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Do You Come Here Often? (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Apr 2, 2019 @ 9:51am by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.
Edited on on Tue Apr 2, 2019 @ 9:53am

1,360 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Club Supernova
Timeline: MD08 2115

Zandra turned to face the boy, taking both his hands as she walked backward to the dance floor. “You ever Zero-G?” she yelled to him, nodding to another section of the floor marked off by lights. The gravity plating had been shut down, letting dancers launch themselves into the air.

"Of course!" he lied, but kept his face steady enough to look as if he was serious. He let her lead him across and, grinning at her, he watched as she stepped into the field, taking him up with her, still linked by their hands. It was a wonderful feeling and, like it or not, his face did give away some surprise and delight as they began to float up and around. It was so much fun he began to beam uncharacteristically, like a little boy with a new toy, which was pretty close to what he was feeling right now. He watched how Zandy moved and negotiated her way around and tried to emulate her.

Aleczandra laughed. “You really haven’t done this before, have you?” she teased over the loud music. “So what do I call you?” She gave a tug on his hand that brought them together, hooking her long, bare leg in the short skirt around his leg to keep them together as they slowly rotated in the air, pressed against him and gazing into his eyes, her rainbow hair floating around her head.

Lucky, he thought to himself, taking in how lovely she was and how soft her skin was and how hypnotic her eyes were. "I'm Shay," he said softly, gazing into her eyes with an admiring smile.

“What? You have to speak up over the music!” Aleczandra leaned in even closer to put her ear near him, her perfume filling his senses as her body moved against him with the music. She tilted them into an inverted position in relation to the floor.

Shay was breathless, not only with their weightlessness and the disorientating feeling of being, for all intents and purposes, upside down, but also with the scent of her and the closeness, filling his senses to overflowing from all fronts. He looked at her intently and their eyes locked. She really was beautiful, he decided, and worth whatever he had to sacrifice to stay here and get to know her. A stab of apprehension ran briefly through him at the idea of not running to the next port of call and the danger that represented to him, but then again he filled his eyes, his senses, and his sense of being alive with this lovely creature and it all numbed back into the depths of later.

Aleczandra laughed. She gave a nudge and spun out away from him, then tugged him to her once more. The momentum sent them farther up in the field as they came together again. She pressed to him once more as they rotated in the zero G. She gave a mischievous smile. Kinony was prominent in her mind, urging her back on the horse after Teena’s dismissal. Zandra brushed her cheek against the boy’s, nuzzling him lightly, and her full lips brushed his ear.

“You look like you want to kiss me,” she said, then gently bit his earlobe.

"Ow!" he protested much more than he meant and pulled a face at her. "Well, I might have, if you hadn't pierced me a new earring hole with your teeth!" he protested with a flourish for effect that backfired on him in the weightlessness and flipped him backwards. Dammit! he thought in exasperation as he tried to look like he was deliberately doing somersaults to show off instead of flailing about accidentally. He was trying so hard not to look as out of control as he felt in this situation, which was way outside his comfort zone and threatened to spoil any chance he had of looking cool and to impress Zandy.

Aleczandra chuckled and launched herself after her partner, catching him in her arms. “Shall we go someplace more private?” she asked as they moved to the edge of the zero G field and let gravity gradually reassert itself on them as they lightly touched onto the more traditional dance floor. Zandy steadied Shay until he found his feet again.

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea before I make more of a fool of myself." He laughed with a charming grin and took her arm. "Thank you for that experience. I've actually never done that before, as I'm sure you noticed, being such a star yourself," he admitted.

Aleczandra laughed. “Hardly a star!” she said, leading Shay back to one of the private booths. When she activated the force field, it dampened the sound a bit, making conversation easier, though leaving a bit of ringing in the sudden quiet of their ears for a moment. She tapped the controls to also make the force field a bit more private, allowing them to see out into the club but no one to see inside.

“Want a drink?” Zandra offered, sliding into the booth and picking up the order padd on the table. She patted the soft seat next to her for him to slide in beside her.

Deciding his star had finally lit itself, Shay happily did as instructed and moved in closer. "Why hardly a star? You're sparkling, bright, beautiful, and just that bit distant enough to be mysterious. Sounds exactly like a star to me!" he said as he slid in close. "Root beer, thanks," he answered her question last.

Aleczandra grinned, enjoying the flattery and the closeness of a cute guy. “Daring,” she teased, picking up the padd and typing in their orders. There was a whirr and a panel opened, presenting them with their replicated drinks. Their privacy didn’t even need to be interrupted by a server.

Aleczandra reached over to get the drinks, leaning a bit into Shay. She met his eyes, smiled, and then just lightly brushed her lips over his before sitting back. Sure, she was being a little free and easy, but fuck it!

Shay licked his lips after hers left them and tilted his head. Her beautiful eyes meeting his sent a wave of desire over him and made him bold. He said, "Allow me," and passed her glass closer to her, putting a little drip mat under it. It was embossed with a cartoon character on tissue-based absorbent circular disc style disposable pad. There were a whole pile of them to hand for such purposes, but he chose one with a deeply significant female rabbit with a very over-exaggerated figure, huge cartoon eyelashes, and rainbow hair just like Zandy's. "This looks like one sexy little minx. I wonder if I might find a real life version of her one day," he commented as he set the drink down on it and slid it closer to Aleczandra with a smirk and a sparkle in his eyes as he admired her blatantly and without embarrassment or shyness.

“Who knows? You might get lucky and find someone just like her.” Aleczandra kept Shay’s bold gaze with her own and wrapped her full, red lips around the straw of her drink in a suggestive manner as she took a sip.

“So where are you staying on the station?” Zandra asked.

"Should I tell you that? Might your parents send round the heavy mob to eliminate me as a threat?" He laughed off the question without a plain answer.

Aleczandra laughed. “Oh, if only you knew?” she teased. She wasn’t about to tell him her father was the XO of the station. Why scare off what looked to be a promising night? “They think I’m off staying at a friend’s tonight.” That’s what she’d told her dad anyway, to avoid getting a lecture about going out partying. Though she thought Caleb had been a bit relieved that she was going out and not moping over Teena. The both of them sitting at home moping wasn’t pleasant.


Shay Corvane

Aleczandra Ryan


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