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Controlling the Narrative

Posted on Mon Apr 29, 2019 @ 5:58pm by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Arrival' Avis Larant Ms

2,205 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Raddon Corporation Office
Timeline: MD 06

Melvyn had not been back home for a whole 24 hours before he was bombarded by news of the experiment gone wrong on the planet surface. The embarrassment of a failed experiment alone had devastating the company's stock value. Now, Melvyn had learned that Commander Soran had unleashed her henchmen to execute warrants against his company and thoroughly investigate what happened. He knew that she relished in this and would love nothing more than to hold this over his head and ban him from the station.

He had to think quicker than her.

[Reception Lobby]

Avis walked on into the place like she owned it. She was a big believer in looking and acting confident, self-assured even if at times it was nothing more than an act. Or as her mentor once said "Sell it!" She was dressed in a form fitting skirt which brought attention to her shapely legs, the part of her she felt was her most impressive. Her hair was bright red, her makeup job nothing too overdone but concentrated on the eyes. With a glowing public relations smile for the individual at the lobby desk she identified herself and dropped the name of the individual who had requested this meeting. That of course had been a most pleasant surprise.


He looked up from his terminal as the doors to his office chimed. "Come in" He said. He was already aware of who it was before they pressed the button. Within moments his Security Consultant, Tasha, walked through the doors and presented his visitor. "Sir, I have a Ms. Avis Larant who is here to meet with you." She said formally.

Melvyn put on his warm smile and stood as he walked around the desk and embraced Ms. Larant's hand. "Thank you for taking the time to come meet with me." He said as he shook it. "I greatly appreciate this opportunity, I'm certain that you are very busy." He said.

Avis held out her hand at his greeting and they completed a polite shake, she making a point of engaging in eye contact. He looked imposing enough, capable, and not to be underestimated.

"My pleasure, sir. I was happy to accept your invitation. And however busy I might be I would make the time to talk with someone like yourself," she laid it on thick.

"Please have a seat." He said, gesturing towards on of the nearby chairs. "Can I get you something to drink?" He asked.

"Very well and no thank you," Avis responded.

As he settled into his seat he picked up his glass nad took a sip before smiling again and looking at the woman. "So I assume you've heard about what happened on the planet surface recently." He began. "I personally am sickened by the idea that such an accident would occur within one of our facilities." He said, his furrowed brows displaying his concern. "Especially due to such an egregious breach of authority and protocol." He said, letting the last part hang in the air.

"I am quite newly arrived so while I caught the headline I would love to hear you fill me in with whatever details you have to share. You may well have a different POV on all of this than the eventual official Federation account," Avis replied.

"Accidents can happen I suppose but are you suggesting it was brought on by official negligence? I would appreciate if you elaborated on this," she pursued his opening.

Melyvn sighed wearily. "Our preliminary investigation has led us to believe that this tragedy was the result of an completely unauthorized experiment on behalf of a small group of individuals within my company." He said as he maintained eye-contact with her. "Safety is a priority for us, there is no way that we would ever tamper with such a volatile entity as the Fae portals." He added.

"Supervisor Marcel King was not authorized to conduct any experiments involving the Fae portal such as the one that resulted in the explosion." Melvyn said as he took a sip from his glass. "Unfortunately, we still have not been able to locate him to fully learn what happened." He concluded.

"He's missing? As in his disappearance may be because of the accident, the explosion? Or he has fled or is in hiding?" asked Avis, also doubling up with another inquiry, "Tell me more about this Fae portal too, I'm intrigued."

Melvyn leaned back in his chair and sighed wearily. "I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone with a much more better mind than me?" He said self-deprecating. "I'm merely a salesman, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea how those portals work or just what Supervisor King hoped to accomplish through his unauthorized experiment." Melvyn said, making sure to emphasis the necessary part of the sentence.

"As far as his disappearance, the last bit of information we had was that he had fled the Research Complex. I am not sure how far he could have gotten with Starfleet looking for him and having control over all transports off of the world." Melvyn added. "My heart simply goes out to all of those involved in this unfortunate and unexpected tragedy." He said as he took another drink.

"It was an ancient civilization down there though, correct? Or have there been any indications the race may still be in existence?" she asked.

"May I ask the total casualties, fatalities and injured? Are all of the surviving wounded expected to recover?" Avis pressed.

Melyvn stared at his glass with a demurred expression of sadness and contemplation. "Too many. . ." he said slowly.

Too many damn families that I'll have to pay settlements to, that's for sure. . . he thought to himself.

"At last count, two deaths, and 6 injuries." He said with a heavy sigh. "The survivors are expected to make recoveries, but the loss of any member of the Raddon family is a hard loss to bear." He added.

"Yes I would imagine so," Avis nodded, not totally convinced of his sincerity but he was giving it a good effort.

"As far as the race itself, I am just not familiar enough with the science or the archeological aspect of the planet to give a fair answer." He said. "It was my understanding from Starfleet that the planet was safe and not inhabited by any hostile species, but then on the opening night of the complex there was an attack." He said, his eyebrows raising.

