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First Officer’s Log

Posted on Thu Jan 16, 2020 @ 8:57am by Commander Caleb Ryan

283 words; about a 1 minute read

The last few months around the station have been pretty quiet. Life proceeds apace, an’ we got the Klingons an’ Romulans established on Pangea in the science colony. The Ferengi have begun operations, as well. There are still tensions with the Xi’Cadians an’ Cardassians, but it’s basically settled down ta a slow simmer.

Things have been progressin’ rather nicely with Miss Oliver. Ah wouldn’t’ve thought she was such a big holonovel fan, but she seems ta really enjoy our dates. She an’ Zandy seem ta have come ta some sort of detente over mah relationship with Opal.

Dr. Telemon’s been workin’ with Zandy about her...issues. Ah won’t discuss it heah, An’ Zoe stops by ta help when she can. It seems ta be helpin’. Though Zandy’s still sneakin’ off. Ah think she might have some boy -- or girl -- that she don’t want ta bring home just yet. Ah need ta stamp down mah papa bear instincts an’ trust her.

Ah started buildin’ a little cabin down on Pangea. It ain’t technically legal, as it’s about five miles from the science settlement. But there was a nice space, with plenty a trees an’ grass. So Ah just quietly replicated some tools ta build a little cabin. Ah’ll put up a split rail fence, an’ then maybe Ah can get some real horses out heah again, rather than settle for ridin’ in the holodeck. Just gotta make sure Commander Soran an’ Lieutenant Wells don’t find out. They say it’s better ta ask forgiveness than permission, right?

Well, guess that’s it fer now. Gotta get on shift in Ops.


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