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The Great Tribble Hunt - Part III

Posted on Sat Feb 23, 2019 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Civilian Jason Haines

2,148 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Wells' Quarters
Timeline: MD6, 2100 hours to MD7, early


"Invade your dreams,eh?" Jason said, slowly and gently pushing her towards the shower. "I do hope it wasn't a nightmare, but I can understand if that was the case."

... Now The Conclusion

"No. No nightmares." It was almost a dance as they slowly moved into the shower. Her smile grew wicked as she reached for a sponge, added soap, and then leaned against him to soap off his back.

A 'mmm' escaped Jason and he said, "That's the spot or one of them anyways." He ran his hands down her sides, trying to focus on not totally losing control of the dance, at least not just yet. "So, how exactly did I come to your dreams. I didn't think I had done too much to warrant getting into a dream."

"I'll get to the others," she promised, avoiding answering his other question. She kissed his shoulder and stepped back to get more soap and lather his chest and arms.

When she had spread the soap, Jason wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He lifted her chin and then kissed her lips, before gently nibbling on them.

Alanna moaned softly and dropped the sponge so she could wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jason slowly kissed his way down her jaw line while his hands slipped down her waist to her buttocks. When his kisses got to her ear, he lightly flicked it with his tongue.

He whispered in her ear, "You missed a spot."

Alanna chuckled as she deftly took care of it.

Running his fingers through her hair, he gently pulled it back, exposing her neck. He kissed, licked, and bit her neck and shoulder as his hands continued to explore her buttocks.

Her hands caressed his back and shoulders as she maneuvered the two of them under the water. She lifted his head and kissed him as the water rinsed off the rest of the soap.

Noting their height difference when they kissed, Jason smiled and then picked her up and continued to kiss her passionately. He paused after a moment and just looked deep into her eyes.

For several long moments, Alanna looked back at Jason. Then she turned off the water. "I promised to dry off your back," she whispered huskily. "And then..." she moistened her lower lip with her tongue. "We could continue this somewhere...more comfortable."

"How could I resist?", he asked, kissing her and then setting her back down.

Alanna squeezed the water out of her hair and grabbed a towel, and making a game out of drying him off, pausing once or twice to nibble on his back and shoulder. She did like the way he felt. When she was finished, she dropped the towel and smiled. "I'm all yours, Jason."

Jason smiled appreciatively at her as he finished drying off himself. Letting his towel go he said, "Oooh, I have my very own Chief Science officer. What ever should I do with her?"

Alanna chuckled softly.

He stepped closer and ran his fingers down her cheek.

"Do you have any suggestions?", he asked, his body betraying exactly what his suggestion was.

"I think I'll leave that to your imagination."

"You may find yourself regretting that", Jason said with an evil grin, as he scooped her up off her feet and carried her off to the bedroom...


There were no regrets. It was well after midnight when the two finally fell asleep.

They had been very creative and energetic to say the least. Fortunately, the quarters were soundproofed so that none of the neightbors complained about their vociferous activities.

Falling asleep, Jason drifted off into a dream. He was on a sailboat with his mother. The sky was turning dark and the winds were starting to pick up. They were working hard to try to get the boat heading back to harbor, but there was a snag in one of the sail lines.

As he dreamed, Jason started to twitch a bit and mutter something that was incoherent.

The movement and the muttering woke Alanna. She leaned over Jason to make sure he wasn't feverish. He wasn't. Dreaming? But this didn't seem to be a normal dream. She wouldn't pry as she'd been trained from childhood not to violate someone else's privacy. But she could gently touch his surface thoughts to make sure. She kissed his shoulder and had a quick peek.

Jason worked as quickly as he could to clear the snag. The wind and the rain made it hard to work and it was coming down harder. The storm had come up fast, with almost no warning, and now the small sail boat was starting to rock. At that point, Jason got the line clear and as he did, a huge wave crashed down on the sail boat, pushing it almost entirely on its side. Jason looked horrified as his mom was swept off the deck of the boat and into the pounding waves. Grabbing a life preserver, Jason ran to the side his mother was swept off of and jumped in himself, trying to swim to her.

It was a nightmare. Alanna pulled back mentally and wrapped her arms around Jason. "It's okay, love. I'm here," she whispered. "You're having a nightmare."

Jason swam as hard as he could trying to get to his mom. He got close once, only to have a large wave slam them both under the water. The force of the wave was so hard Jason blacked. When he came to, the water had calmed and the storm had moved off and it was bright and sunny. Jason spat the water out of his mouth that had started to leak in. Treading water for a moment, he looked around. About twenty feet from him was the body of his mother lying face first in the water.

"MOM!", he yelled both in the dream and out loud. He jerked up and away from Alanna so hard that he fell out of the bed. Tears were streaming down his face involuntarily and he looked about and hung his head and just whispered, "mom".

Alanna scrambled out of the bed and wrapped her arms around Jason. "Sweetheart, I'm here. It's me, Alanna. Wake up. I'm here."

