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Welcoming Committee

Posted on Fri Feb 22, 2019 @ 9:45pm by Civilian Eris Tah
Edited on on Fri Mar 1, 2019 @ 11:08pm

1,508 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: MINX lab
Timeline: MD05 0900


The crisp staccato echoed along the early morning hallways of the Promenade, a sharp counterpoint to the almost frantic shuffling that followed just behind it as Eris Tah walked to her first appointment of the day, her human assistant scurrying along behind. The tall Andorian, with her severe white bob , was as cold as her home world, and just as forgiving.

Coming to the doors of the small office front, Eris paused to ring the bell once, her long blue fingernail tapping it thoughtfully. First appointment of the day. Minara, no family name. In business for 245 years, trading as an xeno archeologist, and more than likely the first of many as Pangaea's name spread. More traders, more treasure hunters, more colonists. More members for the Promenade Merchants Association.

She pushed the button hard.

Minara put the pieces of her molecular imaging scanner aside and walked towards the door. "Open" she said, and as the doors parted she was at the doorway to greet her visitor. "Ah, good morning", she cheerfully greeted the only slightly shorter Andorian in her native tongue. "Please, do come in. What can I do for you?"

"Good morning." If Tah was in anyway intimidated by a woman taller than herself she didn't show it. She'd got used to it with the the walking mood ring on Promenade Two. "I'm Eris Tah. We communicated briefly a few weeks ago, the Secretary of the Promenade Merchant's Association. Now that you've arrived I thought I'd take the opportunity to see if you are all settled in, and if the PMA can assist with anything."

"Splendid", Minara smiled. "Please, have a look. I'm working on setting all my equipment up still. Some of it is almost as old as the ruins we're investigating", she joked. "As to what I need..." Minara pondered the question. "I'm not exactly a merchant, what is it you offer to independent scholars such as myself?"

"We represent all organisations with a presence on the promenade, including for example, both Bajoran Temples and the FNN." Tah said smoothly. She made a curt gesture with her hand, and her mousy human companion gave a start, and scurried forward to give Minara a padd. "Our remit is to represent the civilians of the station to Command, and help smooth the interface between ourselves and Starfleet, such as assistance in applying for permits and licenses, or legal assistance when dealing with the minutiae of Fleet law."

Minara accepted the PADD and glanced at it briefly. "That is convenient, thank you. I'll be sure to contact you should any issues arise. The Federation Archaeological Society has requested my presence at the excavations, so I'm assuming... well, hoping against hope in a bureaucracy, that obtaining permits should not be too terribly difficult. Tell me, is the station's commandant a pleasant sort to deal with?"

"Ha. No."

Minara arched her eyebrows. "Could you... elaborate on that?"

"She's a stickler for protocol, and doesn't give people time to gather their thoughts before declaring them a waste of her time. Quite frankly, she gained command by default and it's only a matter of time before Starfleet realises just what they have in Pangaea, and replace her with someone more experienced."

"Hm, can't hold inexperience against her", Minara figured. "We all start out with no clue what we're doing, and grow with our tasks." She smiled at the Andorian. "And let's face it, young people are always in a hurry."

Tah's antennae folded forward in a way that seemed.. cynical. "Soran is rarely in a hurry where civilians are concerned."

"So this is where your service of expediting permits comes in, I take it?" Minara smirked. "It's just as well, I don't enjoy jumping through the hoops of bureaucracy. My company is older than the Federation, anyway."

"No one enjoys jumping through hoops." Tah replied. "Which is why we work for all members to relieve some of that pain. We also offer networking services, so if you need any assistance, we can provide preferential treatment."

"Excellent", Minara joked, "I love me a bit of nepotism and favouritism. You'd make an excellent Admiral, with that attitude."

The antennae rose in a smirking twitch. "Influence and knowledge can't be replicated, therefore they have value. I just happen to be in the business of providing value to our members."

That was a great answer, Minara had to admit. "You are correct, they do. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm in the knowledge department only, but I'll help if I can."

"We are much obliged," Tah smiled. "Now, I assume you have your trading license and rent agreements sorted. Is there anything else we might be able to assist with?"

"Well, if anyone comes in with old things to sell, and they want an appraisal, or the customers would like things checked out before they make a purchase, you can send them to me", Minara said. "It's not my core business, but I can sort it out for a fee. That's the only kind of trading I can do, I don't think the Federation Archaeological Society would approve the sale of anything we'll find around here."

"I shall add you to our list of services. I've no doubt that once the colony expands there will be a great many people trying to hawk 'genuine fake artefacts'" Tah made air quotes. "Having someone who knows antiquities available for verification and debunking will no doubt be appreciated."

"And for me, it would be a welcome source of funding for my research, which rarely pays on its own merits", Minara said. It was mostly thanks to certain unrelated investments that she was able to do all that field research to begin with. "So, where does one go for companionship around here?"

"We have a number of establishments. We have themed restaurants, some of which serve hand-grown and reared food stuffs. I'd recommend Anatoles for the most refined cuisine, even though its terran. Several bars, such as the officers club. The Lotus Lounge is also an area that offers companionship."

"Do you think they'd even let me in an officers club, as a civilian?" Minara wondered. "Well, the last time I was in one, civilians had access on invitation by one of the officers only. As a date, so to speak."

"The officers club is purely a name, and the indication of atmosphere. It's perfectly open to civilians," Tah explained. "It's civilised, and a good place for quiet. If you like sports, there are several sports bars. There is an 'Irish Pub' that many of the terrans seem to like. If you are not a fan of alcohol, the Vulcan Tea House offers an assortment of non alcoholic beverages and pastries from multiple cultures, though naturally many are Vulcan."

"I have come to enjoy both Vulcan and Andorian food", Minara smiled. "However, even after many centuries, I still haven't got the time to waste on sports. I'd rather sit on a nail than through a football match, or whatever it is they're playing these days." She grinned. "I shall check out most of those places in time."

"If you prefer other diversions, there is a rich variety of mixed activities. Classes, we have a thriving amateur dramatics society, a klingon operatic society, and a host of other hobby groups which always welcome new members." She gave an imperious flick of her hand to her assistant, who hurriedly used her padd to send the full details to Minara's.

"Which ones do you participate in?" Minara asked. She figured if the exacting Andorian enjoyed it, it had to be worth checking out.

"There is an acceptable calisthenics class. It mixes multiple styles and is most effective." Tah was not a social type. "I didn't see it, but I'm told the AmDram's production of Titus Andronicus a few months ago was most droll, so they are at least competent. Though they are currently working on something that promotes enthusiasm or something, so might not be to all tastes."

"I will admit, I've never been one to enjoy sports", Minara said. Not that she didn't get a lot of exercise anyway. It just wasn't sports if it was done for a reason other than expending energy uselessly. "I play active holonovels, those usually suffice to keep me fit and healthy. Or I dig old things, that's also physically demanding. But thank you for the heads-up."

"Part of the service." Tah demured. "I can leave you with our membership pack. If you desire full membership of the community here, please just fill in your details and return it at your convenience."

"I'll look it over", Minara promised. "I'll let you know when I decide." She put her hand on Tah's shoulder, leaned in and whispered, "I'm going to enjoy this place."

Tah gave a knowing smile, certain she had another member in the bag, even though the paperwork wasn't signed yet. "Welcome to DS5."


Eris Tah
Secretary of the Promenade Merchants Association
(NPC by Soran)

Owner, Minara's Instellar Xeno-archeology


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