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Mission To Xi'Cadia (Part II of III)

Posted on Tue Mar 19, 2019 @ 10:37pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Caleb Ryan

2,915 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Ferengi Ambassador ship
Timeline: MD 07 0930

Previously in Mission To Xi'cadia...
"I'm sure most of you are already familiar with me, but for those who are not, I am Melvyn Raddon, owner and Chief Executive Officer of the Raddon Corporation," he said as he made his way to his seat. "I do not believe that I need to emphasize just how vital your success is here today." He directed his gaze directly towards the Vulcan counselor.

"The lives and prosperity of countless souls depend on the full functionality of the Raddon Corp dilithium facilities throughout this territory," he said. "Hopefully this little...distraction can be addressed and quickly resolved."

“Excellent,” Qinee said. “Mr. Raddon makes some very good points. “Consul Serov, would you like to make your opening statement?”

And now the continuation

The Vulcan glanced to their host. "Serav," he corrected in an even tone. "Before I begin I want to thank Ambassador Aimee and the Ferengi Alliance for hosting this gathering. I also want to assure First Counselor R'vaas, and the rest of the Xi'Cadians, that while disappointed at their decision to leave the Federation, we recognize their right to self-determination and self-governance. Of key import, as Mr. Radeon has already made note, is the re-establishment of trade and re-opening of dilithium operations, which will only benefit the Xi'Cadians and the Federation. I have been instructed to ensure you that if, in the future, the Xi'Cadians should wish to rejoin the Federation that door will always be open, but that is a separate issue. Additionally, I want to thank Gul Kyren and the Cardassian Empire for their assistance to the new Xi'Cadian authorities. The effort that they have undertaken must be a considerable strain on their resources, being so far from their home territory and having to cross the breadth of the Federation to render this assistance. Especially as they have an established history of undermining governments rather than bolstering them. It is...pleasing to see the Cardassians go to such an effort to alter their image in the quadrant.

"First Counselor R'vaas, what can the Federation do in order to restore relations?"

Gul Kyren maintained her stoic expression. It had taken her years to master the ability of masking her facial reactions, especially in the presence of pompous Federation bureaucrats such as the Vulcan sitting before her. Although Gul Kyren continued to maintain her pleasant expression, she was internally planning how she would extract revenge from this Consul Serav. She could feel the contempt this Vulcan had for the Cardassian Empire. Perhaps she simply needed to be re-educated.

Counselor R’vaas decided to cut through the tension and address the immediate point. “Thank you for your offer, Consul Serav, but the Xi’Cadian Galactic Union has grown tired of the Federation’s empty assurances,” she said with an obvious edge in her voice. “We, as a people, have taken recent actions to preserve our resources and our very existence.

“Ever since the Federation made first contact with our people a century ago, it has done nothing except be the joyful recipient of our bountiful dilithium mi--” she said before she was cutoff

“Mines that your people had barely begun to utilize before my Foundation began development on this planet!” Melvyn interjected excitedly. “My Foundation has enjoyed nothing but warm and mutually beneficial relations with the elected leadership of the Xi’Cadian people,” Melvyn said in a more neutral tone.

Consul Serav raised a hand towards the businessman. "Mr. Raddon, if you please, emotional outbursts will not help here. The Counselor has expressed the dissatisfaction of the current government with the previous administration’s agreements. Allow the delegation to address those concerns."

The Vulcan returned his gaze to the Xi’Cadian representative. "Counselor, my apologies, please continue."

“We’re reasonable people and do not wish to create any disruption with the Federation, especially considering their recent internal disruptions and defections,” Gul Kyren said, intentionally referencing the USS Sviriki attack.

“We wish to cooperate with the Federation in their time of need,” the Cardassian continued. “To that extent, the Xi’Cadian government would be open to re-establishing trade in exchange for the rights to develop a joint Cardassian-Xi’Cadian dilithium research and extraction facility on Pangea,” Gul Kyren said with a sense of self-satisfaction.

“Such a facility would allow the expedited delivery and distribution of processed dilithium,” Gul Kyren said.

The mousy Human woman leaned forward and murmured something into the Denobulan woman's ear. Then Kielvet spoke, "There's no evidence that there is any dilithium on Pangaea. It is our understanding that surveying has only just begun."

Qinee kept her face neutral at Serav’s little jab back at her for her slip of the tongue over his name, but her eyes twinkled as she turned the situation around in her head and looked back to the Xi’Cadian representative.

“The only joint anything happening on Pangea at the moment is scientific study. No one is allowed any development yet,” Pierce commented. “Not even the Federation. That kind of demand is a little premature.” He looked to the Xi’Cadian R’vass. “Not to mention economically risky for a fledgling government like yourself, should there prove to be no dilithium. Your new government is still establishing itself. An economic downturn because of speculative financial transactions could destabilize you. Much better to re-establish the status quo ante regarding the dilithium trade and renegotiate from there.”

“What do you say to that, Counsellor R’vaas?” Qinee asked.

