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5 Card Stud, Nothing Wild But The Dealer, Part 3

Posted on Tue May 7, 2019 @ 12:30am by Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Ensign Tizo Criteser & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

1,670 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Box Of Delights
Timeline: MD 8, 2100



“Shall we?” Jessica asked River. “This reminds me of the Academy,” she said. “Though, admittedly, there was more alcohol, and someone was liable to be in their skivvies by the end of the night.” She flushed a little with embarrassment. “The Commandant wasn’t too thrilled with us.”

"The night is still young, Miss Mayhew," Jason said, deadpan with just a slight smirk. "The night is still young."

Replying to Jessica's previous query, River, not having missed Jason's smirk, replied with an amused grin. "Yes, let's." She took a seat next to Jessica, hoping it wasn't going to be a problem if she had to ask questions.

Now The Continuation...

Jason took the deck of cards on the table and started to shuffle them.

"Okay, so winner gets to ask the question," he said. "No one is asked a question twice in a row and the deal passes to the individual who had to answer the questions. Lastly, remember at the table there are no ranks, so don't hold back."

He dealt cards to everyone, and as was his custom, he never looked at his first hand. No matter what it was, he always played it without looking. He slid his chips in for the bet.

Avis, however, did examine her cards and was not impressed. She wasn't going to be doing anything with this rather pathetic hand. "Eh, fold."

Alanna glanced at her cards and set them down again. As she expected, not great, but she was more interested in watching how the others played. When it was her turn, she put a chip in the pile.

Brianthe watched everyone else get their cards before she looked at hers. She was only a passable card player, so this was more to watch how the others played. When it was her turn, she almost missed it. Alanna had to give her a nudge. "I'm in," she said, putting a chip in the pile.

River looked at her hand and then put out some of the chips in front of her. "I'm in," she said, looking impassive.

Picking up the cards, Annora took a look a the cards dealt her. She had a decent starting hand, so she placed several chips in the pile.

Glancing at the guide, Tizo could tell he didn't have a real strong hand, but considering the stakes weren't real high he decided to stay in. Tossing a few chips on the center of the table, he waited to see how everyone else fared.

Jessica glanced at her cards. Not bad. Depended on the flop cards. And it was good to stay in the first round. “I’m in,” she said, pushing her chips forward.

Jason continued the deal, and the cards that came up were enough to keep everyone in. As it was time for the down card reveal, Jason put in his final bet and revealed his hand, 2,4,6,9 J. Nothing good.

"Well, that didn't work out quite as planned," Jason said with a smile.

Alanna's hand was working on an inside straight. Until the last card was turned, leaving her with nothing. "I'm out." With a grin, she spread her cards, all black, onto the table.

Brianthe sighed. It was entirely for show. "I had no chance this round," she said, showing cards that had no relation to each other.

"Oh, I know how you feel," Avis commented with a smile. There would be more hands though.

Brianthe smiled back. "Sometimes the fun is in losing."

Jessica shook her head. “Unlucky in love, I guess, as usual,” the blonde said as she put down a busted flush of hearts.

"Wow," River exhaled as the red of the flush of hearts appeared. She put her own hand down. Face up it was a three of one suit, low numbers, and a pair of another. "That beats me." She laughed and leaned back in her chair, waiting to see what else might evolve next. She wasn't sure if that was an unbeatable hand or not, being very new to this game, but she was having fun and so were the others, which was all that mattered, in her opinion. She took the opportunity to take a sip of her drink.

As the second round of cards didn't help the Bajoran's hand, Tizo tossed down his cards. He had two three's but of differing suites and no other matching cards.

Laying down four Sevens and an Ace, Annora smiled. "Four of a Kind. Starting off strong. I like that."

Jason looked at the cards, whistled, and shook his head. "Well, lucky sevens. The first question goes to Lady Annora."

