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Sat Oct 20, 2018 @ 6:48am

Civilian 'Arrival' Arlen Grey

Name Arlen James Grey

Position Civilian - Please specify desired role.

Rank Civilian 'Arrival'

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 57

Physical Appearance

Height 6"1"
Weight 190lbs
Hair Color Black / silver
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, well built, weathered complexion, hair is "salt and pepper" kept cropped short, laugh lines, no scars. Only jewellery worn is a gold wedding band. Eyes have permanent retinal implants to correct sight damage.


Spouse Louise Grey (nee Van Halle) Deceased
Children None
Father David Gerald Grey (deceased)
Mother Marie June Grey (nee Hamilton) (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family A distant uncle and aunt.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arlen Grey is a career officer, having served on many ships and stations. Now, after the death of his wife, he has asked to be placed on reserve status.

Masters degree (Philology) Moscow University / Vulcan Academy of Sciences, majored in xenolinguistics.

PhD in Xenoarchaeology, thesis "The Masters of Xorallus, an analysis of the 5th Praesidium"

Masters degree in history.
Strengths & Weaknesses Arlen is generally easygoing and resilient, can be impatient at times. His greatest strengths lie in his work, has earned a reputation as a solid researcher, but has allowed his work to blind him at times. Can be intensely focussed and opinionated at the same time.
Ambitions With the central part of his life gone, Arlen is now looking to new paths, new horizons, he has little left on Earth save memories, and most of all wants to do what his wife asked of learn to live again. Take life one day at a time.
Hobbies & Interests A fan of Klingon and Rihannsu cuisine, old Earth music, an avid reader, writes poetry when the muse strikes.

Personal History Arlen is an only child, his father a teacher, his mother a musician (both now deceased).

Joined the Fleet straight out of school, graduated the Academy at 22. First posting was as an observer at a listening post, then sent for additional training pendng promotion. Made Lieutenant at 25, served aboard USS Tangmere as a junior officer (Ops).

During the next three years, completed his Bachelors, then later Masters degree in history. His interest in archaeology led to a series of offworld missions, during one of which he met, and later married Louise Van Halle, a civiian consultant

Over twenty years, he gained both his masters in Philology and later a PhD in xenoarchaology, with a three year residency at the Vulcan Academy of Sciences, permitted observer status at various digs.

Admitted as an associate of the Vulcan Academy of Sciences.

Upon his return from duty with the USS Tarrant, Louise fell ill, was diagnosed with an undetected genetic disease, passing away five years later. Now suddenly alone after decades, Arlen has buried himself in his work. Through an old friend, he has been offered a position at Deep Space Five as part of the civilian complement, which he has accepted.
Service Record Reserve Starfleet rank : Commander.

Served as a junior officer (Ensign) in training USS Montrose NCC 3409 (two years)

Seconded to USS Tangmere for tertiary training in Ops, assessment for promotion to Lieutenant.(one year)

3rd officer (Lieutenant) on USS Cherokee NCC 2134 (three years), Second and then First Officer, (Brevet, later permanent, promotion to Lt Commander, then full commander upon assignment as first officer) aboard USS Tarrant NCC 90542, a deep space exploration mission. (Four years)

Has been assigned to various ships and stations over a twenty year career, either as a ships officer (detached duty) or as a selected member for a specific mission.

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