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Working lunch - II

Posted on Tue Feb 10, 2015 @ 1:35am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,491 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: FMS Precinct & the Box of Delights


[The Promenade]

Stepping off a lift Steiner and Tu-Selok made their way through a shopping area. He told the young deputy about his meeting that morning.

"Will the merchants cooperate?" She asked "It seems as though there was some antagonism between them"

"I hope so." Steiner agreed "You're right, they don't seem to be very neighbourly to each other and it's more than just comercial rivalry. Either way we'll need to establish a presence here on the Promenade levels and soon. Between the criminal element and the private security thugs it's getting a little wild down here"

Steiner had led them to the door of the Box of Delights "And talking of wild, this place has a certain reputation..."

Tu-Selok looked askance at him "We are having lunch here?"

Steiner grinned "Yes we are and we might ask a few questions too"

[The Box of Delights]

Steiner and Tu-Selok entered, it was quiet even for lunchtime, the virus seemed to be effecting everywhere. There was no waiting, they were shown to a booth and handed menus.

It wasn't long before Steiner spotted the owner near the bar and he nodded pleasantly to her.

Yolanthe gave him a nod and walked over, "Hellow, sweetie. Passing through or staying a while?"

"Thought I'd stop in for lunch" Steiner said and introduced his female Vulcan companion "Deputy Tu-Selok, this is Ms Yolanthe Ibalin proprietor of the establishment"

Tu-Selok nodded "Good day Ms Ibalin"

"Deputy," Yolanthe Made a sweeping gesture that took in the not very busy venue. "Welcome to my humble house. What can I get for you two?"

"So what do you recommend for a working lunch?" Steiner asked Yolanthe holding up his menu.

"Not working?" Yolanthe suggesed. "But if you insist, I'd go for the fradelka, thats a bolian vegetable pasty and a glass of Weissbeer. We've got some nice bottles in from an artisan brewery on the Sratt IV colony. Its a good brew."

"Ill take that" Steiner agree "Just a Short beer though"

"Green salad, mint dressing and water, please " Tu-Selok ordered. Steiner wasnt sure if there was an eyebrow-twitch over his choice of a beer. He hoped she wasnt one of those sour Vulcans who went around with a constant air of disapproval. So far she wast.

Okay then, coming right up." She tapped a few places on her padd, sending the order zooming to the kitchen. "And what sort of off-menu items are you after today?"

"How about a case of Starfleet issue phaser rifles? Steiner asked quietly "A certain party told me they were a hot item around here...."

She gave it some thought. You always heard things: rumours of rumours, snatches hear and there. When a man got something of heard something from a bloke in the pub, it was her pub. But the privacy people thought they were getting here was precious, and she didn't want to risk her reputation, or her life. "Well, we don't serve that here," she kept her own voice low and her tone relaxed, "But I've heard Q'uits has that on the menu right now." She lowered her voice again. "As in later tonight, a couple of Bolians will be there. They're going to meet here and then move on when I close at two."

She raised her voice again. "Can I get you something else instead?"

"No that should be all" Steiner said at an equal volume "Unless you care to join us?"

"I'd love to honey, but its just me right now, Pel's taking his break, and I'm short handed. I'll take you up on it later okay." She sashayed back to the bar.

When Ibalin went to sort out their drinks Tu-Selok asked "Do you believe that information to be reliable?"

"I don't know" Steiner replied honestly "But it might be worth checking out"

"Shall I alert the Deputy Aksdal and Deputy Tevlet that we will be making weapons arrest?"

"Nope, firstly I sent Aksdal off-duty sick" Steiner said "Secondly, I'd like to just try some surveillance and see if these Bolians are really up to something. If they are, we'll see where that leads us..."

"Are we not going to arrest them, if they are smuggling Federation weapons?" Tu-Selok asked, sounding puzzled

"Nope" Steiner said again "As I said I'm more interested in bigger fish than a couple of small fry and we don't want to arresting people within hours of them passing through here. Do that a couple of times and word will get around that this bar is unsafe to use. Before you know it we loose a possibly good source and we could end up investigating her murder..."