Before she could state her question, Yolanthe entered, wheeling a trolley covered in plates and trays of finger food. She hadn't dressed up for the occasion, but to prevent suspension of disbelief, she had got the computer to provide appropriate dress for a respectable businesswoman. So now she wore a black silk dress. The bodice was tight fitting and covered her from wrist to neck, but it was the skirt that surprised her. Even though it was an overlay, she was aware of the bustle that rose up behind her. It seemed entirely pointless and impractical, with swathes of black sweeping around her hips to be pinned up on the back of it. It was like she was hiding a small sensors pack under her dress.

"Refreshments, ladies and gentlemen." She began to place platters of sandwiches, tiny kebabs, bird wings, and other finger foods down between the players. She turned to the barman. "How's the stock looking? Have they drunk you dry yet?" she asked the hologram.

"We are good so far, ma'am," the bartender replied. "I am sure, depending how the cards go, that might change".

"Oh, thank you. Kebabs. I love those." Avis smiled as she reached for a skewer. "I wouldn't turn down another drink too." She was actually glad she hadn't won so she could see what sort of question the first winner would ask, give her a better idea for possibly later. She was about to find out.

The bartender looked at Avis and asked, "Do you want what you were drinking or something different?"

"Same as before, thank you." She nodded in reply.

"Alright then." Yolanthe smiled, turning back to the others, acutely away of her illusionary spring loaded petticoat moving around behind her. "Is there anything else I can get you, sugar plum?"

"All looks and smells wonderful," Jason replied with a smile. "I think we are good."

Once Yolanthe had left, he turned his attention back to Annora, wondering who she would question and what the question would be.

Alanna slipped out of her seat and helped herself to some of the food. She'd only been to the Box of Delights once, and only for a drink. The food did smell good.

When Alanna stood, Brianthe joined her. River too stood and took a plate of treats, returning to her seat with the spoils and a napkin so as not to miss the question.

The first question fell to her, which was a bit unsuspected. After a brief consideration, Annora asked a question she herself would have trouble answering. At the same time though, it wasn't an embarrassing question. Those might come later, which was fine, but she didn't feel like starting off with that type of question.

"The first question goes to Miss Oaxaca. If you had to join a different department than the one you currently work in, what would you choose and why?"

Brianthe laughed. "A harder question than you might imagine. For me, anyway." She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back over her shoulders. "I'd probably run a shop selling herbs and flowers. Or I'd work on a planet somewhere as an arbor. Something to do with plants. I've never really wanted to do anything else." She grinned. "Or I'd be a gypsy. That could be interesting."

River thought about how she would have answered that question and agreed that it was harder to do that might first be thought. It was a very good question.

As they had waited for Brianthe to answer, Jason went and got a sandwich and gently bumped against Alanna and gave her a smile.

Alanna bumped him back and smiled. "Hi," she said softly.

River noticed the interaction between Jason and Alanna and thought immediately of Ash. Within a split second of that instinctive reaction she was angry with herself and internally beating herself up for even entertaining a single thought about him that wasn't full of anger and offended feelings. She pushed all thoughts of him away and returned to the present company, forcing her concentration back to the chatter around her.

Jason gave Alanna a wink and then went and sat back down at his spot.

Alanna smiled again and finished filling her plate.

"A gypsy?" Jason said to Brianthe. "Would you tell people's fortunes?"

"I would," she replied blithely. "Although I can't guarantee that everything I say will come true."

"Are we all going to answer each question asked, or is it only going to be asked of one of us? How will we ensure that everyone asks someone different?" River asked, not sure about the rules of this part of the evening.

"No, only the person the winner picks answers the question," Jason replied to River. "I am keeping track of what is being asked."

Jason then turned his attention to Brianthe. "Okay, gypsy queen, it is time for you to start getting prepared to tell fortunes by the cards. Deal is to you."

To be continued...

Lieutenant(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt Cmdr River Morgan
Acting CMO - DS5

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ensign Tizo Criteser
Security Officer

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca

Yolanth Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer - DS5


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