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Ashes & Anger, part 2 of 2

Posted on Thu Sep 13, 2018 @ 1:16pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Victory Conditions
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD09 0430

Previously on Ashes & Anger

And now the conclusion

Yolanthe caught River's wrist as she turned away. "Some pain killers, please? My first aid kit is under the smouldering ruin." She didn't want to feel the itches and distractions as her scabs formed, and she figured it would buy her a good nights, well, morning, sleep.

"No problem. It's a good idea actually" River agreed and got out a hypospray, loaded it with pain relief and shot it into Yolanthe's neck gently. The Bokkai was tall and River had to reach a little, having let her patient get up before administering the hypospray but she was still accurate in the location of the dose and it had immediate effect.

"Get her to sickbay and evaluated. I'll be by later to interview her." Lt. Trellis said stepping over to the gathering. "We still need to continue with possible search and rescue operations and we can't do that with a triage unit setup inside the immediate area." The Trill added.

"I don't need sickbay," Yolanthe said, "and if anyone's still in there, they're dead. At least one person transported out."

Trellis did not have time to argue with her in the middle of a crisis. "You were involved in a massive structural explosion. It is very possible that you suffered mild traumatic brain injury due to the vibration of the explosions. Get to sick bay and get evaluated." He said again.

Yolanthe had had enough of upstart men telling her what to do tonight . But the adrenalin was wearing off, and exhaustion was starting to creep in. She looked to River for support.

River was torn. It would be prudent to have all the casualties just checked over but Sickbay was probably better off concentrating on those who really needed the facilities and Yolanthe was likely to just sleep off those meds shortly. Why not in her own bed. Then again she didn't want to start a wedge point and end up with everyone refusing. She didn't take more than a second or two to think these angles out and she nodded to Yolanthe and turned towards Trellis.

"I don't think we need to overburden Sickbay with someone who doesn't need to be there at the moment, especially if she objects to the idea. Let's have Ms Ibalin return to her quarters with a condition that she doesn't leave there for 24hrs and I'll come up and check her out in the morning. I can medically discharge her then and you can interview her in comfortable surroundings for her." River decreed and then was distracted by a paramedic coming up to her for something on a PaDD which needed the Acting CMO's thumbprint for authorisation.

"Fine." Trellis said. He did not have time to argue. He still needed to contain the scene and begin the recovery of the various bodies that were located within the bar. "Get her out of here so we can determine who is beyond saving." He said.

Yolanthe bit her tongue, but got to her feet on her own, and the painkillers were kicking in, enough that the worst of it was numbed but the sleepiness was yet to kick in. She didn't need anyone's help. And she would probably get bored in her quarters. She could always come back lately. But she coudln't just leave a boy to explore the ruin, knowing what had happened there. She caught Trellis' arm. "Be careful," she warned. "I don't know who they were, but they were all well armed. And I saw grenades. "

Trellis looked down at his arm and then to the woman as he slowly removed it from her grasp. "It seems as if your establishment always attracts the worst the station has to offer." He said coldly as he turned and began to walk back to the other security personnel who were finally able to get through the rubble and begin scanning for active explosives.

After a few moments there were several signatures on his tricorder. One was towards the rear of the rubble pile, under where the mezzanine had fallen in. Another was in a heap of collapsed flooring where the dabo tables had been. And another was almost directly in front, next the remains of the bar itself, barely two meters from him.

Chief Kunar'el's antenna moved slightly as he studied the signatures on his tricorder. None of this made sense. The signatures did not seem to match the same quantum variance as just about every other person in the immediate vicinity. Kunar'el was certain that if he ran more scans he would find that the signatures did not match anybody on the station at all.

Not to mention the indication of Orion remains made the conflict appear to be about more than just a possible Dabo dispute.

"Sir, from the readings I'm picking up, I don't think these individuals were regular inhabitants of the station. Not to mention that sensors detected a emergency transport shortly after the first explosion took place." He said.

"How did someone beam out through our shields? We've been on high alert since the USS Svikiri incident." Trellis responded.

"They were able to reroute the signal through a civilian maintenance vessel that was docked with the station. Evidently, they found a way to use it to leapfrog from inside the station to the maintenance scow and to another location." The Chief Petty Officer reported. "This wasn't some barfight, this was planned, sir." He added.

Yolanthe heard the comment, and her blood chilled, her skin blurring from dark yellow to pale green, and then smoothed back to a pale lavender. Of course it was planned. Raddon had tried to get rid of her. And the other group were obviously on a mission too. If that was the best security could offer, they'd never figure it out, give up and go home.

Trellis knew that there was more to this. There was always "more" when I came to this damned establishment. Part of him was grateful that it was currently smoldering in ruin. Perhaps more lives won't be lost in this hellhole anymore.

"Alight, continue scanning the area and catalog every particle you find." He ordered. "Get some more personnel in here if you have to once Ops and Engineer secures the area." He ordered.

River reassured themselves that everyone was accounted for or declared deceased then she and her team left Trellis to his investigating.

"If we're needed again, just call." she said as she finally beamed back herself, the last medic to leave the scene.


Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation

Lt Cmdr River Hart-Nelson
Acting CMO - DS5

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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