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A Blast from the past

Posted on Wed Dec 5, 2018 @ 10:54pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

2,988 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Varirou
Timeline: MD03 1200

[One Week Ago]

Xae’dell topped the hill and stepped out on the cliff top overlooking the sea, the sky ablaze as the sun set nearly touching the horizon. Far below she heard the booming of the waves as the slammed into the face of the cliff. Stopping she watch her husband as he sat bare chested before a large fire, his bat’leth at his side.

She threaded her way through the pylons set into the ground, her hand brushing over then…smiling as she did. One had a fresh nick on it and she smirked.

Chraghwl’IH heard her steps as he meditated. It had been a number of years since he had been called on by then Admiral Da’nal to act as steward for the House of Varal. He had taken the honor of that duty as if it was his very own. While Da`nal had returned to Earth to face the consequences of his actions he had the task of consolidating the House of Toran into the House of Varal. The purging of those still loyal to the House of Toran had been eliminated, all lands and holding of the once great House was now under his control.

Upon Lord Da`nal’s return to the Empire he had award Charg with a share of those holdings and his longtime dream of rebuilding his family….his own house had begun. His past family alliances had tied him by oath to the House of Mogh and by that affiliation, the House of Martock. And while neither House had called on him to honor the oaths of his ancestors, they had indirectly come to his aid in the past. At present those alliances still existed, but his resurrected house was bound by marriage to the House of Kretorg and by oath and friendship to the House of Varal. His own reputation combined with his ties to those four houses ensure the safety of his house as he and Xae worked to grow its future.

Kneeling down behind him she wrapped her arms around him. “You nicked one you know. Getting sloppy in your old age?”

He grunted at her as he turned his head towards her, he chin resting on his shoulder. “What is it that brought you up here?”

“A message from the High Counsel. You have been select as the Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5. And you will never guess who is in command…”

[Present Day]

Charg sat in the command chair of his brand new Negh’var class battlecruiser, the IKV Suvwl’SuS, as it approached the station. He had made sure that those on the station knew a new Ambassador had been selected, but not WHO had been selected nor that when the new ambassador would be arriving. As far as anyone on the station knew, his was just another Klingon ship requesting to dock.

Flight control had directed him to a place in a ring of traffic waiting clearence, like an artificial halo over the crown of the station. "IKV Suvwl'Sus. This is DS5 FLight control. Please state the reason for your visit."

Nodding to his comms officer she replied. "Transfer of a security detail for the Klingon Embassy and rotational shoreleave."

There was a moments pause, then "You are cleared to proceed to docking bay 60 North B. Transmitting flight path. Please confirm."

"Acknowledged Flight Control. Suvwl'SuS Out."

With the channel closed Charg grinned. The information given to the station had been a lie, they had just omitted the part about his arrival. He could not wait to see the look on Maritza's face; too bad Xae could not be here to share in the moment. Rising from his seat he grabbed his cloak and pulled it on with a flurish. "Complete the docking and dispatch the new embassy staff. I want full security sweeps of all our facilities, quarters, and a debreifing of the outgoing personnel."

"Yes My Lord."

Once off the bridge he picked up a few things and made it to the airlock just as the umbilical was sealed. Together with his personal guard they stepped onto the station. It had been along time since he had been on a Federation facility, even longer since he had been on the station.

The trio entered a lift and he spin sharply th face the opening. A bolian merchant who had intended to use the lift as well stopped cold and stepped back. As the doors closed they burst into laughter.

Their moment was cut short by the computer. "Please restate your destination."

"Where is the Commander of this station?"

"Commander Soran is currently in Operations"

"Take me there."

In wasn't too long and the lift slowed to a stop and opened to the stations operations center. Charg strode boldy into the control center, ignoring the concerned looks of several officers. Spotting Maritza almost immediately he belowed. "WHERE IS THAT HALF SIZED COB'LAT THEY PUT IN COMMAND OF THIS MONSTROSITY?!"

Maritza turned from where she was standing outside her office, quickly signing off some padds for her yeoman. She handed them back and turned to look at the long-haired KLinogn in full battle dress, first with anger, then with surprise. "She's right up here. Who's annoying my staff like an over sized ghIlab'ghew?"

Removing his cloak he crossed the distance with a stern focused stare until stood staring down and the little trill. His tight lips expression melted away rapidly gripped her shoulders in his hands and pulled her into fierce hug.

Stepping his hand went to he collar. "Commander Soran. You have come far since we served together...though you still can't take a compliment."

Marittza rubbed at her ribs. Damn Klingon strength "I know you Klingon's have trouble with other people's manners, but insulting my station is not a compliment." She stopped and looked at him and then it was her turn to smile. It had been too long since she'd seen a friendly face. "Charghwl'IH, Son of Soval. Its been a long time! I thought you were supposed to be getting old and fat on Qo'noS? What are you doing here?"

