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The Great Tribble Hunt - Part II

Posted on Sat Feb 23, 2019 @ 3:43am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

1,433 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Arboretuem / Lt. Wells Quarters
Timeline: MD 6, 2100


A full moon began to rise, bathing the arboretum in silver. "Time for the tribbles to feed."

... Now The Conclusion

She stood and picked up her blouse in one hand and held out her other to Jason. "And time to make it up to you." Her smile turned mischievous. "If you're good, I'll even fix you breakfast."

Jason smirked a bit and then took her hand and stood up.

"Well, who can turn down a good breakfast", he replied. "As long as the tribbles aren't invited."

"I don't think they've penetrated that far yet." She led him through a back service door and up a spiral metal staircase to a small room.

She led him to a long, wide couch against a wall. The sound of running water could be heard. "Have a seat," she said, sitting down herself. "Computer, open window."

A window onto the arboretum slowly opened, flooding the room with moonlight, revealing a small grotto with moss-covered stones and lichen. A minute later, the moss began to glow.

'It's called moon moss," Alanna said. "It comes from Mirelia III. A team of scientists is trying to find out if the moss can be altered to act like a solar panel and store the light to use later. So far, it only glows during a full moon--real or artificial. But it doesn't last long enough for practical use."

"That's so cool", Jason said sincerely, looking at the moss. "Well, using it to impress us simple folk is definitely a practical use."

Jason smiled as he reached out and touched some of the moss.

"It's pretty spectacular under a full moon. I'm not sure if we can use it here. It needs very specific temperature and moisture levels." She was pleased at his reaction. "And there's more."

"Computer, play Moonlight Sonata."

The lichen began to pulse with soft lights in time to the music.

Jason smiled as the music played and the lichen pulsed. He stood up, bowed to her, and while extending his hand he said, "Might I have this dance?"

"I would be delighted," she said, putting her hand in his.

Leading her to the 'dance grass', Jason slid his arm around her waist raised their hands and started the dance. He was remarkably graceful with the dance, almost as if he were trained. His eyes 'twinkled' in the moonlight and he said, "I don't think I have ever danced in simulated moonlight before."

"Neither have I. You're very good." It was yet another thing she liked about him. He was easy to follow and a joy to dance with. Even on grass.

He continued the dance and said, "Well, you have my father to thank for my ability to dance otherwise I probably wouldn't have learned until I was a lanky teenager."

"I think I'll just enjoy the fruits of his labor," she said, smiling.

"He didn't teach me", Jason replied following the music. "When I was seven, I asked him to teach me martial arts. He said I needed to learn how to dance first. Being young and dumb, I didn't see the reason and kept bugging him about teaching me about once a week and his answer was the same. So, finally my desire to learn martial arts out-shined my thoughts of how icky I thought dancing was. After about six months of dancing, dad started to teach me. He explained to me the reason for dancing is that every fight is like a dance. They all have different tempos, different environments, and different styles to face. Plus dancing improves dexterity as well. It helped a lot."

He then dipped Alanna in an exaggerated fashion, and then brought her back up, pulled her close and kissed her in the moonlight.

She ran her hand across his shoulder and cupped the back of his neck as she returned his kiss.

Jason held her close and when the kiss broke he said with a smile, "They didn't teach that in dance class. I think I learned that when I was a lanky teenager."

He continued the dance with her, holding her closer than he did when they first started.

The music and the setting were magical, but to Alanna, not as magical as dancing with Jason. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Jason gently guided them and was about to kiss her again when all of a sudden there was the sensation of rain. Automatic misting units had activated as most automatic grounds maintenance happened at night.

"Uhm, is this supposed to happen this early in the night?", he asked as they started to get wet, the music still playing.

"No. It's programmed to come on later." She was torn between disappointment that the mood was broken, and humor at how it was broken. Humor won out and she began to laugh. "At least the water's warm."

Jason laughed as well and replied, "Amen."

"If you want to come with me to my quarters, we can change and I'll fix you that omelette."

"Sure", Jason answered, still laughing. "but isn't it a bit early for breakfast?"

Her eyes met his and she leaned in closer so she could whisper in his ear. "It's never too early for breakfast."

Jason chuckled going with her to the door, "Well, let's get dry first. I'll dry your back if you dry mine."

"Deal." She grabbed the now-wet blouse she'd dropped by the couch and led him out the door and around to another service door that took them out onto a back corridor so they didn't have to walk through the arboretum.

From there it didn't take long to get to a turbolift and up to her quarters. She was still chuckling as she palmed the door.

"I'd say make yourself comfortable, but I think we should get dry first." She walked into her bedroom and came back with two large, fluffy towels. "Do you want to shower or just get dry?"

"As long as you don't mind that I shower in the nude", he joked. "Then I'd love a shower."

"We already tried showering dressed, I think I prefer being naked," she teased. She was feeling unusually brazen as she was generally shy outside of work, but there was something about Jason that brought out the imp in her. She had to admit that she liked it. "The question is, do you want to go first, or do you want me to scrub your back?"

"Well, I don't have a back brush and there are some spots that I just can't reach", Jason said with a mischievous smile as he started to unbutton his shirt. "So, I would be more than happy if you would help me out."

"You're on." Alanna grinned and began to peel out of her wet clothing. She hung the outfit on a hook in the bathroom to dry and turned on the shower.

Jason leaned against the door frame and watched as she took off her clothing and moved to the shower. After a moment or two, he slowly removed his.

"You didn't tell me the view from your quarters was so nice", he said.

She felt her whole body blush at the compliment. "I'm very particular about who gets to see this particular view," she joked, turning to face him.

"So should I feel honored?", Jason asked slipping out of his pants and moving closer to her. "Or did I just slip past quality control?"

"No, you definitely passed." Her voice sounded just a little breathless but her grin was mischievous.

He moved closer to her so there were only a few inches separating them. As he placed his hands on her hips, he asked, "So, what does one have to do, to pass Alanna Wells' quality control check?"

She put her hands on his chest. "Well, a good sense of humor is crucial. He also has to be intelligent and be good company..." Her eyes met his. "He has to give me butterflies and goosebumps, and invade my dreams. And last but not least, he has to be clean." She leaned a little closer so they almost touched. "So far, you've passed all but the last test. And that one we can take care of right now."

"Invade your dreams,eh?" Jason said, slowly and gently pushing her towards the shower. "I do hope it wasn't a nightmare, but I can understand if that was the case."

(To be Continued...)

Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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