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It's Not a Problem, It's an Opportunity

Posted on Fri Mar 15, 2019 @ 10:19am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian Jason Haines

1,541 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Commander Soran's Office
Timeline: MD 6, 0700


Jason had been thinking about the findings around the grave-pit on Pangaea all morning. He was certain a more proactive approach to the strange clawed life form was needed. To do it the way he was thinking, he would need Commander Soran's approval. He took the turbolift ride to the command deck, checked his uniform, and then got off the lift. Although it was busy, he didn't see Claude. He hoped the Commander was in her office and not in a meeting more important. He watched the hustle and bustle for a moment and then went to the Commander's office and rang the door chime.

"I do actually sleep, you know." Said a voice behind him. Soran, neatly coiffed and dressed, water bottle in hand was walking up the stairs to her office. "What can I do for you so early, Mr Haines?"

"Well Commander, there is something planet-side that concerns me", Jason replied following her. "I think I have a solution, but I need to run it by you as it is a bit unorthodox."

"Something planetside?" Soran led her way into the office. "I feel we have an embarrassment or riches on that regard." She sat at her desk, leaving him standing. "Which of our many problems has caught your eye right now?"

Jason chuckled at the Commander's description of the planetary situation.

"Sorry, ma'am", he said, realizing his chuckle was definitely not appropriate. "Lieutenant Wells and I were investigating the grave pit that has shown up near the castle ruins. During the time she had described what happened on the opening ceremony, including the claw gouges in some of the doors in the science facility. We found the remains of a mosaic that showed a creature impaled on a pike with large claws."

He took out his tricorder and brought up the image and gave it to her.

"In scanning and investigating the remains, we believe there is a very high probability that the bodies are those of the creatures in the mosaic", he continued. "Given that, the mosaic image, and the claw gouges in the facility door, I believe that there may actually be one of these creatures alive and in the area."

He paused so she could process all that he had put forward and look at the tricorder information.

Soran frowned. She had no reason to doubt him, give the strange occurrences recently but "How? If the planet was still inhabited, why come out now and not when we were building the colony?"

"I am not sure it was here until the body pit appeared", Jason replied. "The soil samples near the pit don't match the near by geographic make up. So, assuming this was a time or dimensional issue, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities for the creature to have been in the pit. In the history of genocides, individuals hiding under bodies is not an uncommon occurrence."

Soran raised an eyebrow, "For twenty thousand years? If thats possible, I would urge extreme caution in looking for them. You're going to look for them, aren't you?" He had the look of a man who already had a plan and trap in mind.

"Like I said, the area around there is not from Pangaea", Jason said. "So, whether it has been here specifically 10 days or 20,000 years, is hard to determine. If it came from another time frame or dimension, what was ten minutes there could be 20,000 years here. As to your other question, yes I think it would be wise to look for the life-form or forms. The creature has claws that can leave marks in metal. Think of what it could do to someone made of just flesh. I have an idea if you would care to hear it."

Soran took a drink from her bottle. "Go ahead." This promised to be good. He hadn't been here long and had shown aplomb and initiative.

"Whatever this is, we aren't detecting it by standard means", Jason said. "So, that means we switch to non-traditional means, for most Federation citizens anyway, the 'hunt'. The Klingons however are not so removed from the concept. In fact I did some research and they happen to have three youngsters who are ready to under-go essentially their rite of adulthood. Now, either we can let them travel to some other planet, or we approach the ambassador and suggest a hunt, with the restrictions that the creature needs to be captured alive and un-maimed. The creature gets captured and the Klingons get their hunt and hopefully a new found appreciation for the intricacies of the planet. Not only that, hopefully we strengthen bonds with the Klingons. If this works, we all win."

Hunting? that was novel. A Very low tech method to face down a civilization so advanced they might as well be using magic. "Maybe you should invite the Klingon Ambassador. Charg always enjoys the thrill of the hunt."

"I can if you want, but in this particular hunt, which is a rite of passage, he couldn't participate", Jason said. "He could be a proctor. So, he might be a bit bored, but at least it would be a change to his day to day routine."

"I'm sure he'll keep everything proper. I hope you know what this hunt could lead to. Klingons and their honor and tricky. If they find this visitor of yours, I don't want them letting it get away on some technicality over a matter of honor."

"I understand ma'am", Jason replied. "I will make sure all the i's are dotted and t's crossed. I'd like to join them as well. That way we can't be perceived as cowards and I can monitor the finding and treatment of our intruder. I want to make sure that if it is sentient that we get to speak with it. If it isn't, I want to make sure the science team can study it so we can find a safe place to relocate it away from the center."

"Excellent." Soran nodded. "Do you need anything else from me?"

"I wouldn't say need", Jason replied. "Maybe the science department has brought this up and figured out a way to deal with it, but it seems to me that it is going to be hard to identify what are native flora and fauna here, given how the portals activate."

"Oh I expect so, but thats what we have a research colony for. to try and find a way. Though for all we know there's plants and insects from hundreds of different worlds down there. From a thousand different times. We may find species long thought extinct on their home world."

"I trust the science teams, but I am worried about the potential time fluxes and new species cropping up and what do we use for guidelines in dealing with them.", Jason replied. "A rampaging T-Rex or pack of velociraptors, while very interesting from a study aspect, what they might do to the eco-system, our teams, and the impact on planet itself is a bit more problematic."


"Earth dinosaurs", he said.

"Ah. i dont know. Getting out of the Portal caves is hard enough for people. I doubt we'd have to worry about rampaging giant lizards." Soran considered some of the angles. "Is this not already covered by the temporal prive directive?"

"Well, the directive, from my understanding, is more focused on our interactions with a time line or species", Jason said, wondering if she knew his true role. "I don't think that it ever really considered that an entire planet might be a doorway to an infinite number of dimensions or times. I guess there isn't much that can be done about this aspect of things here. It could be that I just have too many permutations going on in my head."

Soran sighed. "I never expected that examining the intersection of endangered species preservation and the temporal prime directive would be something I had to do when I took command of this place." She looked up at the intel officer. "I hope this prey your hunting doesn't decide it's endangered. At least not any more than it would be with a bunch of klingons on its trail."

Jason smirked a bit and then said, "Speaking of Klingons, given that I don't know the Klingon Ambassador or his adjunct, do you think you would be able to get me an audience to pitch this idea?"

"I'll ask Claude to make introductions." Soran agreed. "He doesn't bite." She reconsidered that, "well, you know what I mean. But I hope you can swallow bloodwine without retching."

"Thank you ma'am", Jason replied. "and I will make sure to take something to fight any nausea from the bloodwine ahead of time. Better safe than sorry. Unless you have anything else you want to ask me, I will go find Claude and get him to arrange the meeting."

"Carry on, Mr Haines." She replied, having nor further orders, though a distinct curiosity to see if his plan would work out. "Q'apla!"

Jason smiled and as he left he said, "Thank you Commander. I'll keep you advised."


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer


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