"Older yes...fatter no. It has been too long and so much has changed, but there will be time enough to catch up on events." Casting his arms wide. "I have been appointed by the High Counsel as the new Ambassador to the station here."

"You're the new Ambassador?" Soran didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fate had dropped an old friend into her lap, but in the role of enemy. "Qo'noS thinks sending you will butter me up?"

"Not at all. Of course I am here to represent the interests of the Empire. However you know me well enough that Honor dictactes my actions." Scanning the room, "Perhaps we should talk privately?"

"Perhaps we should." Soran looked over to one of the Petty Officers in the main OPS. "Site to Site to the Obs Lounge please."

A moment later the two were whisked away from OPS to reappear in the Observation Lounge on Deck 22 that Maritza used as a meeting room. She indicated a seat at the conference table. "Blood wine? Only replicated I'm afraid." She walked over to the replicator.

He nodded, "That will be fine. Good thing I have several cases aboard my ship. So why did you think I was sent here to 'butter you up'?"

"Because its what I'd do. If I was interested in a strange new resource in the Klingon empire, and had a skilled officer with a tie to the resources guardian, I'd send them to leverage that connection to the hilt." She brought over a tray with a carafe of blood wine and two goblets. She poured one for Charg. "Without shame or second guess."

"So you think the Empire is now a pack of Ferengi, that it needs to worm its way into your good graces. Do you think so little of me to stoop to such a tactic? Given the recent events I would have thought you would welcome someone from the outside that could watch your back."

Soran poured her own wine. "I said its what I would do. I'm not a Klingon. And believe me. I'm very grateful to have a friendly face in that vipers nest on Deck 60. " She raised her glass. 'oy' DaSIQjaj!"

Nodding he raised his glass in return, "oy' DaSIQjaj!"

Downing the replicated bloodwine he looked over at her. "So what can you tell me about the happens here?"

Maritza sighed. "How long have you got?" She topped up his glass. "I'm sitting on a transdimensional planet that has scientists from every power in two quadrants salivating over the opportunity to study it. The Romulans are lieing low following the recall and dissapearence of Isha t'Vaurek, the former CO. The Ferengi are hoping to loot Panagaea and wring out of it every drop of potential profit to the last strip of latinun,. And the Cardassians..." She drank from her own bloodwine.

"The Consul, Ambassador Turvan is a menance. He's barred from the station. Cardassia Prime has sent a proconsul to take over his duties here, but are refusing to replace him entirely. He's hostile to the point of shooting himself in the foot. He had some of my people put on trial for warcrimes, on a stacked jury, and if it wasn't for the Romulans he would have cost me four good officers. And there's an issue brewing in the Typhon Expanse which is goin to spill over onto us that Cardassia has a hand in. All the way to the elbow. The trouble is, the cardassians are taking the focus of a lot of anti-alien/pro-human sentinment that is building up, so they feel they're justified in their actions."

Maritza drained her blood wine and filled it up again. "They want Pangaea, and there's things afoot over in the Typhon Expanse which might be about to give them a stranglehold on our dilithium supply for at least the next six months."

Charg leaned forward propping an elbow on his knee. "The Cardassian's, for the most part, are honorless dogs. However this sounds similar to the pro-Bajoran sentiment created by the circle many years ago...and the Cardassians had their hands in that as well. But your dilithium issues, is it low production or are shipments being delayed? Or intercepted?"

"Our nearest Dilithium processing facility was held on a planet that just seceded from the Federation." Martiza explained. "The government has annexed the UFP owned facility and stopped all shipments. We're low on stock at the Shipyards as it is due to recent events, and the resupply we were expecting is now not coming."

"Not coming? Because of...?"

"Because the Xi'Cadians have impounded it. And their whole little coup stinks of Cardassians, who just happened to be on hand to extend support and friendship as they decided to 'Go their own way'" She pushed a hand over her hair. "The Cardassians are far more exhausting than a whole war of Kzinti."

"Now those were battles!" He still carried the scar from the battle to free Xae, Maritza, and others that had been captured. It had been a glorious bording operation. Battling deck by deck...but now was not the time for war stories. There was another battle to wage.

Rubbing his chin. "I could dispatch a battlecruiser that would just happen to pass through that area. Perhaps we could get lucky and find that transport."

"Not that I don't appreciate it, but that transport never left XiCadia. And I don't think a klingon invasion would improve matters." She swirled the bloodwine in her goblet, "However much I might like one."

