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Mission To Xi'Cadia (Part III of III)

Posted on Wed Mar 20, 2019 @ 11:11pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Commander Caleb Ryan

2,270 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Ferengi Ambassador ship
Timeline: MD07 1030

Previously in Mission To Xi'cadia...

Melvyn was not accustomed to, nor did he appreciate being questioned. By anyone. "Ever since the Federation allowed this coup d'é·tat to take place, I've been frantically trying to re-establish communication with my people!"

"Allowed?" Kielvet raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, Mr. Raddon, what makes you think we shouldn't allow the Xi'Cadians the right to their own government? Non-interference in a world's politics is the Federation's founding principle. The Prime Directive is built on it. We are not some fascist dictatorship."

And now the conclusion

"I am a business executive of one of the most influential companies within the Federation, you are a bureaucrat. Don't begin to lecture me on the why the Federation is allowing these yokels to walk all over them," Melvyn responded firmly. "In the business world there is no Prime Directive. There are profits and there are losses. What Arkul and his band of thugs have done on this planet is nothing more than piracy dressed in diplomatic garb," he continued, feeling the frustration and aggravation of having to explain himself to the gathering. "The second Arkul's henchmen marched and seized Raddon Corporation property and assets it stopped being about principles. It became about power, plain and simple," he said.

"And unfortunately, power seems to be the only thing the Cardassians understand," Braxton chimed in.

“Can you get me schematics for your facilities, Mr. Raddon? Floor plans and any defenses they might have?” Pierce asked.

Finally, someone was asking an intelligent question. "I can have Dorian send the information to you," Melvyn responded. "For the most part, I don't believe the Xi'Cadians understand my company's technology outside of the necessary machines for dilithium extraction and refinery process," he said. "As far as weapons, we are not a band of mercenaries, we do not have a large cache of weapons beyond those necessary for self-defense," Melvyn replied solemnly. What the Raddon Corporation may considered "necessary" for self-defense might come into conflict with Starfleet's policy on what form of weapons a civilian corporation could possess. However, that was a different argument for a different time.

“Good,” Pierce said. “Then I will look into if it is feasible to get your people out,” he said, glancing at the Federation negotiator. “Would that be acceptable?” he asked. “And what about sabotage while we are there?”

"We can handle getting our people out," Dorian interrupted. "We're not Maquis colonists desperately waiting for Starfleet to save us," Dorian added.

"More importantly, we want our equipment to be in one piece. We plan on resuming operations once Starfleet decides to finally put down this circus and re-install the original government," Melvyn said.

Pierce just stared at the two men. “I hope you are aware of the trouble you could be stirring up, or what the Xi’Cadians and Cardassians will do to you when they catch you,” was all he said.

"Those spoonheads can barely light their homes or power their ships!" Melvyn said in an exacerbated voice responding to the commodore.

Kielvet Arcet just looked horrified. "The Federation will not be putting down anything. I think your view of what we do is as archaic as your business philosophy. You need to understand that we are not here as your personal fixers. We are here to negotiate a way forward in our relationship with Xi'Cadia. You are here as an expert on trade, and as we believed you had a relationship with the people here. Though it is apparent you see them only as chattel to be exploited."

Melvyn was losing his patience. Instead of exploding on the diplomat he turned and walked toward the table and poured himself a strong drink.

Braxton took the opportunity to address his colleagues. "I believe that we are all on the same page here. None of us will benefit from this instability that has taken hold of the Xi'Cadian people. What we must do now is find a way to re-establish a connection with Xi'Cadia in a way that respects their sovereignty," he said in a calming tone. "At the same time, we must also respect the fact that the Cardassians are using the Xi'Cadians as pawns to seize control of the dilithium market in this sector," the envoy stated.

"When will the Ferengi be back to continue talks? I believe we won't get anything accomplished until both sides can come to an agreement on something," he said.

"Thank you, Braxton." Kielvet checked her watch. "Ambassador Qinee should arrive back in a few minutes. Do you have any opinion on what we could offer the Xi'Cadians to persuade them to loosen their ties with Cardassia? Or any idea why they are out so far?"

"It is obvious they are looking for recognition of their new government. They want to be legitimated," Braxton said. "Perhaps if we agreed to seat one of their delegates on a Federation Council Sub-Committee, it should at least allow them to feel some form of recognition that they can boast about," the envoy said.

"That's a good point. Would they accept Energy and Infrastructure, do you think? It reflects their point of influence." Kielvet started flicking through a padd for potential vacancies. "Maira, who chairs Infrastructure at the moment?"

"Heddan Vos, of Tellar," the researcher said promptly, not looking up from her own device.

"Vos is reasonable," Kielvet mused. "We could lead with that."

“You wish to seat a non-elected member of a non-Federation world on the Federation Council?” Pierce asked skeptically. “You will have to pull some hefty constitutional shenanigans to get that past the committee. Xi’Cadia gave up any right it had to influence Federation policy when it rescinded its membership.”

"Then it will be a perfect reason to re-petition for membership," Kielvet replied. "We can hold the seat open pending ratification. After all, we can't address their concerns if they're not member."

“And if they choose to remain independent?” Pierce asked. “That is much like holding their concerns hostage. I am not so sure they will be amenable to such threats.”

"It's not as if we are going to offer them a seat on the Security Council," Envoy Braxton said. "Just provide them with a seat so they can say that they at least have a seat at the table. Even if it's the kids’ table," he suggested. "The important thing is that we show them that the Federation has more to offer them than the Cardassians and their campaign of lies."

Pierce still looked skeptical, but he was here as a Starfleet advisor, not a political one, so he just gave Braxton a nod.

