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Flying too close to the Sun (Part II)

Posted on Fri Feb 1, 2019 @ 11:02pm by Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

1,970 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Pangea Research Complex
Timeline: MD 05
Tags: Pangea, Raddon, Medical


"Whoever was in charge of this clearly didn't realize that the Fae portals don't generate a chroniton or tachyon particles like an Iconian gateway or something similar." He added. "So when they activated the transporting sequence and attempted to transmit the dematerialized test subject, the system was unable to maintain the quantum signature and it went into a state of flux. . .resulting in the explosion." He said with fatal realization in his voice.

While Alanna appreciated the information, she really didn't want the supervisor to know what he did wrong--or that they knew what caused the explosion.

"You idiots were trying to activate the portals remotely! What the hell you were thi---" Lt. Kivan said as he slowly turned towards Supervisor King. Before he could finish his accusation he was struck in the face by a large cylinder that the Supervisor had gotten ahold of. Before Lt. Wells could respond he had already made his way out of the room and away from the facility.


Alanna tapped her combadge. "Wells to security. Arrest Supervisor King. He's trying to sneak away. Also, I want a warrant out for everyone involved in the Radon facility. And send a medic."

She could chase the man down, but right now it was more important to get the proof she needed. First, she made sure Kivan was only unconscious and not in need of more immediate medical help. Then she began to back up everything to the shuttle and DS5. As a precaution, she sent the data to her personal computer, Commander Soran, and to Lieutenant Haines.

[Several Moments Later]

There was only the one medic on the shuttle party although River had installed an EMH to support her. When she got the call she left the EMH to carry on and hurried to the scene to respond to the summons. With no other information she wasn't sure what kind of emergency she was facing so she had brought what she could carry in the way of generic basics.

"You called for a medic?" she puffed, having rushed to get there and expecting to have to hurry back as well.

Lt. Kivan had slowly come back to consciousness; however, no had told his legs that. He didn't see the object in the Supervisor's hand before it came crashing across the side of the Cardassian's cranium. He sat up slightly against a nearby console as he felt the side of his head. He pulled his hand back and saw blood.

He looked up and saw the medic arrive. He raised his hand and gestured for her to come over. "I guess....that'd be me." Lt. Kivan said.

After having treated Kivan, River hurried back to the blast site and found that the EMH had continued sending the shuttle back containing those who needed medical assistance on the station as had been being arranged just as she had left. She herself returned to working through the medium and minor injuries in her little make-do "facility". They were doing well with the onsite care and although 2 of the 20 had been shipped back, 18 had been helped in order of severity of their wounds and now the last few were the least injured of the whole group and it was possible for River to take a moment to drink some water.

When the last few were being seen by the EMH, River took an overview of her data PaDD and tried to get a picture of the nature of the most of the injuries, the types of wounds that had presented and so on. She could see a clear pattern of impact trauma and another of superficial burns. They didn't look like fire burns in the more usual form, many of them seemed more like sunburn.... a clear symptom of low dose radiation damage. She made more notes and duplicated off her findings onto a datarod that she slipped into her pocket, just in case.

She didn't know what exactly she thought it needed to be in case of..... she just had a gut feeling that "things".....might need to be.... safeguarded in some way and leaving a PaDD where it might be sought out was a way of distracting from the fact that she was keeping safety netting in less visible ways.

Perhaps she was paranoid.... her last ex had insisted that was true about her.... perhaps..... or perhaps he had given her cause to be suspicious but it was a life skill and it did come in handy!

Helping the last cases and any who were still not quite sorted, she also began to pack up some of her facilities that were no longer required and discharge the well and the "mended". It wasn't clear however, where they were to go now. It hadn't been made clear what to do once the wounded were helped. ~Would they be shipped up to the Station or was there anywhere down here that was safe for them to stay?~ River wondered. ~Perhaps they could be accommodated in the other areas which were still intact? It wasn't for her to say so she couldn't answer any of the questions she was being asked about that. She just had to admit she hadn't been briefed on this part.

Truth was she hadn't been briefed on much as it had been such a rush to get down to help the wounded. ~It would all come out in the wash~ she thought and maintained her calm, confident, doctors' mask and aura. Brilliant that all doctors and nurses were taught this from Day 1. She radiated a sense of "chaos, what chaos?" just as she was trained to. It did seem to work most of the time. Whoever thought of it was good at their job, no matter how long ago it was initiated into the standard training.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, one of the patients seemed to lose it. It came out of the blue and the man began to yell at the EMH and threaten with his fist, arms waving around and eyes wide. Without thought, River instinctively took up a tiny vial of tranquilliser, loaded it into her hypospray and moved towards the strangely behaving man. The EMH was staying calm as a hologram would, but this was incensing the attacker more so River was able to circle and approach from behind.

