boring and not quite as lively, but the individuals that Raddon was plying with alcohol might change that.

He made his way back to Avis and then asked, "Stealing my date Mr. Raddon?"

Raymond non-nonchalantly extended his hand in order to appear interested in whatever the man had to say.

"Well, you must not be that entertaining as a date since she's been otherwise occupied with me this whole time." Raymond asked with obvious tension in his voice hoping this character would catch the hint and leave the two of them to continue their conversation.

"There is no theft of dates going on here," Avis interjected, "And I also have no complaint to make about my date." She was trying to play the middle and keep both of them happy.

"Well, my date here asked if we could come here tonight as she had heard good things about it", Jason said. "I agreed as I figured it would be unfair for me to judge all your companies by the actions of a small few in it. So far, I have not been disappointed here. I was looking forward to losing some money on your gambling tables, but if you would prefer, I can chose someplace else?"

"Look here, I really don't know what all is between you two gentlemen but Jason here is telling the truth. This date here tonight was all my idea so blame me," Avis interceded for Jason.

Raymond was becoming seriously annoyed by the man's uninvited interruption. Thought Avis was quite attractive, she was not worth the aggravation and energy necessary to compete for her attention.

He was a Raddon for christ sake, he couldn't let Jason think that they were equals.

"Ah yes, please, enjoy yourselves." Raymond said dismissively as he straighten his shirt and walked away from the two.

"Thank you sir", Jason said. "you are a gracious host."

Avis blinked then whispered to Jason, "Well, that was abrupt of him."

After Raymond walked away, Jason said to Avis, "I'm sorry about that. I think I may have screwed up your fact finding mission. Security served a warrant on his company this morning and my team was called in to do some investigating. I didn't run into him face to face, so he must have seen my face on the company security tapes. I didn't even think he would be here either."

"It's alright, Jason, you didn't do anything wrong. Though I will admit - for a bit there anyhow - I was suddenly worried you had gone and left me here alone," she smiled to show she wasn't actually upset.

"So now what?"

Jason smiled and said, "Well, I am sure after a few minutes no official staff will talk to either of us. So, I suggest we stick to the plan. Let's have some fun. We'll go lose some of my money on the dabo table and then dance some, and then we'll go to the Box of Delights to get a drink or two as I won't trust the bartenders here now. What do you think?"

It sounded like he was ready to toss in the towel on their intel gathering plan but Avis also couldn't really disagree with the man's assessment. And on the bright side, yeah they could still have a good time.

"OK, I like your Plan B. Better your money than mine," she grinned, "Then dancing and a few drinks...I can do that. Lead on, Jason."

After Raymond had left the presence of the two he signaled for Tasha to follow him upstairs to his office. As the two made their way to the top of the rail he turned towards her.

"I want a detailed assigned to the both of them, even after they leave the club, I want to find out who they are, what they're doing, and what the hell they want with us." He said sternly.

"Yes, sir. I'll handle it." She replied.


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist

Raymond Raddon
Raddon Corporation


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