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Under One's Skin (Part II)

Posted on Fri Feb 1, 2019 @ 11:10pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,023 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Civilian quarters
Timeline: MD06 0330

Xelana had just returned to her quarters after finishing her physical training session. She had found an Andorian training program that had pushed her to her limits. Once inside her quarters she immediately went to the sonic shower before coming back to her computer console where an incoming message was awaiting her.

"Computer, establish a tightbeam subspace link to the following coordinates," She said as she input the information into the console. She waited several moments before receiving a confirmation tone. Eventually the screen switched from the emblem of the Federation to that of the Trill Homeworld.

"This is Sovereign Agent Castille, authorization Tango-Three-Charlie-Echo-Delta-Twelve." Xelana spoke directly to the console as she waited for either confirmation or denial. The screen remained unchanged for at least 35 seconds until the image was replaced by the face of the High Deputy of the Trill Science Ministry, Ettanul Revan.

"Agent Castille, your authorization has been verified." Deputy-Minister Revan said. No matter how many times Xelana spoke to the man she could never figure out what emotion he was experiencing. The man wore a stone-cold expression like it was a warm sweater, never taking it off.

"Greetings, Commissioner, I take it that you have completed the scan and analysis I requested?" Xelana said to the Scientist. The napkin that she had used to wipe down Aleczandria was actually a device used to obtain genetic and skin samples from individuals. The napkin was made out of nano-fibers designed to gather and store genetic information through a humanoid's skin cells.

Xelana had been able to get away from the Human restaurant with the sample and submit it to the Trill Science Ministry to analyze and confirm that the Humanoid known as "Alezandria" was actually carrying the Ovaan symbiont.

"I have." He said in an unusually short and clipped manner, as if he was evaluating each word that came out of his mouth. "The results were. . .not what you are expecting."

Xelana sighed. "What are you talking about? The Ovaan has taken over another body and is trying to hide from the Commission." She said confidently. "The only question remaining is how long he's had this particular host and what are his plans." She said.

"The sample you provided us did not belong to the Ovaan symbiont. It is the genetic properties of Naqiis." Deputy-Minister Revan said in an equally detached and cold tone. As if he recognized the ramifications of the news and wanted to keep a professional distance from it.

There was silence in Xelana's quarters as she stared at the holographic console for several moments.

"Delete all records of this conversation and transfer all test results and samples to this secure repository. Xelana-Six-Six-Beta-Episilon." She said to the older man. He was experienced enough to understand what such a command meant and he knew better than to question it. He simply nodded in response without any need for further explanation.

Once the signal was disconnected, Xelana immediate turned back towards the computer system again.

"Computer, establish a tightbeam subspace link to the following coordinates, activate security protocols theta-five" She said as she inputted the information into the console. She waited several moments before receiving a confirmation tone. Eventually the screen switched from the emblem of the Federation to that of the Trill Homeworld.

"This is Sovereign Agent Castille, authorization Tango-Five-Five-Echo-Delta-Twelve." Xelan spoke directly to the console as she waited for either confirmation or denial. The screen remained unchanged for at least 40 seconds until the image was replaced by the face of the Chief of the Symbiosis Commission, Atris Peral.

"Agent Castille, your authorization has been verified." Commissioner Peral said as she settled into the seat behind her desk."This is an unexpected report." The woman said in a surprising tone.

Xelana paused for a moment before she returned her gaze to match the Commissioners. "I have learned that the Ryan child is not carrying the Ovaan symbiont. She is carrying the Naqiis symbiont." Xelana reported, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact as she spoke it.

"That's impossible." Commissioner Peral responded. "Naqiis was killed several years ago on Risa in a shuttle accident." The Commissioner said incredulously. "The Symbiont and its host, Lt. Mika Naqiis, were killed in an attack by a Ferengi Daimon, the only survivors were her husband and her daughter." Commissioner Peral said, her face showed the evident disgust, rage, and horror that was beginning to consume her all at once.

"If this is true, then that means Caleb Ryan has been lying to the Commission and fraudulent transferred the Naqiis symbiont into his mix-breed daughter." Xelana said. "There is no telling what irreparable harm has been done to the symbiont while inside of her." Xelana added.

Commissioner Peral took a deep breathe as she steadied her nerves. "Agent Castille, you are to use whatever resources necessary to rescue and retrieve the Naqiis symbiont. If Ryan has engaged in such dangerous behavior, there is no telling what else he has committed while in control of the Naqiis symbiont." Commission Peral said.

"Then I'll need more help." Xelana said as she pressed several buttons on the console, submitting information through the secure channel. "I've just sent a request for more personnel. I think you're familiar with the names on the list." The agent said.

Commissioner Peral nodded as she downloaded the list. She was familiar with most of the names on the list. They had made names for themselves in both their effectiveness of handling problems, but at the same time they had also caused a few problems in their own right. However, this situation had crossed a threshold, she needed to have it resolved by whatever means necessary.

"Authorization granted." The Commissioner responded as she sat for several moments contemplating the news before her. "Agent Castille, I don't need to remind you just how important that symbiont is to our people. Above all else, the symbiont must be brought back alive." She said with finality as she terminated the connection.


Xelana Castille
Trill Ministry of Defense
NPC by Si'Lar Trellis


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