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River Morning

Posted on Sun Mar 17, 2019 @ 4:45am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

1,496 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Guest Quarters
Timeline: Victory Conditions MD 13 0800


The next morning, River was awoken by the sound of the shower. She had slept very well and was slow to wake up properly. She was aware it had been some time since she had slept so deeply and she stretched and rubbed her eyes before sitting up and propping herself up against the bed-head with pillows until she gathered up enough energy to start her day. She was still deeply absorbed in what had happened the night before and somewhat dreamy about that itself, never mind the relaxed sleep she had eventually managed.

The shower stopped and a very handsome vision put out a muscled arm to reach for a towel, groping blindly to find a corner of it to pull off the chair nearby.

River couldn't resist. Woken up by the mischief that swept through her, she was across the room, sheet still wrapped around her and in the place of the towel, giggling as the hand found her there instead of what it had been looking for. The hand took a large amount of her sheet and pulled it, and her, towards the rest of the person at the other end.

Ash, or Nick, as River knew him, pulled the delightfully beautiful doctor toward him with a smile, his wet body soaking through the sheet. “Well, good morning, Dr. Morgan,” he said, shaking his wet, dirty blonde hair from his keen blue eyes before kissing her deeply. “You are quite the sight to wake up to,” he murmured against her lips.

"As are you as well!" She beamed. "And a very wet one if this sheet isn't misinforming me." She made no attempt to rescue the sheet nor even herself from it or him. She was enjoying the moment and the intimacy far too much to end it. "You woke early though. Did you not sleep well?" She looked up into his eyes with concern.

“Habit,” Ash said. Always been an early riser.” He brushed back her blonde hair. “But it’s not that early,” he said with amusement. “Do you need to go in today?” Gently he tugged at the sheet, pulling it away from River’s naked body.

River put in the appropriate squeals of protest and tugged back at the sheet in a rather weak and unconvincing manner. She looked up at Ash from under her dark lashes and shot him a seductive look. "Well, I'd have to have a good reason not to go in..." she purred, teasing by sticking her tongue out at him.

Ash gave the sheet at tug again, hard enough to send River tumbling into him. He caught her naked body against his and turned to follow her fall onto the bed, claiming her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. He pinned her arms above her head and proceeded to use his mouth to worship her naked body.

“Am I giving you a good reason?” Ash murmured against the soft flesh of River’s breasts.

"You're trying... practice some more..." River managed to murmur between gasps of pleasure and wriggling with delight. Not that she was going to admit how amazing he was and how he seemed to know every exact spot of weakness and sensitivity she had. She was breathing hard by the time she managed to recapture his lips with her own on a pass back towards her neck again. "Damn... you're irresistible," she thought as her lips devoured his and their tongues battled passionately.

Ash chuckled and started to kiss down River’s naked body. He was well on his way to getting the beautiful doctor to the height of passion when the door chime sounded.

“Fuck…” Ash groaned against River’s stomach, his ministrations ceasing and leaving her hanging there on the precipice.

"I wish," River murmured as she stifled a moan of dismay and rolled herself up in a sheet, scurrying to the bathroom as it was clear this wasn't going to be a visit that Nick was going to ignore, judging by the deflated way he too was leaving the bed and covering himself.

Ash pulled on a pair of sweats, though it did little to hide the effect River had on him. He ran a hand through his mussed, dirty blonde hair as he headed for the door and hit the control. A beautiful blonde Bajoran woman stood on the other side. She wore a nondescript, though very flattering, civilian tunic suit.

“Good morning, A--” the woman started, then glanced down at Ash’s prominence. “Nick,” she corrected. “I thought it was late enough you would already be...up.” She smirked, but her eyes were darting around the quarters.

Ash gave a cheeky smile. “Good morning, Jera. Abysmal timing, as usual,” he said, a bit less than cheeky as he turned and walked back toward the bedroom.

The Bajoran stepped further inside, letting the door close behind her. “Am I interrupting something, Nick?” she asked with amusement.

Ash walked to the bathroom where River hid. “Sorry,” he apologized.

River had pulled a large bath towel around herself and then the sheet in a sari type effect over it with folds and twists in the material that somehow cleverly held the neatly constructed dress in place around her curves and over her shoulders. She came out and tilted her head. "Can't be helped," she replied, partly an acceptance of the apology and partly a question that would probably end up being rhetorical, she imagined. She looked the lovely Bajoran up and down and wondered what this was all about.

"I should probably get on my way, I guess?" she added, picking up some bits and pieces to stuff unceremoniously into her bag in an effort to leave with the remainder of what could be salvaged of her dignity, small and crushed as it was right now in front of the smirking woman in front of her.

“Our shuttle does leave in half an hour,” the Bajoran woman said. “I’m Myru Jera,” she introduced herself, offering her hand to River, face still lit with amusement. “I’ll be taking Nick in for more...questioning.”

Ash sighed. “I guess I should quick shower. Not much to pack,” he commented.

Holding her sheet-sari in place with one hand and her awkwardly stuffed bag in the other, aware that it was threatening to spill out its contents at the least provocation, River clearly didn't have any hands to return the shake with, and she was not in the least amused with the strange way this scenario had suddenly and intrusively happened without any explanation, nor the politeness of waiting in the living quarters to allow the occupants the modesty that would have been the proper and civilised way for any normal person to behave on arriving unexpectedly like this.

"Hello, Jera," River replied, making sure to get the Bajoran reversal of names round the right way so she could use the first name that was the least formal. After this ill-mannered, grinning, Cheshire Cat mockery there was no way River was going to be polite back when no such civility had been offered to herself.

Shrugging her shoulders at the outheld hand to indicate the obviousness of the fact that she couldn't take it no matter how disinclined she might already be, she gave the woman a haughty, "Well, I hope one of the questions you'll be asking him will be about appropriate manners when intruding on others' private moments." Her face was serious but flushed, and as she turned back to Nick with a reproachful look she swept gracefully, but with some huffiness, from the room, leaving the two of them alone for whatever purpose they were up to.

As she walked barefoot, dishevelled, and still somewhat shocked down the corridor, up in the lift, and along to her own quarters, River was blissfully unaware of the odd spectacle she made. This was a blessing gifted her by the offended nature of her burning memory of the Cheshire Cat smirking that had made her feel so uncomfortable and totally wrecked the legendary evening and night that she'd enjoyed with Nick.... Oh dear. What had she been thinking of? It was all ruined. She sat down on her bed, flopping heavily down, and closed her eyes. No, it was no good, that grinning face persisted. She wished she'd slapped the woman. But then that wasn't really any more well-mannered than her perceived enemy had been. She even began to feel a bit jealous of the woman and her power to just command that man around. Who was she to him? She told herself she didn't care, took a shower, and went off to work for an unplanned extra shift to take her mind off her own growing humiliation and regrets.


Ensign Nick Bolero/Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa
Security Officer/Undercover Intelligence Officer
USS Svikari/USS Nemesis

Myru Jera
Intelligence Asset
USS Nemesis

Lieutenant Commander River Morgan
Acting Chief Medical Officer


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