Qinee entered the room again, smiling. “Are you ready to continue?” she asked.

Pierce studied the Ferengi woman, his blue eyes narrowing.

Envoy Braxton looked from the group towards the Ferengi. "Yes, we're had a chance to discuss some important matters and I believe we are ready to continue towards conclusion," he said.

“Wonderful!” Qinee said. “Take your seats and I will gather the others.” She disappeared again, and Artemis thought she had a bit more spritely step than before. He couldn’t put his finger on it though, so he took his seat at the table.

Kielvet sat down between Pierce and Braxton. "She seems suspiciously happy. I wonder what she knows?"

“She is Ferengi. She has her fingers in some pie,” Pierce mused.

"She wouldn't be a Ferengi if she didn't." Melvyn said as he took his seat at the table.

Qinee returned a few moments later with the Xi’Cadians and Cardassians, having her staff refresh their drinks before they started again.

Gul Kyren and First Counselor R'vaas entered the room behind Qinee. Gul Kyren was still uncertain what had transpired with the Xi'Cadian administrator during their brief period away from one another. It appeared as if the Ferengi seemed to be in a better mood than before the break.

"I trust that you all have had a chance to discuss our proposal and come to a fair resolution," Gul Kyren said to the group.

Kielvet folded her hands and looked to Serav, then addressed R'vaas. "I believe we have an accommodation, but I would like to begin by stating that the Federation unequivocally recognises the sovereignty, and whether or not you wish to pursue full independence, or cancel your notice of cessation, which you are also entitled to do, we will always consider Xi'cadia a friend, and we support our friends."

“Wonderful,” Qinee said. “How very generous of the Federation.”

Kielvet shot the ambassador a frustrated look then turned to the Xi’cadian, wondering what the Ferengi had offered her.

First Counselor R'vaas remained standing as the other sat. "Thank you," she responded. "I trust that Governor Arkul appreciates the Federation's offer of friendship as well," she said, delivering a backhanded compliment. "Now, as for this...accommodation that you all have come to, you may begin," she said to Kielvet.

Qinee just smiled sweetly at Kielvet and folded her hands demurely in front of her. “The floor is yours,” she told Kielvet.

"We understand that Xi’cadia is frustrated with its ability to influence Federation policy when it is contributing so much of its resources to our success. As such, if Xi’cadia would prefer to remain within the Federation we would like to invite you to sit on the Power and Infrastructure Committee and help shape policy there. You would be ideally placed to protect the interests of your world, and our other smaller members, a voice which is currently lacking."

R'vaas could not help but smile. The tables had definitely turned. After so many decades of lording control over her people and their planet, the Federation was now lowering itself to making simple bribes like a lowly Ferengi. It warmed her secondary heart to see the diplomat trying to maintain a grip on what little bastion of power the Federation could keep within the Typhon Expanse.

"While I am truly grateful for the time you have taken to discuss such a proposal, it will be unnecessary," R'vaas said as she looked towards the rest of the members. "The Xi'Cadian Galatic Union has agreed, at least initially, to enter into a trade agreement with the Ferengi. Within this agreement, the Ferengi Mining Consortium will will sell refined dilithium to the Ferengi Mining Consortium for further distribution to outside governments," she said as she studied the response of the gathered individuals.

Melvyn had to bite his tongue to keep from lashing out at the woman. This was a waste of time, and most importantly a waste of his money. How dare they offer to take his facilities and allow them to be used by the Ferengi without proper compensation? This was tantamount to being robbed, except the Federation was standing by and allowing it to happen.

Gul Kyren was certainly caught off-guard. However, she was well-trained in the heart of hiding her facial or bodily reactions. She continued to observe the other members at the table to anticipate just who else was surprised by this agreement. It was not surprising that the Ferengi would try to secure a deal outside the presence of others, and especially outside the careful eye of the intelligence officer.

Kielvet gave the Ferengi ambassador a cool look. "Very well. Then we appreciate your position. Of course, without proper reparation to our citizens for the appropriation of their property, we will of course have to add extra tariffs to the Ferengi dilithium until those costs are recouped."

Qinee did a few quick figures in her head and merely smiled. “I am sure the Ferengi Alliance will be more than happy to discuss that with the Federation. After all, we want to be sure you get all the dilithium you need,” she said sweetly, her hands folded in front of her.

Melvyn had had enough of this entire charade. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "This meeting has proven to be a waste of time, money, and effort. If any of you wish to remain here and play their little games, then so be it. But I won't stand for this," he said as he looked R'vaas and her Cardassian handler in the eye.

"The Raddon Corporation will not stand for this at all," he said with a piercing glare as he and Dorian removed themselves from the conference table.

Braxton watched the two leave and he stood as well to address the group. "It is unfortunate that we could not come to a more fair and respectful accommodation for all sides," he said as tactfully as he could muster. "I too feel that further talks will not yield any further productive results," he said with a nod as he exited the table as well, followed by Lieutenant Trellis.

Commodore Pierce gazed steadily at Qinee, her smile as serene and innocent as ever. “Well played,” he said simply as he stood up, tugging down his tunic. He nodded to R’vass and the Cardassian. “We have a saying on Earth, ma’am,” he said. “‘You lie in the bed you made’.” Let us hope it remains as comfortable as it seems now.” With that, he followed the others out.


Commodore Artemis PIerce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis

Ambassador Qinee
Ferengi Ambassador

Kielvet Arcet
Diplomatic advisor
[NPC by Soran]

Federation Diplomat
[NPC by Lasuma]

Melvyn Raddon
Chief Executive Officer
Raddon Corps

Dorian Gabriel
Security Consultant
Raddon Corps

Hilliard Braxton
Federation Envoy
Obsidian Sector


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