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Tired of it all....

Posted on Thu Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:53am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

256 words; about a 1 minute read

Amanda is dead. Lee and Aryen abandoned me. Petro decided one night with me was enough for a lifetime I guess. All I know is I'm alone again, alone and being forced to marry the scum of the damned galaxy...

Oh, and Yolanthe Ibalin in addition to being a slut is about the worst excuse for a friend in the world. Awfully brave hiding behind a Gorn, but I guarantee when we meet again it's going to be different. I've no longer got any qualms about vaporizing that bitch, plenty of other prostitutes in the galaxy to fill her spot. How was someone as wonderful as Klia ever able to stomach being around her, even without the Spoonhead she's disgusting. Who attacks the victim? A worthless, self hating, whore, that's who.

The worst part though, as I guess I should've expected, was D'Liin. Not only did he demand I move in with him, he tried to drag me out of the Box, but he's the victim, right? Anyway, once he finally decides to leave he turns around and tries to convince us that Klia is alive. What complete and utter bullshit. Klia is dead, Draylin Tal killed her, left her in the trash, and they beamed her body into space. Klia is DEAD. It pains me, but Klia, like Amanda, is dead, gone from me forever.

Let the hooker chase the ghosts, I don't care, I'm not stupid enough to believe any of it.

They're all dead or gone.

And I'm still here.


-End Log


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