Jason lightly squeezed her hand and said, "I'm ok, it was just a dream."

She could tell that he was lying, but there was a bit of a wall up as he tried to push down his emotions.

"Did no one ever tell you that you can't lie to a Betazoid? Especially after what we just shared," she added with a grin to help lighten the mood. She was worried about him, about the fear radiating from him. "Come to bed and let me hold you and help you feel better."

Jason got off the floor, but just sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You know, I haven't dreamt about my mom in about a year and a half", Jason said. "Since I've been here, I've dreamt about her every single night. Damn, I wish I had my guitar. Getting lost in the music and the notes, always gives me the calm I need."

He took her hand and gave it a kiss.

"No offense meant", Jason said. "Whenever something is bugging me or on my mind, I can always play and then when I am done, things are clear. Right as rain my grandfather used to say."

"None taken. Can you replicate one?" she asked. "I would like to hear you play."

"I've asked Operations to work on it for me as the replicator in my room isn't big enough", Jason said with a bit of a sigh. "I'd look to see if I could buy one, but I'm having my uncle ship my stuff out here, now that I have quarters bigger than a storage closet. One I get it, I will play for you."

That made her smile. "I would like that very much. So, since you can't play, is there something else that will help you get back to homeostasis tonight?"

At that moment Jason's stomach growled. He snickered a bit at the timing of it and then a 'hmm' escaped his lips.

"Breakfast would be really good", Jason replied with a smile. "We could stay in or eat out."

"I'm not dressed for going out," she said with a chuckle. "Besides, I promised you omelettes." She considered what ingredients she had on hand. "I don't have everything I'll need. I can replicate the ingredients and make then, or see if there's a good replicator program for them. What's your preference?"

He put his arm around her laughing, pulled her close and gave her a kiss.

"I will take whatever the lovely lady makes", he replied. "It's too early or late to complain either way."

"That's a good point. I'll replicate them this time." She grinned at Jason. "That gives me an excuse to invite you back."

"Well, the way to a man's heart is his stomach", Jason said, with a smile. "or with a laser scalpel as my mom used to say. Do you want help?"

"Sure. You can help set the table while I replicate the omelettes." She paused and looked back at Jason. "You're not opposed to butter and whole milk, are you?"

"Not opposed at all", Jason replied, slipping his underpants on. Hot food and naked bodies were not friends.

As he took care of the table he said, "Sorry to have woken you up. Like I said, I don't know why I am having these dreams again."

Alanna had slipped into a long t-shirt. She set the two omelettes on the table and paused to hug Jason. "It's okay. I'm actually glad I was here so you didn't have to deal with that alone."

Jason hugged her back and said, "I'm glad too. After all, eating breakfast alone isn't all it is cracked up to be."

He kissed her on the forehead.

"Ha! What would you like to drink with your omelette?"

"Well, it is a little early for hard stuff, so milk will do", Jason said with a smile.

She shook her head as she went back to the replicator. "I've never tried mixing eggs and alcohol. So, milk it is." She replicated two glasses and set them down by the plates. She spread a little salsa on her omelette and sat down to eat. "I also like Oreo cookies dipped in salsa, but that's for another day."

"Cookies and salsa?" Jason said. "My word, what have I gotten myself into."

He smiled at Alanna, took a bite of the omelet, and an 'Mmm' escaped him.

Alanna took a bite of her omelette and smiled. It was good. They were quiet for a while as they both ate. This time, it was Alanna who kept looking at Jason.

Jason looked up and saw her looking at him and said, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No. I looking at you." She turned her attention back to her plate.

"Oh yeah. Just why is that?" he asked with a bit of a smirk. "It's my ears right? A lot of people compliment me on them."

"Well, your ears are pretty sexy," she teased. She finished her omelette and drained her glass of milk.

Finishing up his food, Jason replied, "Well, it takes a lot to keep these ears in shape. Lobe lifts, plenty of skin moisturizer, daily massage. It's a rough routine, but it's worth it."

He squeezed his ear lobe.

Laughing, Alanna took her dishes to the replicator to recycle. Then, seeing that Jason was done as well, she took his. "Keep that up, I may have to do something about it."

"Oh really", Jason said. "Do you have other ear exercises I can do?"

"Well..." she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "There's this one." She proceeded to nibble on his ears.

A 'mmm' escaped Jason and he let his hands slide down to her leg and he said, "It seems like this exercise could keep us up the rest of the morning."

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked, moving down to nibble on his shoulder.

"It was more of a warning for you", Jason replied with a chuckle, running his finger on her leg in a small circle.

She chuckled softly and stepped back. "Well then, if we're going to be up all morning, we might as well get...comfortable."

"That sounds good to me", Jason said. "lead the way."

Alanna took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. She had a feeling that, for the first time since arriving on DS5, she would be late to work.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief of Intelligence

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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