"You would think that Starfleet would do a better job of protecting its civilians." He said.

"An it was a bomb of some sort? Has Starfleet told you who they think was behind the attack, do they even have any suspects?"

"I wouldn't know, Starfleet only doles out bits and pieces of information. They say the investigation is still 'on going'. . " he said dispassionately.

"Doesn't your corporation have it's own security branch? If so did they simply abrogate their responsibilities totally over to Starfleet. Seems a bit rash to do so," she offered her opinion then.

Melvyn nodded. "Yes, a very well-trained and capable Security detachment. However, the Federation has completely prohibited our use of any defense capabilities on the planet. We are completely beholden to Starfleet for our lives and yet. . .some creature was able to attack the facility during the opening ceremony." He said, continuing to become more agitated. "Tell me, what sense of safety can you expect to have when you can't defend the life of yourself or others." He said passionately as he took another drink from his glass.

"It is only a matter of time before Starfleet begins to turn their weapons on those Humans who don't immediately fall in line." He said with a worried expression on his face.

"Creature? What sort of creature? Have they maybe stumbled upon a new race?" Avis questioned but was also intrigued by his last statement.

"Are you saying you believe that Starfleet might be willing to establish some sort of military dictatorship?"

Melvyn looked at his glass for several seconds, letting the question hang in the air. "I wish that I could say that such a thing was impossible." He said. "I wish that I could say that the ideals and the foundation of the Federation were so strong that they could resist the seductive lure of being compromised by alien and outside influences." He said slowly.

"I guess we'll have no choice, but to wait and see how far Starfleet leadership on this station and the planet below wishes to move away from the Federation's values." he added. "It is obvious that they have been very clear in their desire to control any and all attempts to explore the planet regardless of what benefits might result. It is almost as if Starfleet is afraid of civilian progress." He said.

"I see, very interesting," she now had herself some controversy for her story. Corporate executive theorizing that Starfleet may be considering a military dictatorship. Some fur should fly with that angle.

"You never did answer my question about a creature?" she reminded him then.

"What is there to additionally say about it? Starfleet refuses to release more information about what it was or what led to the attack!" Melvyn said excitedly. "Time after time, Starfleet keeps the civilians in the dark and we are supposed to just trust that they have our best interests in mind." he said as he shook his head.

"You've made your point on that, I get it. But you said a creature, surely someone other than Starfleet personnel caught sight of whatever this creature...or creatures are? The casualties included your people, so some of yours were obviously there then. Have you not talked to any of them? Gathered some info on your own?" Avis pressed him.

"Our internal investigation is still ongoing." Melvyn said. "We hope to have preliminary results within the next several days; however, with Starfleet continuing to stifle our access to information and constant threats. . ." He said suddenly, as if he had to stop himself from going further.

Avis sighed, for all the man's complaining about Starfleet's management of this incident, he and his corporation were no better. Lots of talk but very little details of the kind she needed to include in any article. No solid evidence, not even a fuzzy image to tease the audience.

"I see. So the press remains in the dark as both Starfleet and your corporation hush it up. That's how I'll write it....just so you know. But don't worry, I will include your accusations about Starfleet's larger ambitions. I'm certain my editor will find that the highlight of my story," Avis said with a smirk.

"I'd be careful, from what my people have been able to conclude, the creature that attacked the settlement was bipedal and obviously sentient enough to target a Science lab as opposed to an empty storage facility. There is certainly more to this than we've been led to believe." he concluded. Melvyn could not go into further detail without disclosing his source within Starfleet Security that had informed him originally. He had hoped that this would be enough to put the reporter on the right trail.

So now less than subtle digs seemed to have worked, at least gained her an extra tidbit of news concerning the incident. Avis nodded as he talked about what he knew about this creature of some sort.

"Bipedal and apparently intelligent. Interesting. Do we know anything about the past of this planet? Might it have been part of a former civilization on this world? Actually maybe their civilization still exists, only it is hidden from us in some fashion?" Avis threw out some quick theories to see what might stick, one never knew.

"Maybe yes to all of the above." Melvyn replied quickly. "There is also the possibility that they see our attempts at research as an encroachment onto some sort of sacred ground." He added. "They were certainly intelligent enough to attack basic infrastructure but not totally cripple us." He said.

"Yes, that makes sense actually. They could well see themselves defending their civilization against outside invaders. Age old tale really," Avis mused.

Melyvn was about to respond, but his assistant appeared at the door, indicating that he was going to be late for his next appointment. "My dear, I have thoroughly enjoyed our conversation as well as the opportunity to tell our story. . .it seems that simply telling the truth has become a luxury." He said as he stood and shook her hand.

Avis noticed the assistant and it proved to be some sort of silent signal to the man it was time to end this interview. She also stood up then and shook his hand back with a nod and a smile.

"Thank you for seeing me, I appreciate it. As for truth, it seems like something that is often hard to pin down and often not agreed upon. I can see myself out if you are in a hurry then."

Melvyn nodded graciously as he guided her towards the door.

Melvyn Raddon
Raddon Corporation

Avis Larant
Investigative Journalist


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