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Lost Property

Posted on Fri Mar 15, 2019 @ 10:28am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca

723 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Alanna's Office
Timeline: MD07 0900 hours


Brianthe knocked once and walked into Alanna's office, carrying what looked like a wadded-up blanket in one hand.

Grinning, she pushed the contents of the desk to one side and set the blanket down. "You know, next time, you should make sure you leave no evidence behind."

Alanna knew what the blanket was, and where Brianthe found it. "We were just dancing, and the sprinkler system came on..." she began to explain.

"I don't need the details. I edited the kiss out of the vid, by the way. You forgot that we're monitoring the moon moss." She was absolutely tickled to see Alanna flustered. "You two make a good couple. You dance well together. I'm sure he's even better in bed."

"Bri!" Alanna's blush deepened. "We only kissed..."

"I can't believe you just dried off his back and sent him away!" She watched Alanna and laughed, the sound bell-like. "As I thought. From the light in your eyes and the lightness in your step, I take it the you had a good night."

"Are you always this...forward?" Alanna asked, trying to change the subject.

"Of course. Where I come from, love is celebrated. It's nothing to be ashamed of when two people come together, emotionally and physically." She shook her head. "You are far too inhibited. You need someone like this Jason Haines to make you want to dance."

Alanna covered her face with her hands and then laughed and put them down on the desk. Brianthe was right. Last night was glorious. Jason did indeed make her want to dance.

"Much better. I've been here for months and this is the first time I've seen you like this."

"I hope it's not so obvious. I don't want the entire department wondering what's going on." She wanted to keep any relationship--and she hoped there was one--quiet. At least when they'd just met.

"Most people are so focused on their own lives that they don't pay attention to what's going on around them. I choose to be aware. Especially when it's my boss and friend."

Alanna hoped she was right. "That's good. Last night was our I don't want everyone in the department talking." She didn't want them to scare him off.

Brianthe sat down in a chair. "Oh, they won't. Not about you, anyway. They all think you're too focused on your work to see anything else."

It was true, to a point, but it still irked Alanna that they thought she had no life outside of work. At the same time, she really hadn't done much outside of work since arriving on DS5.

Brianthe waved a hand in the air. "I work in the arboretum. I hear and see many things. You and that officer were a breath of fresh air. You're cute together. You fit together."

Alanna felt her cheeks warming again. She stood. "Bri, enough about my evening with Jason. Please. Let's just...see what happens." She groaned inwardly. That wasn't the best response, either. "Thank you for bringing back the blanket, and thank you for editing the vid. I'd completely forgotten you were recording the moon moss."

Brianthe stood. "You're welcome. I have the original if you ever want to see it. Oh, that dip!" She laughed again. "If you two want to rendezvous in the arboretum again, let me know. There's a lovely little spot in the fern grove that you might like. I've put up a force field so it's soundproof. Only one group can go in at a time so it's quite private. It's a delightful place"

"Thanks, but..."

"Just thanks. I hope you and your friend go dancing again." Brianthe grinned as she got to her feet. "I can see I'm making you uncomfortable. I'll leave you to your remembrances." She nodded to the blanket. "And that."

She laughed again. "I won't pick on you any more. But do tell me how things turn out. I love a good romance."

"Wait, the blanket was borrowed from one of your assistants," Alanna called out, going after Bri.

"Keep it. I'll replicate a new one." Brianthe paused in the doorway. "Computer, play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata,." She laughed as she walked out and the door closed behind her.


Ensign Brianthe Oaxaca

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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