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Shades of truth

Posted on Tue Dec 18, 2018 @ 4:52pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin
Edited on on Tue Jan 1, 2019 @ 10:19pm

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Cargo Bay 86
Timeline: MD 04 - 2000
Tags: Trill, Xelan, Symbiont, Symbiosis Commission, Hex, Ovaan


Sovereign Agent Xelan Castille had been waiting within the cargo bay for the past twenty minutes appearing as if she was inspecting a particular piece of cargo. She had chosen to pose today as a Federation Customs agent in order to avoid drawing attention to herself as she waited for her intended target to arrive. She had observed Yolanthe long enough to recognize when she received new shipments of supplies. Xelan had manage to alter the manifest in a way that the Bar Owner had received a message stating that she would have to come down to this particular cargo bay to verify information before she could retrieve the cargo.

Yolanthe saw the request, and sighed. When were things going to go back to normal? If it wasn't one thing or another. She told Edward she was stepping out, and headed down to Cargo Bay 86, to see what customs wanted now.

She arrived in Docking Bay 86 about five minutes later. Various dock hands were shifting cases and crates into assorted stacks, looking around for for whatever supervisor needed to see her.

Xelan looked to her right and noticed the Owner enter the area. She cleared her throat as she approached her. "Yolanthe Ibalin," Xelan said as she withdrew her crafted badge. "I'm Chu'll Veshta, of the Federation Commerce Bureau." Xelan said convincingly. "Thank you for coming, I wanted to speak with you about a few pressing matters." She said as she gestured to a quieter corner where they could speak.

"Not a problem," Yolanthe lied, following the woman to the corner. "What can I do for you?"

"I understand that you own a Bar on this station, The Box of Delights?" Xelan said, as she feigned ignorance while reading a padd before her. "One of your employees is a Trill by the name of Ahjess?" Xelan asked.

Yolanthe turned a pale turquoise. "Ahjess hasnt been seen in a month. What's this about?"

"That appears to be my understanding as well." Xelan said, ignoring the question. "Before he went missing, was he observed hanging out with any peculiar or unknown individuals?" She inquired. "Was he involved with anything illegal?" She added.

The turquoise got a shade darker. "Not that Im aware of. What is this about?" she demanded again.

a polychromatic humanoid. . . Xelan thought to herself. She made a mental note to do further research on her kind when she had the time. But for the time being she was more focused on finding the Symbiont.

“What do you know about his relationship with this Human female?” Xelan said as she presented a photograph of the Ahjess talking with Aleczandra Ryan. “To what degree were they involved and what do you know of her whereabouts?” The disguised agent continued on. “Particularly, since your physical confrontation of her?” Xelan asked. Perhaps there was a lovers queral in this situation that she was not fully aware of.

Yolanthe was even more taken aback, now a sharp cyan. How had this woman known about that? "Who are you really? What do you really want?"

“I told you Ms. Ibalin, I’m with the Federation Commerce Bureau.” Xelan responded, brushing aside the woman’s question. “Again, what do you know about his relationship with the Human and her whereabouts?” Xelan asked.

The cyan faded into gold. she didnt like the way the woman was avoiding the question. "I doubt there was a relationship." Yolanthe said. And why was this Veshta woman asking about the Ryan girl? "Ahjess is a slut. He probably saw the opportunity to get his end away. I dont know. I don't own him."

"Interesting. . ." Xelan as she pressed several buttons on the padd. "Then what led to the violent confrontation between you and the Human?" She asked. "It appeared to be a very strong reaction for someone you don't own." The Trill Agent said.

"Have you had any other difficulties with this Human and perhaps with her and a colleague of her by the name of Gev." Xelan asked.

The name of the Yridian sent a flash of turquoise across her body that settled into a pale green. Who was this woman? "Those are questions I cant answer. Why don't you ask Ryan where my boy is? You may have better luck than I did."

Xelan nodded as she noticed the sharp change in color. Evidently her color shift was tied directly to her emotions. "I might do that, Ms. Ibalin." She said. "However, before I leave I'd like to know if you are familiar with an individual by the name of Hex?" Xelan asked. "Our records indicate that she is a Trill who has been seen repeatedly on this station." She said in the same measured tone as before, trying to maintain her cover.

The green went back to a pale turquoise. "No. I don't know a Hex." But she knew Q'uit might. Q'uit knew everyone. She would definitely have to pay the Klingon and his seedy bar a visit. But she wanted a head start on whoever this woman was. "Why don't you try security? Trellis might know more of the other trill here."

Xelan fumbled with the padd in her hand as the woman mentioned the name of "Trellis". She took a few moments to compose herself as if nothing had happened. She was not certain whether the color-changer was lying about Hex; however, she did not have any video or photography evidence to prove otherwise. For the time being she'd have to take her at her word.

"Thank you, Ms. Ibalin, you've been very helpful. If I have any further questions, I'll know where to find you." Xelan said as she began to leave.

Yolanthe frowned, crossing her arms, at the sudden retreat, "Can I take my beers?" she asked, starting to think this woman had nothing to do with her shipment of Efrosian Pale Ale.

Xelan stopped and turned around. For a brief moment she gave the woman a slightly quizical look, but then realized what she was referring to. "Oh...yes, of course, they're right over there." She pointed as she turned and began to exit. She realized that the longer she stayed to speak to the bar owner, the more likely it was that her cover would be exposed.

Yolanthe watched the trill leave, turning yellow again. That had been a strange few minutes. Maybe she should warn Ryan this woman was here. Then she shrugged. That was Ryan's problem. She was old enough to look after herself. And she hadnt helped with Ahjess, so she could go hang. Yolanthe had a new lead of if her own to pursue.


Yolathe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Xelan Castille
Trill Ministry of Defense
NPC by Si'Lar Trellis


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