"Ahhh I see. Very well then. However I will make inquiries, I still have friends in the intel community perhaps I can find out if there is anything behind the Xicadia's action. In the mean time; are there and prospects in securing additional resources? ...Other than from the Cardassians."

"Not that Im aware of. The yards are scrambling to get hold of whatever we can in case we cant reach an arrangement with Xi'Cadia." She tapped the botton of the goblet against the table. "The Xi'Cadian situation smells. The current head of government is... well. He was third in line of succession until a few months ago, when some Romulan terrorist cell assasinated the head of state and his deputy. At least, thats the official story."

Turning the goblet in his hand. "Romulan Terrorists? Hmmmm..." He found that unlikely and he hadn't even began to look into the issue. "It is a shame that the station is as far from Klingon space or we could arrange for Dilithium from there."

"That's very kind of you. And if Xi'Cadia doesn't sort itself out; or we find some on Pangaea or elsewhere, I may be forced to take you up on it regardless of distance."

Filling his glass again, speaking as he poured. "Then it is settled. I will have a shipment prepared and dispatched. Just in case. Now...What have you been up since the Vaq'bach?"

"Not a great deal. After That I was given some leave, and then I came out here. Mostly to keep an eye on the Romulan they had put in charge. And when she and the XO left at the same time, It kind of landed in my lap. What about you? You never were the naps and fat babies type."

"I have been quite busy actually. After Kretotg and I helped Da' remember him he was the Captain of the Achilles during the Kzinti war. Well we stood with him and aided him in avenging his father's murder at the hand Toran...who oddly enough he too had been an ambassador here.

"Anyway, after Da'nal killed Toran the High Council awarded him all the of Toran's holdings. However Dan`nal had to return to the Federation to face the consequences for not only stealing the drive section to the Achilles, but for it destruction.

"So while he was away he appointed me steward to him now greatly expanded house and charged me with looking after his two children. After purging those still loyal to Toran and consolidating the two houses Da`nal eventually returned. He rewarded me by giving me of his own house so that I could finally reestablish my own house." Adding with a broad grin, "So Xae and I have been work on creating heirs."

Maritza smiled. "I hope you've had some luck with that." She sipped her blood wine. "Toran of the House of Moqrhat? Before my time." She swirled the wine in her cup. "So now you're here. Is there anything I can do to help you settle in. You'll be on Deck Sixty with the other embassies. We're having some unpleasenness, so I'd advise you to be extra vigilant."

Knowing she was just being thorough he dimissed her concerns with a shrug. "My people will be inverview the former staff concerning the anti alien issues that took place. And i have brought extra security forces for the embassy.

"I understand you have established a research colony on the surface of the planet? I'm sure our science division would welcome the chance to participate as well."

"You'ld be welcome. I suspect the Ferengi and the Cardassian's have already got the best spots. I'll ask my chief science officer to make some room for you, though I'd recommend you see her in person."

Wrinkling his brow a bit, "Ferengi and Cardassians...very well. I will contact your science officer. Her name?"

"Alanna Wells. And she's good, so don't upset her." Maritza wagged a finger at him. "Your neighbours are likely to give you more trouble than she will. The ferengi are their usual avaricious selves, but their ambassador is sharp as a tack. The cardassians are another matter."

"Ferengi on one side and Cardassians on the other; I hope you have an effective medical staff." He added jokingly.

"Very competent." Soran assured him. "Though I will warn them to brush up on Klingon physiology."

He stopped midreach for the bottle and looked up, a grin forming. "That was a good one."

"The bottle?" Maritza asked. "The pattern is open-access. You can get one at any replicator."

Looking over at her with a crooked grin as he poured the wine. "No....your implication it would be my warriors that would be needing medical attention."

Maritza stared at her reflection in the dark glass for a moment. "There are elements here...Elements I cannot find. Your warriors are good, Charg. These people couldn't take them face to face, they'd never land a blow. So they won't come at you face to face. They lack honour. So I'm preparing for the worse because a resurgence of klingons on DS5 will provoke them."

Nodding he know all to well the tactics of the dishonorable and how to deal with them. "I see. Well good thing I'm here then. With all these enemies, it definitely sounds like you need an ally. Whatever my people discover will be yours."

"Thank you." She smiled at the Klingon who used to be her commanding officer. "I am glad you're here Charg. Allies are in short supply."

His expression shifted to one of concern. "Is it really that bad?"

Maritza nodded. "Its worse than it seems. We're fighting to maintain normalcy, but everytime it seems the pro-humans or the cardassians or someone else are always one step ahead."

Leaning back he listened to his friend and heard the frustration in her voice.
He sat silently for a moment before leaning forward, staring at her with confidence, placing his hand on her arm with a firm grip. "Then it is time to turn the tide."


Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
Deep Space Five


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