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Allies and Foes (Part II)

Posted on Sat Mar 30, 2019 @ 9:10pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,283 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Cardassian Diplomatic Suite - Cardassian Barracks
Timeline: MD 07 1000


Hydel tried his best to contain his laughter as he completed the sentence, "...and then....then the Bajoran said, 'PROPHETS? I THOUGHT I BOUGHT THE COW!?" he said as he and Gul Denat Meran erupted into a raucous laughter at the humorous story. They were so caught up in their residual laughter that they barely heard the chime for the Ambassador's door.

"Come in!" Hydel shouted from his chair without rising to see who it was.

"Good morning, Legate," Zariyah Lim, The Pro-consul sent to 'support' his work entered the room, padd in hand. "I trust you are well this morning. I've had some communications from the Detapa council, and they have questions for you."

Hydel gave an irritated sigh. "Yes...yes...Proconsul, come in." He said enthusiastically. "What wonderful message do you have to delivery from the Detapa Council?" He asked dryly.

"Well in summary?" the pro-consul asked, "What the Bloody Hell is going on on DS5, what the bloody hell is going on on Pangaea, and what the bloody hell is going on with Xi'Cadia. Only they used a lot less friendly language."

Hydel groaned in an obviously aggravated tone. He had grown accustomed to a certain amount of autonomy since excepting this post as Ambassador for the station. But lately, he had found his decisions being questioned with more frequency than he was used to experiencing.

"You can go back and tell whomever it is you communicate with that I have the entire situation under control." Hydel said as he stood and walked over towards a projection console. "Display File 3-3-Theta-4" he commanded to the computer. Within several seconds a projection of the Typhon Expanse was displayed.

"The Xi'Cadia situation is firmly under professional control." He said to the female Cardassian. "The new lawful government requested our assistance to help stabilize the planet and provide humanitarian assistance to their civilian population following the recent political upheaval." He said. "Some of us still remember the pain of seeing Cardassian reduced to nothing more than a smoldering ruin after the Dominion turned on us." He said with an obvious edge, implying that the Proconsul had forgotten what devastation looked like.

"Therefore, I discussed the matter with Gul Veshur and we agreed that it would be best for the 127th Tactical Wing to be re-deployed to Xi'Cadia for logistical purposes." He said as he turned back towards the woman.

"Everyone remembers the pain, Hydel, especially those of us who stood with Damar whilst their families stayed at Lakarian city, rather than collaborated" Lim said sweetly. "Its just that some of us seek new glory, not desperately chase the old paradigms that nearly saw the undoing of Cardassia." She finished making some notes on what she saw on screen. "And how are things going on Deep Space Five? How are your plans for Pangaea?

"They are going the same as they were before you were assigned here." he said, using the word loosely. "Re-construction on the Cardassian Embassy is just about complete and my staff will be returning soon thereafter." He said. "In fact, we even secured an office for you so that you can continue to. . .whatever it is you are supposed to do." He said as he turned back to the display.

Gul Meran stood and walked over to the Ambassador a spoke in a low tone. "Sir, Gul Kyren has updated me on the Xi'Cadian talks. She says the Ferengi worked out some trade agreement with First Counsel R'vaas without her permission." The Cardassian Commander said.

"Damnit. . .I knew not to trust that Ferengi to be anywhere near this situation." Hydel said through clenched teeth. "Tell Gul Kyren to proceed according to plan and not to do anything to the Ferengi until I have spoken with her." He directed.

"Firmly under professional control?" Lim said, barely concealing her amusement. "And if the situation on the station hasn't changed, I assume you haven't repaired relations with their commander for you to be allowed back on the station? How would you prefer me to report that? Legate Turvan continues to drag his feet over carrying out the orders of the Detapa council, or Legate Turvan is too incompetent to carry out the orders of the Detapa council?"

"You can tell them that Legate Turvan is too busy carrying out the will of the Cardassian people to be bothered with groveling at the Federation's feet" He said dismissively as he walked over to a console.

"If the Detapa Council wanted me gone, then they would have appointed a new Ambassador, instead of sending you to carry Starfleet's water." He added as he handed a padd to Gul Meran. "Contact Gul A'Dan onboard the Warship Darheel and let him know they are to begin phase two trial runs as soon as the Federation has departed from Xi'Cadian space." He ordered.

As he turned to face the scowling face of the Proconsul he tried to bring levity to his voice. "The Promenade on this station is quite entertaining, perhaps you should spend more time exploring it." He said, hoping she would catch the hint and leave him to his work.

She ignored the barb, looking at him, trying to judge him. "The Detapa council are the elected representatives of the Cardassian People. I'm curious, who do you think you're serving when you defy their orders? Or have you confused the will of the Cardassian People with your own ego?"

"Oh I'm quite aware of the Council's abundant wisdom! I was there when they chose to hide from the Klingon invaders and press for a diplomatic solution instead of going on the offensive once Dukat had seized actionable military intelligence from that Bird of Prey he captured." Hydel replied ruefully.

"The Council is a tool used to ensure that there is food, water, and basic defense for the Cardassian people. But don't you dare lecture me on knowing what is and what isn't the will of our people." He said as he pointed a judgmental finger towards the woman.

She slowly pushed the finger away, "I'm curious, Legate, what do you think is the will of the Cardassian people?"

Hydel held back on immediately responding. She was baiting him to say something that she would undoubtedly run back and tell the Council, thus supporting her campaign to take over. He was not about to play into her little game.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see." He said as he gave a final nod to Gul Meran. Hydel went back to his display of the Typhon Expanse and waited for several moments before speaking, "Unless you have any more important messages to deliver, I really must tend to other matters." He said.

"Indeed I will," The Pro-consul said thoughtfully. IT was clear that Turvan was a law unto himself. The question would be what he did with that. "What other matters?"

"Matters that do not concern you at the moment." He said dismissively as he continued to focus on the display before him.

Lim gave him one last suspicious look. She couldn't believe that someone who had managed to rise to the rank of legate was stupid. So why so openly flaunt the commands of the ruling council? He had a plan, a plan he thought so good he was untouchable. That was the logical conclusion. She better find out what that plan was. And fast, before his ambition ruined all of Cardassia's rebirth.


Hydel Turvan
Ambassador, Cardassian Empire

Denat Meran
Gul, Garrison Commander

Zariyah Lim
Pro-consul, Cardassian Consulate


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