She moved quickly up, keeping his back towards her as best she could and then at the last few yards she just rushed in and pressed the administration button dosing him neatly and causing him to collapse in a wobbly heap, his knees giving first.

"Thank you doctor" the EMH acknowledged calmly.

"Any time" River replied and squatted down to examine the unconscious patient.

As she ran her medcorder over him, there was a rustling and muttering amongst the rest of the patients around.

"He'll be fine. Just needed a power nap" River said, loudly enough for all the gathered crowding "residents" to hear clearly. It was a rather fraught, tight atmosphere around her and she began to wonder when the others of the shuttle party might return.

Fortunately the shuttle itself arrived back shortly after the event and the unconscious man was loaded inside. The pilot didn't take off immediately as he wasn't in any danger nor in any need of attention so she seemed to want to collect up the crew first.

River was glad of the company of another Starfleet Officer for back-up and the Tolarian Ensign was perceptive enough to pick up on the shuffling of the patients that were gathered here.

~What happened to some gratitude for the medical care?~ River thought to herself sardonically, sighing.

Lieutenants Kivan and Wells had begun to make their way back to the shuttle. Ta'Gas had regained his footing, but he was still lightheaded and holding his patched wound. He knew that he was not going to be of any use to anyone until he got back to the station.

"Great...just great!" He said with frustration in his tone as he approached the shuttle. "Pangea 2 - Ta'Gas Kivan 0" He said sardonically. "Can I go on an away mission just once and not end up stabbed, beaten, or all of the above!?" He said as the doors to the shuttle opened and he began to step in.

"I guess you're just lucky that way," Alanna said, her tone indicating that she was joking. "At least you manage to draw them out into the open."

"Yeah, for however long that lasts." He said as he slowly took a seat in the rear compartment. "Most of our security forces are dedicated to guarding the portal or keeping an eye out for whatever attacked the power generator. There's no telling how long it'll take to capture Supervisor King." He said said tensely as he closed his eyes and reclined back in his chair.

"We should probably radio to Dr. Morgan to determine how much longer she'll need on the planet before we depart." He suggested.

"If we don't catch him, we still have enough information to shut down their facility on Pangaea," Alanna said, sitting at a front station so she could message the doctor. "I don't know if the commander can use the information for their enterprises on the station as well."

Lt. Kivan sat up. "You may be right. We won't know if anything criminal can be brought forward until we get it to Security to analyze. I just wish we had gotten there before the rest of the data nodes were removed." He said as the pilot appeared and made her way to the pilot seat.

"Beginning pre-launch sequence, ma'am." She said to Lt. Wells beside her. "We should be able ready to take off in the next 15 minutes." The Tolarian Ensign said. "We'll need to coordinate with the station to send rescue shuttles down to the surface to retrieve the injured." The pilot added. She had been recruited by Dr. Morgan to act as a field medic despite her repeated statements that she was not trained for it at all.

"As long as the medical team wants to stay behind. Otherwise, they can use this shuttle and I'll wait. I have plenty to do on the planet," Alanna said to the pilot.

To Kivan she added, "I'll look at the data my tricorder picked up when I get back. there's a chance it picked something up we can use. Even if it didn't, what we do have is enough to ban them from the planet."

"You don't need to radio for me, I was already here, with my patient." River came forward and indicated the unconscious man in the back of the shuttle. "I've had enough of this place. We've helped dozens and they just turned ugly for no apparent reason as soon as this man got angsty and started trouble. I've deactivated the EMH and packed his emitters away. We've done what we needed to and they just seem.... well, hostile, despite all of our help." she explained, still a bit mystified herself. "I don't know what made this man lose it but we can run some tests on the station and see if we can find out more of what's going wrong down here."

The Pilot nodded as she secured the Runabout and signalled to the station. =/\= "OPS, this is Runabout Horizon Bravo, we are preparing to depart from the planet surface and should arrive at Explorer Station in ten minutes, standby for docking clearance request, over" =/\= She said into the comm unit.

=^= "Horizon Bravo, this is OPS, we have you on sensors and are tracking your approach, OPS out"=^=

Lt. JG Kivan Ta'Gas
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lt Cmdr River Morgan
Locum Chief Medical Officer

Lt. JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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