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Under One's Skin (Part I)

Posted on Fri Feb 1, 2019 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

1,579 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Gino's
Timeline: MD05 1800


Xelana continued to walk around the restaurant known as Gino's and tend to the various guests within the establishment. The very idea of a holographic dining facility seemed utterly bizarre and a waste of station resources. From what Xelana had gathered from her research, the appeal -- if one could call it that -- was in the rotating themes of the restaurant. One week it was a Fifties Diner, another it was Parisian street cafe, the next it was late 20th century. But for some reason it continued to attract the attention of a large number of visitors, both civilian and Starfleet. It was this influx of business that allowed Xelana to pose as a Terran and get hired as a hostess, as the owner described.

One such guest that had become a regular was Commander Caleb Ryan. Ever since his suspension from duty he had apparently had more free time on his hands and he chose to spend it with his daughter, Aleczandra. Xelana's investigation into the girl had so far not yielded significant clues as to whether she possessed the Ovaan symbiont and what plans he intended to carry out. However, this current job would allow her to get closer to the girl than she had been able to before.

Xelana found herself rubbing the side of her neck where her Trill spots would normally be located. As a part of her disguise she had covered them from view; however, the rubbing solution that she used caused the area to slightly itch and to be sensitive, much to her annoyance.

Caleb and Aleczandra wandered into Gino’s with the evening rush. The theme this week was French, and the holo-restaurant was set up in a French street bistro style. It was very popular in the mornings for a quick coffee and croissant before work, but the evening crowd was nothing to sneeze at either. The outdoor patio cafe was filling quickly, the air warm and filled with the smells and sounds of Paris. The Eiffel Tower could be seen in the distance, though unlike a regular holodeck they wouldn’t be able to go wandering off outside of the wrought iron fence that enclosed the space and explore the city.

Caleb and Zandra walked up to the podium by the door to the interior where a woman waited. Caleb raised an eyebrow. “No Charlene?” he asked, then spotted the buxom blonde hologram waiting tables inside.

Aleczandra rudely poked the woman in the arm. “Huh. I think Gino’s actually hired someone real, Daddy,” she said with a grin, brushing a lock of rainbow hair from her blue eyes.

“Well, business must be good then if he’s actually payin’ wages.” Caleb chuckled. “Hello. Sorry for mah daughter’s rudeness.” He glanced at Aleczandra. “Caleb Ryan,” he said. “Reservation on the patio fer two.”

Caleb wore jeans and a simple white t-shirt, though he had thrown on a long sleeved button up dark blue shirt over it to be a bit more presentable to go out. Aleczandra was in a black halter dress that was a bit short and low cut, with matching black heels. It wasn’t overly fancy, a bit like a sundress, but good to go out in.

Xelana grimaced slightly at Aleczandra's intrusive poke into her. She resisted the urge to flippantly respond about how children should learn their manners. Instead, the Trill agent smiled at the two and proceeded to play her role.

"Welcome to Gino's. Can I have your names?" she asked. She was well aware of who Caleb was, but she wanted to confirm that this was his daughter and not just some tart that he was carrying on his arm.

Caleb chuckled. “Ya must be new,” he said. “Caleb Ryan, an’ Aleczandra Ryan,” he said, putting his arm around his teenage daughter.

Aleczandra resisted her mother’s urge to lean into her father.

Xelana nodded as she pressed several buttons on the console before her. "I can put you two in a booth over here if you'll just follow me," Xelana said in as much of a cheerful voice as she could muster. "So is this your first time here?" she asked as she took them to the booth and gestured for them to sit.

“No, we’re fairly regular,” Caleb said. “We like the taste of home.”

“Well, France isn’t really home, Daddy,” Zandra said.

“Fair,” Caleb replied with a chuckle. “I guess it has been a bit since we were by.”

"What can I get for you two?" Xelana said, trying her best to imitate what she believed a Human waitress would ask. The entire concept of a 'diner' seemed odd and misplaced to her. What were replimats for if you were going to go through the slow process of telling a person your order and waiting for it to be brought to you? She tried to ignore the irritation and focus on the mission at hand.

Caleb and Aleczandra picked up the menus and perused them. They were in French. “Zandy?”

Aleczandra chuckled and rolled her eyes. “Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée to begin,” she ordered. “Then Dad will have the bœuf bourguignon and I will have the coq au vin, with mousse au chocolat for dessert. Cabernet Sauvignon for my dad and a Chardonnay for me. Merci.” She handed the menus back.

“Thank ya, Zandy-bear,” Caleb said with a smile. His wife had always been good with languages, and Aleczandra had picked up that trait since her Joining.

Xelana struggled briefly to understand the strange guttural noises coming from the two Humans. Her universal translator was not familiar with French pronunciation and took several moments to properly process the words. Xelana merely nodded as she listened. Once she understood what the two had requested she nodded and quickly left to place the orders for the two. It did not take much longer than fifteen minutes to pass before the order was properly made and Xelana found herself bringing the order to the still sitting couple. Xelana was carrying a larger serving tray that held the various items on her shoulder. She took each plate or dish off the serving tray one by one and placed it on the table below.

"And this last one is for you," she said as she began to place the smaller dish of mousse au chocolat in front of the young girl. As Xelana set it down, her wrist slipped and hit the glass of Chardonnay that was already on the table, sending the small dish onto the young girl's arm and her dress.

"Oh no!" Xelana said as she immediately withdrew a napkin and began to dutifully wipe at the girl’s arm to help clean it up. "I'm so sorry!" she said repeatedly.

“Oh!” Aleczandra exclaimed when the dessert was spilled onto her arm and dress. “Oh, no problem. It will come out,” she said, grabbing another napkin to clean off her dress. “I feel sorry for the loss of such a great dessert!”

The big man at the bar, Gino, looked over and started to approach, but Caleb waved him off, assuring him they were fine.

“It just means mah daughter’s got an excuse ta go shoppin’ for a new dress,” Caleb said with a chuckle.

Zandra stuck her tongue out at him, but then she grinned. “Well, if you’re offering, Daddy…”

Caleb palmed his face. “Me an’ mah big mouth.”

Xelana finished wiping the girl's arm and gathered the spilled items and utensils. "If there is anything further you'll need, please let me know," she said in a humble tone as she gathered her items, including the towel, and left the two. Once she had gone into the back and was certain that she was safe from the eyes of the two she quickly placed the napkin in her pocket. Having gotten what it was she was looking for, she realized that now would be the best time to make a hasty retreat.

She looked around and saw Gino as he was walking through the doors into the kitchen area. "Gino, I'm so sorry for what happened out there with the customers," she said in a dramatic tone.

“Don’t worry about it, Xelena,” Gino said with a smile. “The Ryans are good people. They won’t be upset.”

"I guess...I guess I'm not feeling too well. I was nauseous this morning and I've been dizzy on my feet all day," She said as he motioned to her stomach. "I'm not sure what's wrong. Perhaps I should go to sickbay for an exam," she said. She figured that no man would stand in the way of a woman and potential pregnancy issues.

“Oh,” Gino said. “Well, yes, of course,” he said. “Charlene can cover for you. Go get checked out.”

"Thanks. I'll see ya tomorrow!" she said casually as she removed her apron and made her way out of the restaurant through the rear exit. Even as she had made it through the door, the stench of the Human cuisine still managed to follow her. If she did not get away soon, then she really would be nauseous.


Xelana Castille (Waitress)
Trill Ministry of Defense
NPC by Si'Lar Trellis

Caleb Ryan
Suspended Executive Officer

Aleczandra Ryan/Juheni Naqiis
NPC Caleb Ryan


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