Counselor R’vaas narrowed her eyes on the pompous Human. “The only potential downturn is Xi’Cadian patience. You come into our space, our planets, and take our resources, and then have the audacity to talk to us as if we’re some kind of mental invalids,” she said aggressively.

“Our desire to establish such a facility on Pangea should be of little concern to Starfleet. This fledgling government is fully prepared to defend its interests both here and on Pangea,” she said, letting her final statement linger in the air.

Arching a brow at the threat, Serav laced laced his finger together, his suspicions mounted, but suspicions were not fact, though the circumstantial evidence was certainly following the historical pattern where the Cardassians were concerned. Perhaps a more direct tack was warranted.

"No one has intimated the Xi'Cadian are not mentally capable. Though I find it curious, Counselor R'vaas, that a Cardassian Gul is speaking for the Xi'Cadian government and that you follow a Cardassian Gul's lead in an area where neither government has any jurisdiction, even to the point of threatening defensiveness of something that is not yours to defend. It seems apparent by Gul Kyren's...offer that honest and open negotiations are being held hostage over Cardassian interests.

Gul Kyren raised an eyebrow at the mention of her government holding anything "hostage". The Vulcan was continuing to tap-dance on the Gul's patience.

"The mining of dilitium, and it's management by the Raddon Corporation, was negotiated in good faith with the rulers of Xi'Cadia, not the Cardassians." Looking from side to side to the other members of the Federation delegation, Serav rose to leave the table. "Perhaps the Federation should look elsewhere for dilithium and the Xi'Cadians can look to their new Cardassian friends for support. Of course, that is if the right of passage for Cardassian ships to cross Federation space remains intact."

Pierce gave R’vass a look. “Xi’Cadia is not a signatory to the Pangaea Accords,” he pointed out. “The Federation is. So you lost whatever claim to the planet you had when you removed yourself from the Federation,” he pointed out.

Qinee stood. “Perhaps now is a good time to take a break,” the Ferengi said. “Consider what has been said and come back with further offers.”

"Yes, I agree," Gul Kyren said as she stood. "Although I would be mindful of making such idle threats. Considering the last time Starfleet prevented unrestricted movement throughout Federation space it led to an intergalactic war," she said in a level tone as she looked from the Vulcan towards Commodore Pierce. More than likely if any military action were to be taken, it would be led by his vessel, the Nemesis.

First Counselor R'vaas stood from her seat and nodded briefly to Qinee. "Indeed, the Xi'Cadian government will be certain consider everything that has been said." Her gaze shifted from Qinee to Commodore Pierce.

Envoy Braxton stood and gently tapped Melvyn on the shoulder, gesturing that they should speak privately with the Vulcan ambassador.

Kielvet stood and looked at Kyren. The Cardassian's take on the last interstellar wars was twisted, to say the least. Mining the Bajoran wormhole had been a last ditch attempt to end the constant manipulations by the Dominion. She wondered what other false information the Cardassian was peddling to the Xi'Cadians. "Would fifteen minutes recess be acceptable, Ambassador Qinee?"

“Certainly,” Qinee said. “Unless you require more time.”

The Federation delegation retreated to the side room set aside for them, and Maura shut the doors as the last one into the room. Kielvet gave the Human a frown. "I was not expecting Pangaea to be an issue."

"Neither was I," she agreed. "There's altogether too much Cardassian influence in that."

Envoy Braxton waited for the door to close before he chimed in. "It's obvious the Cardassian government is greatly influencing the Xi'Cadians," he said as he poured himself a glass of Saurian brandy that had been generously provided. "The question is: How far are Cardassians willing to play this game of theirs just to get a shot at Pangea." He he took a sip. He winced slightly as the strong liquid traveled through his mouth.

"The more important question is how far is Starfleet willing to let this game play out?" Melvyn Raddon added. "The Cardassians are nothing but children who need to learn a lesson in discipline," he said.

"Now, now, Melvyn, I'm sure Starfleet has taken such measures into consideration and--" Envoy Braxton said, trying to smooth over the edges.

"That commander onboard Deep Space 5 is terrified of the Cardassians and has no intentions to take any definitive steps against them," Melvyn shot back. "What this situations requires is bold and proven leadership." He he looked towards Commodore Pierce.

Serav interjected, "Mr. Raddon, now is not the time to defame or voice derogatory opinions. We must be united in our position."

Glancing from one member of this delegation to the other, he continued, "The Cardassians obviously have twisted the events of history to suit themselves. They also think they have created a significant hardship for the Federation by stemming the flow of dilithium. We must show them that that is not the case, hence my willingness to walk away from the negotiations entirely. There are two things currently available to us that the Cardassians are obviously unaware. First, the new Klingon ambassador to Deep Space Five has offered to augment the dilithium supplies to the station. Secondly, the USS Phoenix is currently on a mission that, if successful, could secure another source of dilithium in the region.

"Additionally, perhaps we can come at this from a second front and, as they say, fight fire with fire. Mr. Raddon, in addition to assets, your corporation still has personnel on the surface of Xi'Cadia, correct?"

