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We Need an Intervention (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Apr 26, 2019 @ 7:31am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Amia's quarters
Timeline: MD05 1800


Amia was thinking, she had a lot of time to do that with River now taking the weight as Locum. Actually, if she was honest, she wasn't supposed to be interfering at all, but with her new holo-nanny taking off the pressure from Liana too, she was feeling a bit redundant. Delegation was definitely a very important asset, but Amia was left with thinking time, and that wasn't such a great plan. She was constantly thinking about Cade since Liana had been born. The tiny Trill markings made sure of that. Not that they were in the least bit unattractive, and not that thinking about Cade was bad, well, not all bad. She had loved him so very much. Why had he had to be such a jerk about his career that he would take that forsaken mission and given his life for a captaincy? And how dared that admiral blackmail him with saying there'd be no other chance for that promotion?

Amia decided it was threatening to make her feel bitter, thinking over things like that. They were all true, but all in the past, and she needed to bury them if she could. So what should she think about that would be positive and future facing? She knew Liam had left a huge hole in the needs of the Counselling Department. That was something she could help with. Who was in need of the kind of help that Liam could have given but that his department colleagues and juniors didn't already have in hand?

There was one case that stood out in her mind immediately.

Amia thought of how she could help Zandy...and Caleb. What about if she spoke to that doctor who knew them well? What was her name? Zoe. Yes. She would make a call. She put in an application and waited for the response to come back from wherever in the universe Zoe's ship was stationed.

It took a few hours. Well, actually forty-eight, but eventually, a call came in and the screen bleeped just as she was feeding Liana. She didn't want to miss it, as it might be ages until another could be arranged.

The face that appeared on the screen was a stunningly attractive young black woman. She could scarcely be old enough to be considered a Starfleet Medical graduate, much less the Chief Medical Officer of a starship, until one considered that she was El Aurian, so she was likely a hundred years old or more.

“Hello, Dr. Telamon,” Dr. Zoe Desatu greeted, brilliant hazel eyes staring out of the screen. “I’m sorry I took so long. I was in transit from a medical conference on Risa, so it had to catch up to me. But I am on Deep Space Five now waiting for the Nemesis to come through if you wanted to have dinner or something.”

"Dr. Desatu! I'm glad to meet you at last. I've heard a lot of great things about you. Thank you for returning my vidcall,” Amia responded. “I'm sorry my daughter is intruding on our conversation. I'll have her sworn into data confidentiality as soon as she learns to talk!” she explained the feeding infant with a blush. “I hope you don't mind me letting her finish her feed? She makes so much fuss if she's hungry.”

“She isn’t intruding at all,” Zoe said with a smile. “She is lovely. Reminds me of when my own children were young. If you would like, I could grab some takeaway from the Promenade and come to your quarters. What do you enjoy?”

“You are so kind!” Amia beamed. “Thank you.” She thought for a second or two. “I'm pretty easy to please. Terran, Risan, Bajoran, Klingon, Andorian. The choice is endless on that Promenade, there are deck after deck of food places, and I really like most of them, but I suppose I should probably avoid the Klingon or anything too spicy while I'm feeding. I plays havoc with the little one's nappies!" she said, smiling.

“Wonderful,” Zoe said. “Be by your place in an hour?” Dr. Desatu asked.

"I'd love that, thank you," Amia accepted gratefully, and when the vid-screen returned to the Federation screen saver she got up from the desk and took herself and baby Liana for a quick shower each to prepare for their visitor's arrival. She was excited at the idea of having someone come to call, but also to meet the legendary doctor and colleague that she had wished to get to ask some questions and get to know, if possible.

At the appointed time, the door chime rang, and when Amia answered, the beautiful dark-skinned El Aurian woman from the vid-call stood there. She wore a white, flouncy sundress with a high hem and low cut neckline that casually accented her beauty. A delicious smell wafted around her from the takeaway bag she carried, mingling with the subtle perfume she wore.

“Orange chicken and noodles alright, I hope?” Zoe asked. “Hello, Dr. Telemon. I’m Dr. Desatu.” She offered her hand in greeting.

Amia juggled the baby across to her left arm and held out her right to shake hands with the newcomer. "Amia, please call me Amia," she insisted, and her handshake was firm, but offering no discomfort or challenge. Liana gurgled and dribbled on cue and Amia chuckled. "She has to have a say too!" She laughed. "And this is Liana Telamon, future Empress of the galaxy apparently, according to the ego she's already growing into."

“And I am Zoe,” Desatu said. She grinned at Liana. “May I hold her?” she asked, offering to exchange food for baby.

"Please do." Amia handed over Liana and took the food in a deft switch move that exchanged a heavy, wriggling lump of baby for a light, deliciously fragrant bag of food. Hopefully the infant wasn't too "fragrant" in her own right but in an opposite level of desirability of scents.


Lt. Commander Zoe Desatu
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nemesis

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space 5


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