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Posted on Sat Feb 2, 2019 @ 5:03am by Civilian Jason Haines

615 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Jason Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD6, 0030


Jason woke as his communications panel chimed at him. He blinked his eyes as he went to his desk. It had been an interesting day between reading about what happened on the planet side with Raddon Corp, his interaction with the Raddon Corp dock hands, and his ‘date’ at the Dilithium Chamber, which was owned by, once more, Raddon Corp.

Jason sat in his chair and tapped the button and scanned into a retinal scanner.

“Access code”, the computer prompted him.

“HainesAlpha1973”, Jason replied.

The screen came to light and he was looking at split screen showing two directors of the DTI, one a female human, the other a male Vulcan.

“Agent”, the two almost said almost in unison.

“Directors”, Jason replied with a nod. “As requested, I am reporting given the actions of one of our subjects of interested.”

“Indeed”, the Vulcan replied. “After reviewing the report, it is not quite as helpful as we hoped.”

Jason nodded and said, “We were lucky to recover the data that we did.”

The woman answered, “That said, there was enough degradation to make it hard to prove whether or not the situation on the planet was the actions of a few or actions that were a directive from organizational leadership.”

“Understood director”, Jason replied.

“Perhaps a limited reset is warranted”, the female director said.

“I disagree ma’am”, Jason said. “I ran the simulations one-hundred time on my way here. Three months is the minimum time before the expected event horizon is predicted to occur.”

The Vulcan chimed in, “I reviewed agent Haines’ work. At this point in time, his original assessment of the situation is still valid.”

“If Raddon Corp manages to conduct anymore of their experiments and succeed”, Jason said. “There may be little choice though. I think there may have been a new variable introduced that no-one detected prior to an agent being on site.”

“What makes you say that agent?”, the female director asked. “Do you have proof?”

“No, I do not have proof, yet”, Jason replied. “What makes me say it? It is hard to explain. There is an energy, for lack of better words.”

“Energy?” the Vulcan said skeptically.

“I know it isn’t logical director”, Jason continued. “You would have to be here. It is easy to see by the amount of activity that this is a nexus point. That activity seems to have its own energy flow so to speak, which perhaps is heightened by the energy from the planet. Given what has happened since I arrived here, I am running new simulations within my quarters, but even so, given my current role, I do not have the resources to run a full simulation securely and I am unable to save my results.”

“It will be at least two weeks before we can have an appropriate asset in place”, the female director said.

“I will make do then directors”, Jason replied. “Necessity being the mother of invention and all that.”

“Our time is up agent”, the woman said. “Thank you for your diligence.”

“By all means Director, good evening”, Jason said and then closed the channel.

He plodded to his couch and lay down. Closing his eyes, he sighed. He wasn’t quite ready to say that he thought the rogue variable in the simulation was himself. Somehow, he was a neutral point in the simulation and an active participant at the same time. He wondered what exactly was going to happen to him or what he was going to do, to screw things up. He hoped he could figure it out before something really bad happened.


Lt.(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space 5


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