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Do You Come Here Often? (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Apr 2, 2019 @ 9:50am by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,648 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Club Supernova
Timeline: MD08 2100

Shay Corvane was an extraordinary young man, but he was also a bit of a chancer when he wasn't on duty. He was on DS5 because he was a psychology student, doing a degree in what he called, with little proper respect, "head shrinking". He was predicted to achieve a masters in time, but he was always walking the thin line when it came to getting into trouble with his much too smart mouth and his much too attractive good looks.

Today he was between conquests and between lectures. He was at a loose end. He hated to be bored. He strolled into Club Supernova looking for something to make him feel interested, and there, right in the centre as he walked in, was a rainbow haired beauty, perhaps a little young, but clearly extrovert and just the thing to brighten up his life today!

He went to the bar, ordered a Phantom Partyglitz, a cocktail that contained mainly exotic fruit, sparkling water, ice, and ice cream from Relar Prime. It bristled with the standard recipe's requirements of various cocktail sticks skewering many different, multi-colored berries and items like paper umbrellas and plastiflex ornaments with feathers of all colours and hues as well. It was a huge, totally ridiculous spectacle of an extravaganza, and armed with two of them, almost too wide to get between the people in the way. He approached the rainbow girl with the rainbow drinks and smiled at her as if he'd known her all his life.

"Here we are. Do you want to sit down, or shall we drink these here?" he asked, as if they'd come here together and he was her established date.

Those around her looked startled, but seemed fooled into moving off and giving him access to her as they wandered off or split into other groups or conversations, naturally forming up and taking their attention away.

Zandra turned at the voice and saw the young man with the party drinks. Her friends gave her knowing looks, grins, and giggles as they drifted off. Part of the reason for the night out was to help her get out of her funk after Teena dumped her, so if some boy was interested, well, they would give her space.

“You look like you’re about to fall over with those,” Aleczandra said. “Best to sit before you spill them all over my hot dress.” She plucked out one of the skewers and pulled off the pineapple. “God, I love pineapple.” Her blue eyes looked the young man over appreciatively. He was older than her by a few years. What was his thing? Was he a perv who liked them young? Well, what did Aleczandra care? Teena had been older, too, though not as much. And Kinony was always urging her to get back on the wagon and have some good, clean fun.

“There’s a table,” she said, spotting an opening. “I’m Zandy,” she yelled to him above the noise of the crowd as they headed to the table.

Shay gave her a handsome grin and followed to where she was aiming. "Hi, Zandy," he said once they had finally negotiated their way across the short distance but through the treacherous amount of bodies threatening to jostle their drinks out of their hands or step into the way as they crossed. They arrived at the table she had seen without too much spillage and were glad to sit themselves down and triumphantly place their trophy drinks on the table with matching grins. "I'm Shay," he continued, still grinning at her, having enjoyed the adventure of their little journey to vanquish themselves a base of operations.

"You're fun," he added, meaning it as a compliment. "I didn't think there were any girls with character and a sense of humour on this base. Well, I hadn't met any so far and I was beginning to think the rare creature I sought was perhaps extinct here." He took a sip of his cocktail and eyed the lovely rainbow creature before him, not at all unhappy with his discovery.

“Well, you know, I try,” Aleczandra said with mock humility. She intentionally sat closer to Shay than necessary. “So you just arrive on the station then? What brought you out to the ass end of nowhere?” She leaned forward to sip her fruity drink, but her blue eyes rolled up to watch him, her full, kissable lips puckering around the straw.

Shay was captivated. She was gorgeous! He was filled with desire, but felt he ought to at least try to remain a bit aloof, or seem so. He knew that she would be very quickly bored with him if he rolled too easily to her charms. He tried to play it cool, but without looking as if he wasn't interested. He smiled at her with a handsome grin, perfect teeth, and large, mischievous brown eyes that were so dark they had an almost violet tint to them. He accepted her closeness happily and joked and laughed with her, careful to try to keep her attention so that she didn't have time to become bored or distracted. He was sociable and good at banter, with a sense of humour and some wit that helped him to make a good first impression. It was seeming to be going well so far, but he was careful not to let himself get too confident. He kept something back and acted just a little mysteriously at times so as to keep her wondering about who he really was and what it was that made him tick.

He was attentive too. Asking about herself and showing interest in the things that seemed important to her, judging what seemed to matter and being careful not to joke too much that he might seem callous. It was all about balance, he was well aware. This was the challenge. The first time, even though it wasn't an official "date", it was the time to make a first impression and make a good job of it.

"Have you lived on this station for long?" was a helpful question that he hoped would reap him more information to work with.

“Nearly a year now,” Aleczandra said, stirring her drink with a straw. She pulled out one of the plastic swords that skewered a strawberry and bit into the fruit. A bit of juice trickled down her chin and she hunched over with a laugh, catching it with her hand before reaching for the cocktail napkin. She wiped her chin and her tongue licked over her full lips as she looked at Shay. Kinony whispered in her mind that he had avoided answering her question, was avoiding answering any real questions about himself. She was a bit suspicious. So was Juheni.

Aleczandra ignored them. He was hot. She lost herself in those deep, dark eyes of his as her own blue eyes stared back, flipping her rainbow hair occasionally, leaning just right so that he could get tantalizing glimpses of her cleavage, flirting expertly as she knew how from Kinony’s knowledge of enticing men and women. She didn’t much care about their suspicions. This was the first time she didn’t feel...alone since Teena had dumped her. So what if it was shallow? Maybe she just wanted to have fun.

"I'd like to say I was just passing by, but you're right, it's a bit out of the way here. I wondered if it was a good place to be out of the usual routeways. You know, a place where not too many tourists pop in," he said, struggling to find his usual garrulous nature in the presence of such a gorgeous creature. "I still can't believe you're here in this backwater. I can't believe my luck to have found the--!" She made his mouth dry and immersed his usually sharp brain in a fog as all he could think about was how hot she was. He shook himself gently, trying to sharpen his wits and say something impressive but not too revealing. He had his reasons for being here, but he didn't want to frighten her away by telling her what he'd done and that someone was after him. He didn't know how much he could trust her yet.

“Found the what?” Aleczandra asked with a chuckle. With Kinony’s help, she could read the signs. Yeah, he was into her. Great! She was into him, too. She sipped her drink and then pushed it away. “This is a club. Let’s dance!” she told him, slipping out of the booth and grabbing his hand to pull him along, a sashay in her hips as she moved.

"A club? Good job I ran into you then. I needed someone with the low down,” he joked, but she still had his mouth dry, more so now he could get a good eyeful of her gorgeous assets.

"Do we need membership?" he asked, looking for conversation that didn't include 'can't we just go straight to bed?'. He let her lead him by the hand, loving the contact but trying to look cool and cover the fact that he was glad she had initiated it, as he didn't feel he could have stepped that far just yet.

Aleczandra laughed. “We’re already inside!” she yelled over the loud music as they crossed through the sound-dampening force field separating the booth from the dance floor. Zandra turned to face him. He hadn’t given her his name, but she didn’t care. What did she need to know his name for if she just wanted to dance and drink. And maybe get a room at one of the cheap hotels on the promenade. She could tell her dad she was staying at a friend’s house.


Shay Corvane

Aleczandra Ryan


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