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A Stiff Talking To

Posted on Sat Feb 14, 2015 @ 5:30am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

421 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Deep Space, beyond the MIDAS Array
Timeline: Four years ago


Oded Veyr surveyed his crew. There weren't many left. Even now they were hanging back, trying to avoid being associated with Bo Lin. The Boslic's eyes were fixed on the wall over Veyr's shoulder, not meeting his eyes.

"Just what do you think you were doing?" Veyr asked him in a bright and friendly tone. "I was very specific in my instructions." Bo Lin did not reply. Veyr turned his head to see his xo. "I was specific, wasn't I Taluk?"

Taluk grunted, "Yes Boss," and looked away, not wishing to draw the captains ire.

"So I ask again, what do you think you were doing? That merchandise is valuable. More valuable than you, that's for certain. We're talking bricks of latinum. Its not pocket change. But the deal was for undamaged. I gave my word." Veyr shook his head. "A man's word is a precious thing. Honor isn't something that Klingons fart you know Bo? Its a valuable commodity in our line of work. If we make a deal, we must deliver on it. Otherwise who will take us seriously? Who will believe we will rain down bloody vengeance on anyone who crosses us, if we can't keep our end of a deal agreed?"

Veyr looked backed to his crew "I'm dissapointed, Bo. I thought we'd settled this. I know we've lost some good men, but if you had succeeded, then they would have died for nothing. We've come along away for this. Losing sight of the goal now..." He put one hand on Bo's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "You've let me down. You've let yourself down. You've let your fellow crew down. Hasn't he boys?"

There was quiet, nervous mutterings of agreement. No-one wanted to seem too reticent, but no one was eager either.

Veyr turned back to Bo Lin. "Nothing to say for yourself? No, don't answer that. Just know that this is me being nice, because I stopped you before you could do actual damage. If you had actually put a mark on that woman, I would be very cross with you right now. Don't do it again."

Bo Lin said nothing. Satisfied Veyr nodded to himself and took Bo Lin by the scruff of the neck, lifting him slightly. Then he tugged the long diamond shaped knife out from Bo Lin's head. He'd driven it all the way up through the skull until the man's chin had rested on the cross piece. The body finally dropped on the floor.



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