"Yes, I do. In fact, the entire reason that I've come to Starfleet about dealing with this appropriately is because I have people still on that planet," he said sharply.

"Can you get word to them and have them leak information to the Xi'Cadian public that the Cardassians are controlling their government? Proven or not, the recent assassination of an elected leader, the withdrawal from the Federation, the significant involvement of the Cardassians in these negotiations, and their governmental operations would surely start significant rumors in their news services. Any significant broadcasts could come during these negotiations and lower their confidence."

"I can try, but with the Xi'Cadians relying upon the Cardassians to reinforce their blockade it has become next to impossible for me to send anything other than a short communication beam to my people. At least those that are still alive," he said.

Dorian had not been paying too much attention to the gaggle of bureaucrats. Instead, he was paying attention to the three Cardassian vessels that were still maintaining position around the Ferengi vessel. Their ominous presence brought him back into the conversation.

"Have any of you eggheads thought about what Cardassia is gonna gain from all of this besides a new playmate?" Dorian said, still looking out towards the port.

Envoy Braxton nodded his head in agreement. "Dorian brings up an important point. If the Federation withdraws from this sector, then Cardassia will have an uninterrupted supply of dilithium and compete control of a network of processing facilities," he said. "Without a significant Starfleet presence they'd be free to gather and strengthen their forces without any hindrance.”

"At least with a presence on Pangaea, there would be Deep Space 5 and other fully capable vessels able to keep a check on the Cardassians," Melvyn suggested.

Serav replied, expressionless, "No one has suggested a Federation withdrawal from the sector. The Federation had endured before acquiring Xi'Cadian dilithium and will continue to endure long after their resources are depleted.

"To succeed with these negotiations we must remind the counselor of the benefits of relations with the Federation, emphasize the drawbacks to those who decided to partner with the Cardassians, all while seeming to not need the dilithium. Negotiations are about appearances, gentlemen, and sometimes to succeed you must be willing to act as you are able and willing to walk away."

Serav looked to Raddon and his assistant. "Do what you can to undermine the Cardassian hold on the Xi'Cadian government while the rest of us correct the history of Cardassian action that has been fed to the counselor and continue the negotiations. The Cardassians must be shown that they are not the only ones capable of subterfuge and reminded that they are not as strong as they think they are."

Melvyn gave a sharp glance towards the Vulcan. He was not accustomed to be given orders by a Vulcan like some lacky. "You green blooded bas---" Melvyn began to say indignantly before he was stopped by the subtle, but still noticeable gesture by Envoy Braxton, who gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head.

"To the extent that it does not violate any Federation laws or treaties, I'm sure the Raddon Corporation is willing to cooperate with Starfleet in this time of need," he said, hoping to prevent an internal eruption before the talks could conclude.

Melvyn stared at Braxton, but did not speak. He understood what the politician was doing. However, he was far from satisfied with this turn of events. The Federation was wasting time on subterfuge and propaganda campaigns instead of using its significant power to force out the Cardassians. Talk, talk, and more talk. He was tired of talk, he was prepared to take action.

Artemis had stayed mostly out of the discussion, sipping a ginger ale as he looked out the porthole windows, much like Dorian. “How many people do you still have on Xi’Cadia, Mr. Raddon?” he asked. “Are they still working your dilithium facilities, or have they been removed?”

Melvyn felt more at ease responding to the fellow Human's inquiry and much more appreciated his tone. "I'm uncertain as to the exact number of surviving employees. The Xi'Cadians and their Cardassian lackies have done a significant job in blocking various forms of communication. However, I do know that we have maintained control over our global headquarters and at least three facilities on the southern continent," he responded.

Artemis frowned. “Three,” he mused. “That makes things three times more difficult. Can you get numbers? What is more important to you? Your people, or your facilities?” He gave Melvyn a serious look, almost as if it was a test.

Melvyn was not accustomed to, nor did he appreciate being questioned. By anyone. Especially not as something as serious as his business. "My people are the most important thing to me and my family, in fact they are my family!" he said convincingly. "Ever since the Federation allowed this coup d'état to take place, I've been frantically trying to re-establish communication with my people. I'm afraid I'm not certain of their exact numbers," he said. The truth was that he was not prepared to inform Starfleet nor anyone else in the room just how many people he had working on Xi'Cadia. Whether they were working as technicians or in more non-traditional roles was none of anyone else's business.

"Allowed?" Kielvet raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Mr. Raddon, what makes you think we shouldn't allow the Xi'Cadians the right to their own government? Non-interference in a world's politics is the Federation's founding principle. The Prime Directive is built on it. We are not some fascist dictatorship."

To Be Continued...

Commodore Artemis PIerce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis

Ambassador Qinee
Ferengi Ambassador

Kielvet Arcet
Diplomatic advisor
[NPC by Soran]

Federation Diplomat
[NPC by Lasuma]

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corps

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corps

Hilliard Braxton
Federation Envoy
Obsidian Sector


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