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Allies and Foes (Part III)

Posted on Tue Apr 30, 2019 @ 9:04pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,408 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Warship Nuvor
Timeline: MD 07 1430


Pro-consul Zariyah Lim went over her transcript of her conversation with Hydel Turvan again. It was disturbing. It sounded like the beginnings of something incredibly dangerous. To him, to her, to the Cardassians in this part of the quadrant, and to the Detapa councils own plans. But she needed more proof than some arrogant rantings. Who else might have insight?

She went to her terminal and sent a communique to the Commander of the forces that had been assigned to this sector, making sure to secure the line.

Gul Vashur entered her ready room and immediately secured the connection on her end and activated the holographic display projector. "Computer, receive transmission." She said as the image activated.

"Thank you for speaking with me, Gul Vashur." she began as the woman appeared on screen. "I won't take much of your time. Have you been involved in the Xi'Cadian business? I'd appreciate an update not...biased by other's personal grandeur."

The female Gul sighed in irritation. She had no desire to be pulled into Turvan's games or power plays. She had a massive operation underway within a politically unstable area of space. However, the fact that the Pro-consul had gone through the trouble of contacting her directly meant that she was obviously tired of Turvan's games as well.

"Yes, Pro-consul, as the Commander of the 127th Tactical Wing, I have overseen the re-deployment of our forces to the Xi'Cadian Galactic Union to. . ." She paused as she looked for the right phrase to describe. ". . .to assist them during their period of political transitioning." She said. "But I'm sure you already knew that." She said pointedly. Gul Vashur had not risen as high as she did within the Cardassian Military by beating around the bush.

"And you received these orders from Legate Turvan?" Lim queried, "Did they have verification from Cardassia Prime?" That would be the question. Was Turvan the puppeteer, or the puppet?

Gul Vashur's brows furrowed in response to the question. Why would the Pro-consul question where her orders came from? Wasn't this something that should have been discussed with Ambassador Turvan. The Cardassian commander was not one to avoid the larger issue.

"Pro-consul, I have the feeling that there is something more significant that you are concerned about regarding our Xi'Cadian mission. It would be more beneficial to this conversation for you to come out and address it." She said.

There was no loss in being open. Turvan knew she was here to report on him, and she didn't care if he knew she was digging. And tales told to the Detapa council would just prove she was doing her job. "I'm concerned Turvan's ambition is over reaching and he is acting against the commands of the council and to the detriment of Cardassia - Even if he thinks otherwise."

"He's a politician, of course he's acting under his own designs." Gul Vashur said dryly as she shook her head. "From what I hear, his predecessor, Tharek Getal was not much better, except he enjoyed the brutality." She added.

"But going directly to Xi'Cadia, I actually see this as a positive development." She said as she walked to a nearby console and brought up a display to be sent to the Pro-consul's end.

"Xi'Cadia is responsible for up to 40% of dilithium production within this sector. " Gul Vashur said. "With this new agreement between our forces and their new government, we have secured a advantageous position over the Federation in terms of resources." She said. "More importantly, we have been given a secure base of operations to conduct and finalize our Research and Development regarding project Oasis**." The Gul said, referencing the development of the Warship Dar'heel. "Considering that one of their moons has such a significant amount of benamite crystal, this is certainly a win-win for Sixth Order as well as Cardassia's greater interests." She concluded.

"I can't argue your opinion on Getal." IF anything, Vashur was making an understatement. But it was scant comfort when the alternative to Getal the psychopath was Turvan the megalomaniac.

"And you are right about the strategic value of Xi-Cadia." Lim couldn't deny that. If Oasis was anywhere close to accomplishing what it set out to do, Cardassian space flight was about to take a quantum leap forward, and whatever tricks the Federation or Klingons or Romuluns might pull expecting the defeated foes of two decades ago, they would be soundly disabused. But to do that they also needed the benamite on Xi-cadia's moon.

"But I note you haven't answered the question. Do you have independent verification of his orders?"

"I am a logistics officer by training; however, I was thrust into command of the entire 127th after Gul Nivall's spectacular failure and squandering of our forces." She said defensively. "You'll have to forgive me Pro-consul if I do not share your devoted enthusiasm for Statecraft." Gul Vashur said irately.

"If you are asking if I contacted Councilwoman Madred for independent verification once my unit was dispatched to Xi'Cadia, then the answer is no" She said. "But you already knew that, so why don't we skip this dance and get straight to what you are searching for, Pro-consul." The female Commander said flatly.

"Proof that he isn't plotting treason, mutiny, and possibly an act of war that isn't sanctioned by the Detapa council. Because Oasis had a purpose, and that shouldn't be derailed because an overambitious legate jumped the gun."

The Proconsul had managed to get the Gul's attention. "I agree with you that project Oasis should be the primary concern for Cardassia, not petty vendettas against the Federation." Gul Vashur. "But even you have to recognize that the territorial dispute between the Xi'Cadian Government and Starfleet has now become inextricably linked to our development and execution of project Oasis." She said. "How can we separate the two without hindering our efforts?" She asked.

A good question. "Th Xi'Cadian situation is too suspicious by far, and will attract dangerous scrutiny from the Federation. I would recommend speed. Strip the planet of everything that can be taken in as short a period as possible, under whatever pretext necessary, and make sure that Dilithium is delivered to Oasis directly."

Gul Vashur contemplated for several moments. "If I divert the bulk of the 127th in the area to focus on resource retrieval and mining actions, that will certainly pique the interest of Ambassador Hydel. I do not believe he will approve of the plan." She said. "What suggestions do you have for resolving that conundrum?" The Commander inquired.

"What Legate Turvan approves of is not my concern." Lim was far more concerned with making sure he didn't get egg on the face of the Union with whatever he was up to. "The Typhon Expanse has no strategic value whatsoever. Without its Dilithium, Xi'cadia has no further interest to anyone. He should be pleased that he no longer has to waste time or resources on the endeavor." And if he did protest? Well that was just more evidence he had plans that did not benefit Cardassia.

Gul Vashur did not immediately respond. It was obvious that the Pro-consul had plans of her own and they did not necessarily include the current Ambassador. She knew that this was not going to be a simple affair; however, she was merely a Soldier. He place was not to question the orders of her superiors.

"Very well, Pro-Consul, I will begin directing our forces to appropriate resource gathering within the sector." The Command responded. "And what should our response be to the Xi'Cadians once they realize that we are simply harvesting their resources with no intention of providing further military assistance?" She asked.

Zim shrugged. "I'm sure your capable of fobbing them off until its too late. Remind their leader that an accident of providence put him power, and can just as easily take him from it."

"So be it." Gul Vashur said. "Gul Vashur, out." She said as she closed the connection and turned back towards her display of the sector. She sighed as she thought the storm that was about to engulf her and her Soldiers. Was all of the ensuing acrimony and mistrust worth it? only time could be the judge of that.


Gul Kalena Vashur
Commanding Officer
127th Tactical Wing

Zariyah Lim
Cardassian Pro-consul

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