
New digs

Posted on Mon Oct 19, 2020 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

271 words; about a 1 minute read

"Well the new digs seem nice enough. A Star Fleet office is pretty much just that, like a near any other office. It seems as if I am going to move back into the spot I had before I came to this station, intel. Tell you the truth, I always liked the touch of intrigue and danger and I do not think it is going to be anything different.

Oh I might not be running around the galaxy half naked in a casino ship, but after kicking the Cardassians off the station, I do not doubt for one minute that they will not do something or have someone else do it for them. The trick is to try to parse out a bit of loose talk and rumors and try to decide what may be real and what is just speculation. Always a trick to that.

Well, it gives me some time to hit the bars, casinos, and joints for a bit. That bribe to the Ferengi took a major hit to savings. Yes, yes, I know, the Federation provides for all its citizens. That is the running joke. Sorry, but for all the good ideals, there is still commerce and that always has some medium of exchange and credits while all well and good, surprisingly something physical still holds sway.

So let me finish this up and and go parse some intel and grease my palms with a bit new latinum. I have not had a good card game in awhile, maybe even try to get lucky at Tongo.

Well enough for now!

Close log Lt. Yukiko Winters, Intelligence Officer"



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