Tu-Selok thought that through for a moment "There is a certain... logic to that" she nodded.

Steiner smiled "Yes there is"

Just then Ibalin returned with their drinks, when she had set them down Steiner asked " I assume your business manger told you about this morning's meeting of promenade merchants? What's your feelings on the situation down here?"

"Its shitty. I saw the captain this morning too. People are unhappy, frightened that its going to turn into something really nasty, and starting to get angry. Hopefully she'll come down and sooth some ruffled feathers, but you never know with her."

Steiner listened with concern, the situation on the Promenade decks was worse that it appeared, if what Ibalin was telling him was correct, and he had no reason to doubt that.

"We're trying to get a Promenade Constabulary formed so that the civilian sector can become self-policing, but that's going to take weeks to be fully operational" Steiner said "In the meantime, I can request Starfleet runs some additional Security patrols through if you think that would help?"

Steiner wasn't a great fan of having Starfleet in a policing role. Security Officers were great at what they did within the fleet, but that didn't always translate into being good civilian police. But it looked as though there might not be a choice.

"What would help is looking like people are actually doing something about this flu. If security put more bodies on the ground, they might end up just starting another fight, its the sort of thing that Dorian, bless his little cotton socks, would probably love to stir up."

"Dorian?" Steiner asked, keeping his voice neutral. He'd see what other information he could find out about this former Security Officer and hopefully the bar owner would be more likely to tell him if she didnt know he already knew who the man was.

"Dorian Gabriel. puppy dog eyes, tight backside." She shrugged. "He used to be head of security, until he was put on trial for murder. He was, is, an asshat, stroppy little boy. He likes to stir shit with the pro-human neanderthals. If there's an opportunity to denounce an alien, he takes it."

Steiner nodded So Dorian was a pro-human speciest. That was interesting for somebody who wasnt totally human...

"Interesting fellow by the sound of it. What does a dishonorably discharged ex-security officer do for work around here?" he asked

"Honestly, I have no idea. He hardly comes in thses days." She raised an eyebrow, "I think he doesn't like the colour of my skin."

"Really?" Steiner matched the rasied eyebrow "Which shade?" he said with a smile. He'd never quite understood the racist-speciest mentality, people were all different, on the inside and the outside. All he really cared about was whether or not they obeyed the law, not if they had three eyes or blue skin with orange polka dots.

Yolanthe laughed at his joke. "Unfortunately, I don't do any of those awful shades of brown you humans come in." A customer caught her eye and she nodded her acknowqlegement. "I'll leave you too it. See you around, sweetie. Deputy Tu-Selok."

The Vulcan nodded "Thank you Ms Ibalin"

After finishing their lunch Steiner paid the bill and as he and Tu-Selok passed Ibalin on the way out, he said quietly "We'll be back later, probably best if we don't draw attention then"

SHe made no acknowledgement, but the sudden flush of dark yellow across her skin mae it bovious she had heard them. "You two take care now."

Steiner threw her a wink and left. Heading back to the Precinct Steiner said "Finsh up whatever's on your desk and take the rest of the afternoon off. We're doing survellance tonight, plain clothes. We'll meet up at midnight for a quick briefing and then head out. Oh and don't wear anything too.... Vulcan"

"Too Vulcan?" Tu-Selok asked questioningly

"Yeah... you know... the gowns and robes and.. er....stuff, nothing too formal Ok?"

"I think so, Sir... Chief!" Tu-Selok nodded "You intend for us to blend in with the other patrons"

"Correct" Steiner smiled "We don't want to look like we're attending a fancy diplomatic cocktail party, ok?"

"Understood Chief"

CDM Wolfgang Steiner

DM Tu-Selok

Yolanthe Ibalin


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